
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 40 Emergency Rescue

Superintendent Gray, who got out of the car first, was asking him about the situation.

  "How did the accident happen?"

  This middle-aged and stout county police officer, although he had a head injury, seemed to be still conscious, but he was still in shock and stammered.

  "Well, a coyote suddenly ran in front of the car. Graham turned the steering wheel hard and we fell down."

  Superintendent Gray looked down the slope and continued to ask.

  "How many people are there in the car?"

  Seeing the LAPD surrounding him, the county police officer calmed down a little.

  "Twenty prisoners, and two guards."

  Sensing that he was a little unsteady, Superintendent Gray hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

  "Are there any prisoners who escaped?"

  "There should be."

  Seeing the county police officer lose consciousness, Superintendent Gray shouted an order.

  "Go down and count the number of people."

  Zoe on the side picked up the walkie-talkie and called the command center.

  "The command center, this is 7L10, is at the scene of the car accident. I declare that the entire city is on tactical alert. A large number of ambulances are needed, and additional helicopters are dispatched for search."

  "Deploy all idle police forces from Rampart to North Hollywood to perform search missions on site. , centering on the scene of the car accident, search the surrounding area, and the tentative range is limited to an estimated ten minutes' walk."

  Jack pulled out his gun and followed the others down the steep slope to the bus that was still smoking.

  This kind of bus, which is specially designed to transport prisoners, has been modified. Because there are strong protective bars outside the window, even if it rolls down a steep hillside, people will not be thrown out of the window and fall everywhere.

  But when everyone arrived at the front of the car, they saw a prisoner wearing an orange prison uniform lying outside.

  Tim stretched out his hand to hold the other person's carotid artery and shook his head, indicating that this was already a corpse.

  Jack and John were on guard against the overturned bus, while Angela and Hannah, who were relatively petite, got in through the shattered windshield at the front of the bus.

  A dozen injured people in the car fell to the ground in various directions, some were still groaning, and some were dead. An injured county police officer saw the two of them trying to get up, but was pulled by Angela to signal them not to move.

  "The ambulance is on the way. Please briefly describe the situation."

  "Seven prisoners escaped. They took away my keys and pistol."

  Angela immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to report.

  "Attention all units, there are seven prisoners on the run, and at least one is armed with a gun."

  At this time, John noticed that there seemed to be movement in the bushes in the distance and shouted loudly.

  "There is a situation observed at ten o'clock."

  Tim signaled: "Go and take a look, be careful."

  Jack thought for a while, he couldn't help here, there are so many seriously wounded prisoners, it's not worth it . Save, you can't just go up and do nothing, just touch them one by one, so he said hello to Tim.

  "I'll go too. There are fugitives with guns. It's too dangerous for John to be alone." He then followed into the bushes.

  Behind the bushes was a path leading to the dense forest. A large trail of blood trailed on the dead branches and leaves on the ground. The two looked at each other and took turns to cover their way into the dense forest.

  A few steps ahead, a man's painful groans were heard. John was about to shout loudly, but Jack, who had already concentrated on improving his perception, patted his arm to signal his attention, and then quickly stepped forward.

  They found the third county deputy, the deputy captain, who had lost his left foot and was still desperately trying to crawl forward.

  "Hey. Relax and let me help you."    

  Jack knelt down on one knee, put one hand on the other person's shoulder, and used healing techniques. The other person was obviously on the verge of hemorrhagic shock and was already unconscious.

  John quickly turned on the intercom and called: "7A15, I need an ambulance. Immediately. The location is 60 yards east of the scene of the car accident. The man is about 50 years old. The injury is urgent."

  Jack took out his belt and tried to stop the bleeding while trying to press the button Live the wounded who are still trying to struggle.

  "I have to go get help, someone's running away, I gotta go get help."

  "Hey don't move, backup is on the way, we're here, what's your name."


  "My name is Jack, he's John, are you the driver? Your colleagues have been saved. Just lie down and don't move. The ambulance will be here in a moment."

  Graham's face turned pale, his lips were trembling, and his voice was broken.

  "Am I going to die?"

  Jack asked John to help lift the opponent's thigh, tied a knot in the belt, put it on the broken limb, and then answered.

  "You won't do it when I'm here, just bear with it."

  After saying that, before he could react, he pulled the belt violently and tied the broken leg that was still bleeding tightly to death. Now was not the time to consider whether it would become necrotic. Stop the bleeding and this guy is going to die.

  Graham was so weak that he couldn't even scream. His whole body convulsed and he almost fainted.

  "Hey Graham, stay awake, okay? You'll be fine."

  Jack kept slapping the other person's cheeks, not daring to let him pass out.

  Graham's injury was too severe. He failed to stop the bleeding in time after breaking his leg. He crawled on the ground for nearly a hundred meters. Even his treatment could barely maintain his vital signs. And as time went on, Jack's head began to weaken. I also started to feel dizzy, which was the result of mental depletion.

  Good old John couldn't bear to see this kind of scene the most, and the expression on his face was so painful that he almost cried.

  "You'll get better soon, you know, you'll get better, as long as you hold on."

  "This is 7A15, when will the damn ambulance arrive?"

  Jack listened, and vaguely heard the call of the ambulance. The police siren sounded, and he quickly patted the nervous John.

  "John, the ambulance has arrived. You go and pick up the first responders. I'll watch him here."

  John nodded, turned and ran out, and arrived with the first responders in less than two minutes.

  The wounded man was put on the stretcher, and the two of them helped carry him all the way to the ambulance. At this time, Graham, who was gradually regaining his consciousness, suddenly grabbed John's arm.

  "Tell her. I love her."

  John, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, quickly came closer to his mouth and asked, "Who does she refer to? Who do you want me to tell you?"

  Graham looked like he was about to die and muttered. Murmured: "Bess, tell Beth."

  Looking at the ambulance going away, John was in a daze and looked at Jack who was rubbing his temples.

  "Do you think he can survive?"

  "Probably, we will go to the central hospital together after the mission in the evening to find out. By the way, we can meet your old lover. Haven't you had an appointment with her recently?"

  John was changed by Jack's topic. He almost twisted his waist and looked a little embarrassed: "I have apologized to her, but I have been too busy these days and haven't asked her out yet."

  Jack patted him on the shoulder: "Seize the opportunity, I saw her last time When I arrived, I found that the wedding ring on her right hand was gone."

  John squeaked a few times and sighed: "Jack, Jia Lisi did tell me that she was going through divorce procedures recently, which is also the reason why she came to Los Angeles, but , do you really think this is a good opportunity? After all, we haven't contacted each other for so many years."

  (End of Chapter)