
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 54 The Accountant and the Cop

Jack hammered the last nail into the sink cabinet and sat down on the ground. Today's progress was considered complete.

"Next time, remember to shoot for the head. Criminals won't shoot you in the thigh. I don't have many friends. I hope that by the day I retire, there will be many of these guys around me."

John laughed. "Then I have to work hard. Stay healthy, and especially have a good relationship with my dentist. I don't want to wait until I'm in my 70s and not be able to bite into that delicious stew you made."

"That's okay, I have a lot of recipes here for the elderly. Even if you don't have teeth, you can enjoy it."

When looking for someone to work, it's natural to ask someone to eat and drink well. For lunch, the two of them just had simple pasta mixed with Jack's homemade tomato sauce, a minced meat stewed egg, and sprinkled with black pepper. He was full of praise for John's food.

For dinner, Jack stewed a roasted chicken with chestnuts. Taking into account the Americans' preference for a sweet taste, he added a little more sugar, added a piece of kale with oyster sauce, and served it with fragrant rice, which made this guy burp.

After seeing off the satisfied John, Jack returned to the house and was about to start his regular exercise when his cell phone suddenly rang. Looking at the unknown number displayed on the screen, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Jack Tavole, patrol officer of the LAPD Wilshire Division, has just been on the job for half a year and has already ended his internship early. Your resume is very outstanding. You killed 5 criminals in less than 6 months."

Jack calmly, the familiar electronically synthesized female voice made him guess who the other party was, and he answered calmly.

"Thanks for the compliment, but it's not very polite to randomly investigate someone's background. Are you a friend of the man in the suit the day before yesterday?"

The other party was silent for a while, seeming to not understand Jack's calm attitude. After more than a minute, the electronically synthesized female voice came again.

"What do you know?"

"I don't know anything, but just like you are interested in me, I am also very interested in you."

The voice on the other side was silent again, as if he was uncomfortable with having the initiative in the conversation taken away, and again, after a long time, the call was suddenly hung up.

Jack put away his cell phone, thought for a moment, and rushed into the bedroom in three steps. Five minutes later, he left his home carrying a travel bag, got into his car, and drove to Los Angeles Airport.

Seven hours later, after walking out of the Chicago airport, Jack took out a disposable mobile phone he bought at a convenience store before boarding the plane and called the car rental company. Soon, a blue Ford sedan that had been scheduled in advance parked at his car before.

Taking the key from the driver, Jack called the goth girl Abby Shouto again. "You found it, right? Give me the address."

Before 9 a.m., the blue Ford car stopped in the plain. In the parking lot of a small shopping mall on Wabash Road, Jack got out of the car and found one of the dazzling signs hanging on the front of the shopping mall.

[ZZZ Accounting Firm]

With a satisfied smile on his face, he gently knocked on the door of the accounting firm's office.

"Come in."

Hearing the deep male voice coming from inside, Jack walked into the office. An unusually tall white man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing thin black square-rimmed glasses, sat behind the desk, with his right hand on the table. He was holding a P14 pistol equipped with an Osprey silencer, facing him.

"Isn't it too unkind to treat a friend like this?"

Jack put down his travel bag from his shoulder and threw it casually on the floor by the door. He slowly opened his coat and showed it, indicating that he was not carrying a weapon.

"I just got off the plane. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) will not allow an ordinary LAPD patrol officer to carry weapons on a flight."

"Who are you?"


He was confused by Jack's behavior and his eyes wandered. He was not good at dealing with people, and now he had no idea how to deal with this strange young policeman in front of him.

"Jack Tavole, patrol officer of the LAPD Wilshire Division, hasn't your friend already investigated me? Mr. Christian Wolfe."

Jack sat down at the desk and looked directly at the other person until he looked at him again, avoiding looking at each other.

"Your friend called me yesterday, but I prefer face-to-face communication, so I took the liberty to come and visit."

Christian Wolff put away his P14 and loosened his blue shirt awkwardly. tie.

"How did you find me at that time? I have observed the angle of the sun at that time. You can't find the reflection of the scope."

Jack smiled slightly. "Everyone has their secrets, right? Just like you. You can think I have a sixth sense that is beyond ordinary people."

As he spoke, he took out five 10-cent coins from his pocket and placed them one by one on the desk in front of him. The coins were face up with the face of George Washington on them.

Jack moved very slowly and lined up very neatly. He even carefully turned Washington's head towards the opponent. When he placed the last coin, he seemed a little careless, and the direction of the portrait on the coin was a little crooked.

Christian Wolfe suddenly felt bad. He resisted the urge to reach out, his eyes twitched, and his fists under the table were clenched tightly.

"You see, you are not the only one who has hacker friends. Of course, we are even now."

Jack said, readjusting the crooked coin.

"Now can you tell me what you want to do with me?"

The accountant's tense nerves relaxed, and his expression became much better.

"We originally thought you were just an ordinary policeman and wanted to reach some mutually beneficial cooperation with you, but now it seems you don't need it."

Jack waved his hand. "No, no, no, you misunderstood. I am just an ordinary LAPD, can you tell me more about the cooperation your friend mentioned before?"

The accountant's face was still expressionless, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, but he

 still started to narrate in a calm tone.

"I have done some financial work for several trafficking groups and have some information, so I need some friends to cooperate with me."

"What do you mean by cooperation?" Jack was confused.

"Kill those D gangsters or send them to jail."

"Can't you do it yourself? Just like you did the day before yesterday."

The accountant shook his head. "I can't kill every bad guy who comes to me to do accounting or launder money. Then it will damage my reputation in the underground world."

Jack laughed dumbly. "So you took action yesterday because..."

"That Cole tried to let his men secretly take photos of me, and he is the stupidest gang leader I have ever seen."

Okay. Well, although I don't understand the details, I can tell from the accountant's tone that there is some personal grudge in it.

"Then why did you think of cooperating with me? Just because my excellent sixth sense allowed me to detect your existence a few hundred meters away?"

Jack was still a little confused and couldn't think of a reason why the accountant wanted to find him.