
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 53 Planning for Retirement

 "You may get two medals this time."

 Zoe revealed a surprise to him while sucking on Jack's Love Noodles that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

 "Everyone involved in the operation will receive an outstanding collective award from the General Administration. They are still discussing whether to award you a separate police star." It

 would be false to say that Jack was not surprised, although the police star is only An internal medal of the LAPD is comparable to a helicopter in the promotion channel. If he can win this honor, his police resume will undoubtedly be plated with a layer of dazzling gold.

 Seeing her little man looking at her with a moved face, Zoe quickly waved her hand and explained: "Don't look at me like that. Although I voted in favor, the first person to propose was Chief Superintendent Randy McPherson."

 Jack was a little bit I am confused, this Chief Superintendent and I had never met each other, how could I be paid attention to by such a big shot?

 Zoe covered her mouth and chuckled: "Don't you know how many eyes were on you after you registered the python revolver at the police station?"

 Seeing that he still had a confused expression on his face, Zoe Yi continued to explain: "Chief Superintendent was one of Detective Rick Hunter's friends back then. He paid for the custom-made python. Your uncle Hunter has been working in the LAPD for nearly 40 years. He has many All the big shots in the police department have been favored by him."

 "As the main planner of this subversion of the [Southern Front], the name Jack Tavole has entered the vision of many upper-class people. There was a robbery last night. The chiefs of the Homicide Division and the Metropolitan Division are asking me about you."

 "Oh, and that Hondo seems to be interested in you too. In his words, his team needs someone better at using brains than brawn. Newcomer."

 Jack opened his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect that he, who was troubled by the human society in his previous life, would benefit from it in this world. The world is unpredictable, and the big intestine wraps up the small intestine.

 "It seems that I need to formally invite Uncle Hunter and Aunt Hunter again, but before that, should I thank Superintendent Anderson first?"

 As he spoke, Jack picked up Zoe in the air and held her in her arms. Walking into the bathroom with exclamations.

 Well, I did buy the three-meter-wide bed correctly, but the bathroom at home also seems to need to be remodeled. The old double bathtub is difficult to accommodate three people.

 After seeing the two dazzling beauties in the evening, Jack, who was busy with housework, always had a smile of fascination on his face. He didn't wake up until Hannah's video call came in.

 "Hi, Ginnie, how are you doing lately?" Hannah smiled so happily in the video that even her forehead wrinkles appeared.

 Jack sneered: "Humph, there are still 149 days left. I will count the days every day and wait for you to come back. Then I will prepare a big surprise for you."

 Hannah curled her lips to show that she didn't care about Jack's threat . , the two chatted for a while, mainly about the specific process of yesterday's raid.

 Jack was scratching his head about this matter. His original purpose was to use this plan to extract Zoe who might be in danger. Whether it could succeed or not was not important. He didn't expect that the black-faced superintendent's acting skills were so good. [King Midas] was deceived.

 Things got bigger and bigger later on, and they even provoked the accountant assassin. Fortunately, the FBI took over the subsequent trouble.

 For the Wilshire Division, whether the [Southern Front] will cause any trouble due to the fight for territory after the disintegration is the work of the Anti-Crime and Anti-Narcotics Division, which can be regarded as one of the few patrol officers at the most basic level. The good thing is that you don't need to take on too much responsibility.

 After hanging up the video with Hannah, Jack just finished cleaning up the house and started his daily exercise time.

 He has gained a lot recently. Let's not mention yesterday's gains. His unremitting study and exercise have also increased his attribute values. His current mental power has been increased to 23, and his physical fitness has been increased to 22. 

 The weight has increased again, and the figure has not changed at all, but the weight has increased to 90 kilograms. He doesn't know where the extra weight goes. Jack suspects that his bone density may have been enhanced.

 Now the backyard of the new home has been installed with some simple fitness equipment and two wooden dummies. Jack has also cultivated a small vegetable patch and spread it with mulch.

 Although Los Angeles has a Mediterranean climate and is mild throughout the year, it is December after all, and the temperature at night is still a bit low. He did not expect to have any big harvest, so he planted some onions, ginger, garlic, water spinach, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes. Like this, just think of it as gaining planting skills and experience.

 There are too many rules here in the United States. The lawn in front of the house must be taken care of regularly, and vegetables cannot be planted randomly. Otherwise, neighbors who look down upon you may report you and get into trouble.

 But the backyard was not a big problem. Jack planted a circle of fruit trees not far from the courtyard wall, including lychees, apples, loquats, oranges, and grapefruits.

 He even planted two mulberry trees, of course not to raise silkworms, but in anticipation of eating mulberries. The black circle in his mouth after eating the mulberries was one of his best childhood memories.

 "Jack, you are only 22 years old, why do I think you have already planned your retirement life."

 The next day, John, who came to help renovate the kitchen, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the mulch film and fruit saplings he was tossing in the backyard.

 "I'm just looking for some hobbies for myself. My dream retirement life is to have my small farm where I can plant some fruit trees, have a small pond where I can fish, and raise a few cows and two horses."

 John curled his lips. I have no words to express to my best friend at this age who can be my son.

 However, after a busy day, Jack felt something was wrong. Mr. John Nolan, the former construction contractor, seemed to be slightly above the entry-level level in carpentry.

 He is good at reading drawings and pointing fingers, but his practical ability is only about the same as his own.

 "Why do I feel like I've found myself an overseer instead of a helper?" Jack looked suspicious of life.

 John answered with a smile: "After I had my team, I seldom worked in person, and more often bargained with others."

 Seeing Jack's confused look, he continued to explain.

 "For example, I need to explain to a single mother of four that the kitchen renovation is delayed because the tiles haven't arrived, or convince the bank to give me a week to come up with a loan."

 "So when we first encountered the suspect, When you were a hostage, you chose to try to persuade him instead of shooting him in the head?" Jack said as if he suddenly understood.

 "Well, actually I wanted to take advantage of him and shoot him in the leg." John tried his best to show his respect.