
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

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Having repelled the rats, the men moved on as usual.

It's just some rats that look big and may be a threat to ordinary people.

But which of these people here today is not a powerful inhuman?

So Zhang Yi several people were not much affected.

But Zhang Yi is a little worried: "I don't know if these mice are so noisy, those zombies will be alert."

Liang Yue frowned: "These mice and zombies are located underground, what kind of relationship is it?"

"Who knows, keep going!"

Zhang Yi has no time to think too much now.

The underground space didn't feel good, and he didn't want to spend much time there.

Several men walked along, picking up some speed.

But they could always feel that there were countless eyes watching them in the dark.

These shadowy underground creatures have not yet given up, waiting for an opportunity to attack them.

Zhang Yi also had no mind to pay attention to them.

It was not until he found his torn and shredded combat uniform in a corner of the tunnel that he felt some fear.

"Their teeth are so strong that they can bite through ordinary combat uniforms!"

"It's better to keep some distance from them."

Fat Xu worried and said, "Will the rat bear a grudge? We'll be in trouble if they follow us out!"

"Not for a while. It was warm and humid underground and freezing outside. These rats aren't Arctic lemmings, and even if they were hardy, they wouldn't be stupid enough to come miles away and mess with us."


In a subway tunnel outside the Yangsheng base.

Dong Hu with a group of elite soldiers came here to investigate intelligence.

But not long after they had advanced, they were attacked by rats.

Mad rats surrounded them from all sides, pouncing with red eyes and neighing.

The sharp teeth act like knives, puncturing their protective suits.


"These mice, they are monsters!"

"Be careful, don't get bit by them, they can chew through our protective suits!"

The soldiers screamed one after another, and had to use flamethrowers and rifles to frantically kill the rats.

The three inhumans led by Dong Hu dared not leave their hands, and roared to unleash their abilities.

Dong Hu's ability is "inflammation fist".

His fist can release the raging fire in a way that releases the high temperature flame, which can burn a colony of rats to ashes in an instant!

After more than ten minutes of fighting, they struggled to beat back the rats.

But eight of his men have already died at the jaws of the mutated rat.

Many soldiers were seriously wounded.

Dong Hu's face was covered with haze.

They have just entered the underground tunnel soon, have not yet found the location of the body group, unexpectedly first by the mutation of the giant rat beat so embarrassed.

A soldier opened the rat's mouth and gasped at the sight of the huge, cold rodent.

"There are such monsters under the ground! If they get to the base, they'll be even more difficult to deal with than zombies!"

Dong Hu grimaced, and after a moment's silence, said, "Move on! Our goal is to find the herd, get Intel on them. Until then, we must overcome whatever difficulties we encounter!"

Now even if let him go back, he has no face to see Xiao Hong practice.


This way, Zhang Yi, after cleaning up the rats.

Several people walked along the way for a long time, and passed two stations.

Finally, when they reached the third subway stop, they found the bodies!

They did not hide, they did not attack a few people, but like a dead sleep, they lay in a dense group in the tunnel.

As far as the eye can see, the narrow tunnel is full of zombies!

"They're sleeping!"

Uncle You lowered his voice.

"That makes sense."

Zhang Yi whispered: "Even as a host of the virus, action also needs to consume energy." So when they are not given orders, they lie in the dark."

Uncle You held up the flamethrower in his hand: "Well, should we burn them all?"

Zhang Yi looked at the dense sleeping zombies, recalling the words that Zhou Ke said.

These zombies retain a part of their biology, and technically, they're more like a swarm.

In that case, they also need to rest and fall asleep.

"If they can fall into a deep sleep and never wake up, there's no need to wake them."

Zhang Yi thought very beautiful, but the reality is always very cruel.

Not long after they appeared here, a sleeping zombie suddenly opened its eyes.

More and more zombies climbed up from the ground, their twisted bodies standing upright in a strange posture.

When they saw a living person in front of them, they gave a hoarse roar in their throats and rushed towards them like crazy!

"It wasn't so easy! Now there's some trouble."

Zhang Yi frowned, did not let Uncle you use the musket, but opened the dimensional door to block the way.

Although it's a good way to get rid of these ordinary zombies.

But it's bound to attract the attention of the dead King deep in the tunnels.

If you want to kill the corpse King, it will no doubt become more difficult!

A horde of zombies rushes through the door of the dimension.

Liang Yue several people see this scene, the eyes are full of envy.

As far as defense is concerned, Zhang Yi's attribute points are almost full.

And this ability is almost impossible to solve unless it is forcibly broken by excessive energy attacks!

The flow of bodies continued, but suddenly they stopped as if they had received some sort of command.

So neat that it feels as if someone has suddenly pressed the pause button.

Then, the zombie swarm stopped outside the scope of the dimensional door, and issued a disgusting and ugly cry towards Zhang Yi and others!

"The Dead King has found us!"

Zhang Yi said in a quiet voice.

"In that case, there is no need to keep it! Burn them!"

Uncle You and Fat Xu came over and pointed the flamethrower directly at the bodies.

In the narrow tunnel, the flamethrower can play to the maximum power!

Two more than ten meters long fire dragon covered the front dozens of zombies, immediately burning flames!

After those zombies were burned, their bodies suddenly twisted and made a "crackling" sound.

The flames spread to the rear, and before long hundreds of zombies were covered in flames.

And the following zombies actually began to slowly back away from the flame covered range.

Zhang Yi's eyes are full of caution, he said in a deep voice: "The corpse king is not far from here, chase it!"

He closed the dimensional door and chased a few men into the depths.

The road ahead was completely blocked by a dense mass of dead bodies.

They issued a disgusting howl, but did not dare to rush to Zhang Yi and others attack, but slowly receded.

Because the number of zombies is too much, the flamethrower is especially refreshing to use, just like doing barbecue.

There is no way, Zhang Yi's spatial powers are too abnormal.

It completely restrains the ability of the zombie swarm, so that the zombies who attack by biting can not play their own group battle advantage.

This even gives the illusion that these zombies are very weak.

However, if you have seen them wreak havoc in the four major forces, no one will ever have such an idea again.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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