
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Xu Chunlei's consciousness

Xu Chunlei is a little embarrassed today.

His heart is strange, do not know what kind of idea, in short, is feeling depressed.

Is it his fault that this has happened?

If it is, he clearly reminded Xu Dongsheng many times, and in the end, he saved the rest of the people.

Otherwise, with the mysterious and powerful Zhang Yi's style of work, this wave of people in Xujia village will not have survived!

But if not, if he had gone with all the others, the casualties would not have been so great.

With such a strange mood, Xu Chunlei walked back slowly step by step.

"Grandpa Three entrusted me to protect the Xu family before he died?" What can I do?"

"If the killer god comes, I am no match for him, and I am afraid I will have to run away."

"I thought that the awakening of the power should become the dragon proud day, but why so many trouble things come to me."

"I just want to be a salted fish lying flat!"

Xu Chunlei heart surface dont understand.

However, when he returned home dejected, he saw the figure of a girl waiting at the door.

The girl was eighteen or eighteen years old, wearing a long white down jacket with a brown fluff on the edge of the hat.

Under the hat, a face the size of a hand.

When she saw Xu Chunlei, she walked quickly over.

"Are you Brother Spring Thunder?"

Xu Chunlei heart "click" a sound, as a two-spined ape, he has a natural barrier for how to communicate with the three dimensional female.

Just hearing the girl's sweet voice, his mind did not know how to turn.

"Ah... I am Spring Thunder brother, you... That... Who are you?"

Although they are all from the same village, there are many people who are not familiar with them.

The girl smiled sweetly: "My name is Xu Lili!" today Thank you for bringing my dad back."

Xu Lili's eyes were full of happiness and gratitude.

"My dad said if you hadn't done it, they would all have died there."

Xu Chunlei confused eyes inside appeared a light.

He's not a sinner, he's a hero, and he's supposed to be a hero!

"Ha ha, this is what I should do."

Xu Lili smiled and said, "My father is not convenient to come now, let me thank you for him."

With that, she lowered her head and said sheepishly, "Sorry, there is nothing in the home that can bring you." I have to come empty-handed."

Xu Chunlei repeatedly waved his hand: "No, no, they are all from the same village, don't mention it!" If you ever need anything, just come to me."

Xu Lili chatted with him for a moment, then waved, turned her head and disappeared into the snow.

Looking at Xu Lili's back, Xu Chunlei's heartbeat was speeding up frantically.

Although he could not see the girl's face clearly, he felt that he was deeply in love with her.

"Xu Lili? Not very familiar, although they are Xu family, but should be out of five?"

The otaku man who said that he would never be tempted by a three-dimensional woman did not hesitate to violate his own beliefs.

He raised his head, his eyes firmly clenched his fists: "This family will be guarded by me!" I must give her and the baby a safe environment."

Xu Chunlei returned home, thinking about how to deal with the next crisis.

Two encounters, let him deeply realize the terrible Zhang Yi.

In particular, when Zhang Yi killed, there was a pure killing intention, without the slightest hesitation!

The traps laid, the weapons used, are designed to kill as many people as possible.

Therefore, Xu Chunlei instinctively imagined Zhang Yi as a bloodthirsty monster in his heart.

"This time he must be angry, and maybe later he will attack Xu Dong Village and kill everyone in the village!"

"I promised Grandpa Three to protect the village, and now that I'm in love, I can't watch him ruin my happiness."

But what to do?

Xu Chunlei can not dare to go with Zhang Yi.

Until now, he had never killed a man himself, and at most he had used ice and snow to attack neighboring villages while fighting them.

Thinking about it, he thought there was only one way to solve the problem.

Those are two words - peace talks!

Xu Chunlei thought of this idea, suddenly the heart is very excited.

"What a genius I am! I can think of anything that dangerous. But to protect the entire Xu family, there's... Hey hey, and Xu Lili, I go for it!"

He quickly sat in front of the computer, opened the computer began to find Zhang Yi's contact information.

"Lily must like me, right? Yes, it must be so!"

"I saved her father's life, and the way the show goes, she must have a crush on me."

"Then let her love me more!"

This fat bastard has a crazy imagination.

In fact, I just came to say thank you to him, and he and this inhuman relationship is just.

But nerds, they don't get to interact with real women on a regular basis.

Even if they did, they would be so nervous that they could not speak.

So if the girl showed a little bit of affection, he would think of the names of both grandchildren.

Simply put, people just flat a, he df two connection big move.


The next morning, Zhang Yi came out and carefully put away the damaged traps around him.

The most powerful grenade traps and detonating mines had already been triggered, but traps and pegboards were strewn about.

In addition, a large number of bodies were left on the ground, both whole and broken.

There's a lot of flesh hanging from the roof, and it looks kind of disgusting.

Zhang Yi in line with the principle of not wasting, they are all buried in the snow.

And then rearrange the grenade traps.

The most powerful detonator mine is gone, and the remaining one is on the west road.

Powerful weapons, the original barracks did not remain, at this time 80% in the hands of some special shelters in Tianhai City armed teams.

It took Zhang Yi several hours to rearrange the traps on the road.

The people in Xu Dongcun probably don't have the guts to get any closer.

These traps are left waiting for a possible second wave of enemies.

It is also funny to say that those people in Xu Dongcun have not connected to the villa.

Their threat to Zhang Yi is about zero - if you don't consider the ice and snow power.

Think of that ice and snow department powers, Zhang Yi is still some appreciation.

The other person is very similar to him in some way, that is, fear of death.

All the while, the other side kept enough distance from him.

And after finding that he was not an opponent, he did not hesitate to flee decisively to a safe area.

What's more, the ice and snow powers he has are so useful!

Both offensive and defensive, but also change the terrain, resulting in a wide range of ice and snow effects.

md, it's like the ice method in online games!

"We must find a chance to kill him later! This kind of person can be a big problem if he grows up later."

"Since we can't be friends, we must be treated as enemies, and we must kill them in advance!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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