
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 41 Chase (1)

Jack raised a finger at him and waved it left and right: "No, no, no, don't ask me for advice in this regard. I am a devil and can only confuse people. You'd better stay away from me."

  " And when we were treating the wounded just now, there was a guy hiding behind the big tree behind us. Although he hid himself very well, the sound of handcuffs and anklets was not hidden from me. I didn't want to make a contribution and end it early. Are you a rookie?"

  At this time, Hannah and Angela walked out of the bushes, with a strong black man between them, who was moaning in pain after having pepper spray sprayed on his face.

  "Hey, boys, you should hurry up, the credit goes to us."

  John shrugged and raised his hand to indicate that ladies have priority.

  The called ambulances have arrived one after another, and the injured county police officers and prisoners have been sent to the hospital one after another. The prisoners who were lucky enough to be uninjured and did not try to escape are being escorted back to the prison.

  Superintendent Gray was in front of the police car, assigning search tasks with patrol officers from various districts who came for reinforcements.

  "As far as we know, we still have seven prisoners on the loose."

  "Six." Tim and Lucy were escorting a bald white man who appeared out of nowhere.

  Superintendent Gray's gloomy black face softened slightly and he nodded towards the two of them.

  "Well done, let me correct you. There are still 6 prisoners on the loose."


  Hannah and Angela struggled to pull the strong black man up the steep slope and appeared in front of everyone.

  Superintendent Gray grinned, showing his neat white teeth.

  "Great, at this rate we'll be home in time for dinner tonight. But the fugitives without traffic are going 4 miles an hour, and they started running away 20 minutes ago."

  "So we're a mile away. A blockade has been set up, and helicopters are patrolling continuously. If there are no accidents, the only thing left is to search from house to house and find these guys one by one."

  "But." Zoe stood up and continued, "If the prisoner escapes the blockade Line, the search within the scope will evolve into a city-wide pursuit, which will bring a lot of trouble to the security of the whole city, so the next task is assigned. "

  Tim, Lucy, Angela and other groups took the K9 The team (police dog team) went door-to-door to search. New female police officers Nila Harper and John, plus police reinforcements from other police districts, were responsible for checking passing vehicles on the blockade. Three groups including Hannah and Jack started Patrol the roads with police cars, ready for reinforcements at any time.

  Good news soon came as Tim and Lucy caught one prisoner on a community street, and Angela and a police officer caught another in a parking lot.

  This idiot tried to escape by stealing a vehicle from the parking lot, but ended up choosing a high-end Mercedes with keyless start.

  Then Jack and Hannah received a request for help from John.

  During the inspection of the vehicle, he and Nila Harper noticed that a white driver looked too nervous and replied that he had just returned from preschool. However, although there was a child safety seat in the back seat of the car, there were half-eaten snacks beside it. , no child was found.

  John blocked Officer Harper's attempt to open the trunk and let the car go, suspecting that the prisoners were hiding children inside.

  "So what are you going to do now?" Hannah asked him through the car radio.

  John's voice was a little anxious: "I just threw my phone to the driver and confirmed that someone had kidnapped his 5-year-old daughter and hid it in the trunk."

  "But the driver didn't dare to stop the car. The escaped prisoner had a gun in his hand and asked to take it." He will only let his daughter go to a safe place. We haven't thought of a good solution for the time being."

  Jack chuckled and interjected from the side: "A safe place? Is there any safer place than the garage of the Wilshire Police Department? ?"    

  As he spoke, Jack had already seen John's police car ahead, following a red Camry.

  "John, I saw you. Let's speed up to the front. The back is too easily exposed. You contact the car owner and ask him to follow. I'll notify the bureau to get ready."

  Fifteen minutes later, the red Camry slowly drove into the garage. After closing the garage door and not turning on the lights, the surrounding light was dim. The driver got out of the car, nervously walked to the back of the car, patted the trunk lightly, and said in a shaky voice.

  "We're safe."

  Then he opened the trunk. Inside, a thin Latino man was holding a pistol and huddled in the back. The pistol was pointed at a five or six-year-old girl. The prisoner looked at him with a fierce look. .

  "There's no one around. I've done everything you asked. Now give me my daughter back and you can take my car."

  The driver said, reaching out and handing over the key. The thin man waved his pistol and motioned for him to take it away. little girl.

  The driver quickly picked up the little girl and hid aside.

  Suddenly the lights in the garage came on, and at the same time there was a loud shout: "Put down your gun!"

  On the left and right corners, the camouflaged police officer Neela Harper and another African-American police officer appeared. He pointed his gun at the thin man, and there were four or five police officers surrounding him at the front of the car.

  The thin man, who was still wearing an orange prison uniform, could only put down his pistol obediently and was handcuffed.

  Seeing the driver, who was always very nervous, holding his daughter tightly, almost paralyzed, John quickly stepped forward to support him, while Jack took the little girl from his hand.

  The little girl was pink and cute, and she didn't look scared at all. When she saw a handsome big brother coming to hug her, with two dimples on her face, she smiled sweetly and stretched out her little arms to wrap her arms around Jack's neck.

  Jack subconsciously wanted to kiss that little face with baby fat, but suddenly remembered that he was in a beautiful country, and he resisted the urge.

  "Wow, you're such a cute sweetheart, let me kiss you."

  Hannah on the side didn't have so many scruples. It was rare to see such a cute little girl, so she just leaned in and kissed her.

  The little girl shrank her head shyly, glanced at Jack, hesitated for a moment, followed Hannah's example, and gave Jack a big kiss on the face.

  Seeing that the father had recovered from John, Jack smiled and returned the cute little sweetheart to him.

  "You are a very brave father, and your daughter is also very cute."

  "Thank you, thank you very much." The father sincerely thanked everyone present.

  Officer Neela Harper, who had just escorted the prisoner away, hurried back and shouted to everyone: "Superintendent Anderson and Superintendent Gray are calling everyone. We have to go back quickly."

  Everyone drove back to the scene of the accident again, and the emergency personnel They have been evacuated, but only the firefighters and some workers are still busy around the prison truck that has rolled down the hillside.

  A police command vehicle converted from a bus parked on the side of the road, and everyone got on board.

  Seeing that everyone had almost arrived, Superintendent Gray said: "Now three more fugitives have been arrested."

  "There are two left. Six hours have passed. We need to assume that these two prisoners have escaped. Lockdown area."

  (End of chapter)