
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 42: Arrest (2)

Zoe turned the laptop in front of her so that the screen was pointed at everyone.

  "Max Gibson, only 24 years old, but he has been with the Fifty-Fourth Street Gang for over 10 years."

  "He was recently charged with aggravated assault and attempted murder in Victorville and was sentenced to 12 years in prison, fifty The Fourth Street Gang will help him escape prison at all costs, including helping him run to another state."

  Local snake Tim nodded: "I have an informant in the Fifty-fourth Street Gang, and he may provide us with some information. Inside information."

  Superintendent Gray ordered: "Go talk to your informant."

  Tim understood and turned around to leave with Lucy.

  Zoe continued: "Very well, the next fugitive is Caleb Yost. In my opinion, he is the most dangerous one."

  "This man is 44 years old and is a former bank investor. He was sentenced to five years for fraud, and eight years for resisting arrest and biting off the deputy sheriff's nose during the arrest."

  Everyone watching looked at each other.

  Superintendent Gray said: "The FBI believes that Caleb hid a large amount of cash before his arrest. He will most likely find a way to retrieve the money and flee to other states with it."

  "So we have to find a way to use it. Use FBI clues to find out where he hid the cash, and then wait and see?" John mused thoughtfully.

  "Then, everyone, take action. Before Tim learns enough information from his informant, you first visit Caleb's relatives based on the FBI's information to find where he hides his cash."

  Zoe waved for everyone to disperse and act separately.

  Jack and Hannah visited Caleb Yost's first wife, a former supermodel in her early 30s. She has remarried and seems to be quite in love with her current wealthy husband.

  The two asked briefly before saying goodbye and leaving. Back in the police car, Hannah used the radio to learn about the latest developments from the command center. There was no trace of the two escaped prisoners yet.

  But Tim has bad news. His informant said that the gang member named Max Gibson is unlikely to go back to the Fifty-fourth Street Gang for help, because this guy has previously had a relationship with the woman of the gang boss Cohen. .

  Jack almost laughed out loud when he heard the news: "Why did this guy run away? Doesn't he know that he is safest in prison now?"

  Hannah shook her head: "Not necessarily, Victorville's The prison is not a high-level prison, and there may be gang members inside who are always trying to kill him."

  "It would be more troublesome to be killed outside. If the body is disposed of by then, our task will be difficult."

  Jack shook his head , contact John's group via walkie-talkie.

  "Hey, John, have you found anything over there?"

  John's reply came from the intercom: "We just arrived at the house of Caleb Yost's second wife's aunt. The volunteer in charge of this community said that she would go there every day. I went to church, but I didn't show up today, so..."

  "Hell, I think we need reinforcements, the door lock was broken."

  Jack and Hannah looked at each other, checked the location reported by John from the police laptop, and started Police car, sound the siren and hit the road.

  "John, be safe, we are nearby and will be there soon."

  Five minutes later, the two arrived at their destination, during which John described the situation through the intercom on the public channel.    

  Caleb Yost hid money in the fireplace of his ex-wife's aunt's house. When John and Nella Harper arrived, he took the hapless old woman hostage and is currently barricaded in the living room fireplace. forward.

  Jack and Hannah got out of the car and were about to go into the house to assist John when another call from Zoe came over the intercom.

  It turns out that Tim's informant is a former gangster who quit his job. The gangster who had a sister-in-law was once his subordinate. The informant tricked the gangster into his home and notified Tim to arrest him.

  As a result, they were discovered by members of the Fifty-fourth Street gang. The gang members came out in force and blocked the community where the informant lived. Tim and Lucy had already rushed there, but a large number of police forces were now rushing to John and Jack, and there was no way to do it in time. support.

  According to Tim's report, thirty or forty gang members gathered at the scene, vowing to dye the color of their boss's hat back with blood.

  Of course, this is Jack's own interpretation, and there is no such thing as a cuckold.

  But in any case, the situation on Tim's side is actually more dangerous. Once a melee breaks out, innocent residents of the entire neighborhood will be implicated.

  Zoe demanded that the hostage situation be resolved as soon as possible, while Tim would try to delay the situation and wait for Jack and the other police reinforcements from other districts to arrive.

  "It's such a mess, they all came together." Jack muttered unhappily, and rushed into the house with Hannah.

  Both of them were a little confused when they saw the scene in front of them. This was not a normal hostage situation as they imagined. The suspect put a gun on the hostage's head and then threatened the police to let him leave.

  The current situation is that John and Nila Harper are guarding both sides of the living room, one from the front door and the other from the back door.

  Caleb Yost, a former banker, leaned gloomily by the fireplace in the living room, surrounded by a dozen stacks of knives taken out of the fireplace.

  His right hand was holding a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to the trigger of a shotgun. The shotgun was wrapped with tape around the shoulders of an old woman who was tied up at the other end of the living room, with the muzzle pointed at her head.

  Okay, this counts as putting a gun on the hostage's head, but there are a little more steps.

  John was still shouting to the former banker: "Caleb, it's over, you can't run away." The

  former banker looked like a desperate madman, raising his right hand high, and the right hand tied to the trigger was raised high. , shouting crazily.

  "Get out, you guys, or I will dye the walls here red with blood."

  John was still using his verbal skills: "Now, what you are facing is only a charge of aggravated assault, which may make you Go to jail for a few more years, but if you kill her"

  "Shut up!"

  Caleb Yostra straightened the rope in his hand and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense to me, I hate prison, if you have the chance Run away and I will definitely catch you."

  "Back off and find someone who can make the decision, otherwise I will pull the trigger."

  "Hey, I originally thought it would be a bit awkward to tie up Aunt Sally with tape . Silly, now I feel like I did the right thing."

  Seeing this scene, Jack relaxed and quickly ran through this guy's information in his mind, and he suddenly had a solution.

  He patted John and whispered in his ear: "Don't you think this guy talks too much? Leave it to me."

  (End of Chapter)