
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Hero or bear?

Xujia Town.

Xu Dongcun.

The villagers fled back in panic, embarrassed.

Many people had been frightened by the horror, blinded, fell in the snow.

The screams of the wounded were repeated, and some people were crying for their dead relatives.

The women who stayed at home were terrified when they saw this scene.

They had expected to welcome their returning heroes, along with a bounty of loot.

But I didn't expect that how strong the team was when I went, how embarrassed it was when I came back.

And the number of people decreased by nearly half!

"Where is my son? Where is my son?"

"Wit, Wit!

"Wait, where's my husband? Has anything happened to him?"


Women searched in panic for their fathers, husbands and sons.

Both survivors and survivors are devastated.

Xu Chunlei stood in the square of snow and ice, looking at the tragic situation of the villagers feel particularly uneasy.

"I have warned you."

Xu Chunlei sighed and hurried back to his home.

He didn't want to face the grieving villagers.

But it wasn't long before someone broke into his house.

"Xu Chunlei! What are you hiding here for?"

His cousin Xu Yongzhi took him by the arm and said anxiously: "Come with me, Grandpa three is dying!" He wants to see you!"

One heard that three grandpa Xu Dongsheng is dying, Xu Chunlei is also scared, quickly followed to Xu Dongsheng's home.

By the time he arrived panting and dragging his fat body, Xu Dongsheng's door was already crowded with people.

When people see Xu Chunlei, their eyes are full of complications.

This look let Xu Chunlei feel cold back.

Because from the eyes of these villagers, Xu Chunlei did not see any gratitude, but only complain, even disgust!


A kindred uncle spat on the ground.

A woman wiping tears and gnashing her teeth said: "Spring thunder! I heard you weren't the only one in our family this time. Why don't you go?"

"We in the Xu family are lucky that you have extraordinary skills. You don't want to take the lead. Instead, you stay at home."

"Do you know how many people in our Xu family died because of you?"

Xu Chunlei cold sweat DC, this aunt has always been strong, he is also very afraid.

"And again... I didn't tell them to go. I tried to persuade you!"

Xu Chunlei whispered.

Others did not hear it, or did not care.

So many people died in the family, almost every family has a man killed, naturally very angry.

A group of people have tongues, pointing to Xu Chunlei on the blame.

"If you had been there, you could have used your skill to manipulate the ice and snow without getting everyone killed by a bomb!"

"What was going on in your head?"


Xu Chunlei had a flash of anger in his heart, and he wanted to shout loudly: "It's not me who let you go!" I don't care!"

But on weekdays, the house is used to, and the heart wants to be beautiful again, really in front of the family elders can not be presumptuous.

At this time, an old man with glasses and a comb of thirty-seven came out.

'All right!

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, the other people restrained their words, but their eyes still stared bitterly at Xu's cleft lip.

The old man took a look at Xu Chunlei and said meaningfully: "Go in, the third brother calls you!"

This is Xu home old six Xu Dongtang, Xu Dongsheng's own brother, in the Xu home is also a successful career, quite a prestige figure.

Xu Chunlei lowered his head and came to the room across the crowd.

He built the house out of ice and snow.

After the heavy snow came, the people around were buried by the snow, and he used his skills to help each family build a house.

Snow and ice have good wind protection and heat preservation functions, and it feels really good to live.

The only drawback is that the brazier or candle in the house will melt for a long time and need to be repaired frequently.

On the bed in the igloo lies Xu Dongsheng, who is dying.

He was old to begin with.

After this scare, he directly lost his mind and was scared out of the problem.

See Xu Chunlei come, Xu Dongsheng face with a look of guilt.

"Spring Thunder, you've come!"

Xu Chunlei hurried to the bed, "three grandpa!"

Xu Dongsheng said weakly, "It's my fault that I didn't listen to you!" Otherwise, our people of the Xu family would not have died so many."

Xu Chunlei's nose turned sour.

Being blamed like that by the villagers, his heart does not know how wronged he is.

Fortunately, the village chief understood him.

Xu Dongsheng continued: "Hey! I was also confused. I thought that since we had not lost a battle with several villages around us after the snow disaster, there was no one we could compete with."

"But now I understand that our village is so powerful because of you."

"It's just a group of villagers farming and fishing, what are they supposed to be?" In the end, it cost me my life!"

Even when a man is dying, he speaks well.

Xu Dongsheng now repent, but it is too late.

He looked at the fat boy by the bed, took him by the hand and said, "I've already told them about the family. Blame an old man if you want, but it's not your fault."

"How can we ordinary people compete against those inhumans with great abilities?"

"They all have dead families now, and they may say unkind things to you." I hope you don't blame them! After all, we are all of the same family and we have to help each other to survive in times like this."

Xu Chunlei smell speech, heart is also some moved.

He nodded and said, "Grandpa three, I know. I won't mind it!"

Xu Chunlei gave a bitter smile, "I am going to die. Before I left, I was just worried about the Xu family, afraid that our family would cut off the blood line."

"So, Spring Lei, Grandpa Three asks you something before he leaves. I hope you can protect the Xu family!"

Xu Chunlei looked surprised and quickly grasped Xu Dongsheng's hand: "Grandpa three, what are you talking about?" Your health is fine!"

Xu Dongsheng mouth smile is a bit far-fetched.

At a certain age, people know a lot about their bodies.

They can even predict their own death.

"Spring Lei, grandpa is gone. After that, the Xu family will be entrusted to you."

Xu Dongsheng said this sentence, to Xu Chunlei waved.

"Well, go out. I'm tired and want to rest for a while."

After that, Xu Dongsheng slowly closed his eyes.

Xu Chunlei big feeling bad, called several times "three grandpa."

"Don't shout, don't shout..."

"I'm tired. Let me get some sleep."

Xu Dongsheng left this sentence as if whispering, and then his head tilted and suddenly died.

Xu Chunlei hurried to call the people outside.

Xu home all rushed in, see already closed eyes Xu Dongsheng, they immediately cry as a ball.

And Xu Chunlei found that no one cared about him, he went out in disgrace.

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