
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi finished the trap and turned back to the shelter.

Those people in Xu Dongcun aren't a threat to him, the ice Power is.

But after seeing the potential of the other side, he will not voluntarily choose to cross the river.

It's better to wait for an opportunity to kill when the other person is not prepared.

After all, he now has a powerful sniper rifle that can reach a terrifying range of 1,500 meters!

Zhang Yi back to the living room sitting on the sofa, Zhou Ke and Yangmi diligent came over, help him rub shoulders, beat legs.

After that, Yang Mi's attitude toward him became closer and closer.

It is not superficial perfunctory, but from the heart want to be close.

After realizing the cruelty of reality and her own weakness, Yang Mi wisely chose to cling to the man in front of her.

This kind of life is very enjoyable for Zhang Yi.

Both women are wearing the clothes Zhang Yi prepared for them at home.

Yang Mi without exception is a low-cut slip dress with Balenciaga black silk, her proud figure, only this kind of clothing can perfectly highlight all the advantages.

But Zhang Yi did not let her wear shoes at home, must use the black silk feet to walk around.

Some women have such beautiful little feet that it is a pleasure just to watch them tread on the ground.

What's more, Yang Mi has received special physical training, even a leg lift will appear particularly elegant and charming.

And Zhou Ke is tall and tall, is comparable to the international famous model of nine heads, especially that a big miss temperament out of the school door family, is the average woman can not learn.

So there's more to exploit in her.

Zhang Yi is always pushing her boundaries and making her clothes more sexy.

But his favorite is the fruit apron.

The kind of appearance that looks like wearing, in fact not wearing, is really a person can not stop.

Compared with Yang Mi, Zhou Ke 'er is more in line with the image of a good wife and mother in his heart.

If such a life can be maintained, Zhang Yi no problem in life winner.

At this time, Zhang Yi's mobile phone suddenly rang.

It's the phone.

With a slight frown, he took his phone out of his pocket.

The call came from an unfamiliar number.

He could not help thinking of Lu Fengda a few days ago, when Lu Fengda also obtained his personal information through Internet means.

After all, Zhang Yi is not a special person, and his personal information is sold everywhere on the network by major information platforms, which is not difficult to obtain.

The phone has been ringing, Zhang Yi's eyes some playfulness.

The first time, this time he was much more calm.

With his worst secrets already out in the open, what else could he be afraid of?

On the contrary, Zhou Ke and Yang Mi all looked at him nervously.

Women want to rely on men to make them feel safe at times like this.

Zhang Yi opened the mobile phone very casually.


On the other end of the phone, an excited voice came: "Zhang Yi! Hello, I'm Xu Chunlei! Thank you for taking my call. Could you give me a minute? I'd like to talk to you."

"Xu Chunlei? A surname, Xu? You are from Xujia Town!"

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed a touch of fine aeng.

Zhou Ke 'er and Yang Mi's face also slightly changed.

Only yesterday, their shelter was attacked by villagers in Xujia town.

So they don't have any affection for the people in this place.

Xu Chunlei said: "To be exact, I am from Xudong Village in Xujia Town. But that doesn't matter!"

"I... I called you this time because I wanted to talk to you. Let's not have any more conflicts in the future. How about reconciliation?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yi could not help laughing sneer.

"Ha ha ha! A settlement? Are you kidding me?"

He lowered his voice and said coldly, "From the beginning until now, you have been picking fights with me!"

"Why? There is no such thing in this world, is there?"

The end of the phone Xu Chunlei suddenly nervous up.

He sat in his chair and began to sweat out.

In fact, now, his heart is very afraid, and he sees Zhang Yi as a powerful killing god.

"No, I mean to ask your pardon! All this is wrong with our village."

"But for the sake of the fact that we have done you no harm and have suffered heavy casualties ourselves." Will you forgive us?"

"In order to express your apology, you can offer any conditions."

Fat Xu's nervous voice trembled.

Zhang Yi also heard this.

He could not help feeling strange.

If the people of Xu Dongcun really intend to reconcile with themselves, they will surely send a reliable person over.

But listening to the voice of the man opposite, it was clear that he was not an experienced character.

He stroked his chin and asked, "Can I ask you if you can talk to me on behalf of Xu Dongcun?"

Xu Chunlei swallowed the spit and nodded firmly.


"On what grounds? Who are you?"

"Actually, I'm the inhuman who fought you twice."

Xu Chunlei said his identity.

Only in this way can he get Zhang Yi's attention.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi knew that the opposite voice of the youth is Xu Dongcun ice and snow inhumans, the eyes also became serious many.

'So it's you!

Xu Chunlei said: "Yes, that's right. It's me! Zhang Yi, do you think I am qualified to negotiate with you?"

If it's him, he's in a position to negotiate.

Xu Chunlei, is Zhang Yi in Xu Dongcun only afraid of the character.

Zhang Yi narrowed her eyes, "Oh? Do you mean to say that as long as I agree to a settlement, you Xu Dongcun can meet any of my demands?"

Xu Chunlei grinned, "As long as the conditions are not particularly difficult for us, I can promise you!"

Xu Chunlei dare to say so, because Xu Dongcun really nothing is worth Zhang Yi about.

After seeing Zhang Yi's powers, he can almost conclude that Zhang Yi must have a large number of Walmart warehouse materials.

So in terms of food, Zhang Yi will not be lacking.

In terms of other living conditions, what is better in that huge luxury shelter than in Xu Dongcun?

The fat man may be a nerd, but he's not stupid.

Zhang Yi also felt that the fat man was not so stupid.

He smiled, Xu Dongcun really nothing is worth thinking about him.

The grain that the farmers store and the fish that they catch are no better than the stuff in other Spaces?

However, this does not mean that Zhang Yi does not miss things.

"That's good! What I want is you, Xu Chunlei!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

Can let him forget, of course, Xu Chunlei that potential unlimited ice and snow power!

If you can draw this inhuman into your own little brother, it will be of great use in the future!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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