
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


"Whew --"

"Whew --"

The flamethrower continued to emit a torrent of flame that lit up the tunnel and incinerated any zombies standing in the way.

The dead crowd retreated in fear, and in the face of Zhang Yi's abnormal ability, they had no power to fight back.

But the expression on Zhang Yi's face was not much joy.

For him, there's no sense of accomplishment in getting rid of these ordinary zombies.

He wants to kill the corpse king who secretly controls the horde!

If the corpse king is not dead, it can continue to create such zombies.

But the corpse King clearly picked up on the movement.

Trying to find its location will be even more difficult!

But come to come, Zhang Yi will try anyway.

With the bug-level defense ability of the dimensional gate, Zhang Yi took a few people to kill the past.

Hua Hua and Liang Yue did not even have a chance to shoot.

However, Liang Yue's eyes looked behind her from time to time.

She reminded Zhang Yi: "Those giant rats are still staring at us behind our backs!"

Damn sewer rats can hide in every nook and cranny.

There are probably more of them than zombies, and they're impossible to kill.

Zhang Yi said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about them for a while! We must find the location of the dead King as soon as possible and kill him for good!"

Liang Yue said: "But the speed of progress is still too slow!"

There are too many zombies in the tunnels.

As far as the eye can see, the end of the tunnel is full of moving heads.

At this rate, I don't know how to burn until the year of the monkey.

Zhang Yi said: "It doesn't matter, we continue to move on!" This time we have enough supplies and power food. We can fight them."

Liang Yue could not help but open her eyes, she realized that Zhang Yi had already prepared for a protracted war.

And she didn't even think about it at first.

"A long war in the tunnels? This..."

Liang Yue feel Zhang Yi practice some risk.

This is very inconsistent with Zhang Yi's usual style of doing things.

Because the deeper you go, the harder it is to get out of a crisis.

Can Zhang Yi full of confidence, let Liang Yue put the voice of the eyes and swallow back.

She carefully held the Tang sword, standing on Zhang Yi's left side.

As a top martial arts master, with her, any enemy who wants to surprise Zhang Yi from the dark is impossible.

Another half hour passed, and the party did not know how many zombies had been killed.

Those zombies get killed, they can't fight back.

And Zhang Yi maintains the dimensional gate is consumption-free, and does not even need to take power food to supplement power.

Gradually, they noticed that the speed of the zombies' escape accelerated.

As if realizing that there was no way to kill the incoming enemy, the Corpse King began to gather his forces.

"The number of zombies is low, we can pick up some pace!"

Uncle You said to Zhang Yi.

Fat Xu was a little excited, "Maybe the corpse king has fled along the subway!" In that case, all we have to do is blow up the subway and we'll be done with it!"

Zhang Yi didn't think so.

"You think so beautifully. The subway is not closed. There are many subway entrances at every distance."

"If you want to stop this place completely, you can only blow up the entire subway tunnel!" Do you think it's possible?"

Xu fat face a little embarrassed, "it is not too realistic oh!"

The length of the subcanal line is more than twenty kilometers, and I don't know how many explosives it will take to blow it up.

It would be more practical to kill every zombie in this place.


This is Yangsheng Base Survey Corps.

They are now located inside the Wing Cheong Line subway tunnel.

After being attacked by rats, they lost some of their soldiers and struggled to advance.

Finally, let them find the bodies sleeping in the subway.

Dong Hu's pupils shrank sharply.

"Retreat, retreat!"

The zombies smelled the taste of the living, opened their eyes one by one, and stood up from their sleep.

It's so dense, it looks like there's zombies from this side of the subway to the end.

Maybe tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands!

It even gives people a feeling that all the dead people in the whole Tianhai City have been dragged into the subway by the corpse king and turned into this terrible zombie.

"Run and don't look back!"

Dong Hu a blow out hard, raging flames will be the front dozen zombies lit.

But behind them, legions of zombies push the ones in front of them away, and then rush over like crazy!

Musketeers and grenades and trolls were all used, and the Investigative Corps, knowing that the zombies were afraid of fire, arrived armed with these weapons.

With the power of their weapons, they slowed the horde's advance.

"We must retreat first! This size is more than ten times the number of corpses that attacked us the other day. There is no way to fight!"

Dong Hu and others scalp numbness, the number of zombies in front of them beyond their imagination.

Although they had prepared for it in advance, they were shocked when it happened.

"Retreat quickly, our firearms will hold them off for a while!" Get out of the nearest subway, now! Move it! Quickly!"

Dong Hu calmly shouted command.

They're not here to die, they're here to gather intelligence.

So when you encounter an impossible swarm, you have to run away.

But just then, a soldier using a flamethrower opened his eyes wide.

He pointed to the huge shadow before him. "This... What is this?"

Not only he, but all the members of the investigative corps saw the huge figure behind the wall of fire.

It stepped through the raging flames, revealing a monstrous head three times the size of a normal human.

"Roar --"

The first few soldiers were torn apart in an instant, and even when Dong Hu and other inhumans saw it, their hearts fell into deep despair.

'This is bad!


Zhang Yi a line of people chasing the body group all the way forward, the whole tunnel is flame.

They wore characteristic combat uniforms and walked through the flames and burning bodies without being affected.

The zombie horde is also retreating rapidly, and their numbers are slowly decreasing.

Zhang Yi several people through the tunnel, suddenly came to an open place.

It's a new station.

At this time, Zhang Yi understood why the zombies dissipated so quickly.

This is the transit station, so the zombies can quickly disperse towards the other tunnels.

"Now there's some trouble! With the transit station, we can't figure out exactly where the dead King is. So how do we figure out where to go?"

Fat Xu helplessly looked around, like a headless fly.

"But I have a feeling."

Zhang Yi suddenly opened his mouth.

His eyes were like knives, sharp and sweeping all around.

"That thing, it's not far away."

Just as he had finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps in the surrounding tunnel.

"Click, click..."

"Thunk! "Thunk! "Thunk!

As if stepping on a corpse, walking toward them heavily and slowly.

The sound echoed through the dark tunnel, as if it came from all directions at once, leaving no idea what was approaching and how many.

"Here they come!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts