
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi picked up her feet again and walked forward.

"What do we care, now we just have to make sure there are no zombies around the shelter."

In the last days, there is no time to care about others.

Fat Xu nodded: "That's right."

A few people do not hurry or slow forward.

Since they are starting from the original station, they do not need to worry about zombie attacks behind them.

We just have to keep moving forward, and sooner or later we'll find the swarm.

They walked for a long time, and on the road they saw dense corpses, all of which were dead bones, not even a trace of flesh could be seen.

"What good teeth they have! Even if you chew a bone, you can't chew it so clean!"

Fat Xu chatty character again attack, perhaps everyone does not speak, it appears that the atmosphere is a little nervous, he wants to active the atmosphere.

"Look at this bone, all the meat has been eaten away. Hey! No food is wasted."

Uncle You answered casually: "Maybe it is rotten!"

Fat Man Xu said, "Uncle, how can meat rot in such cold weather? Haven't you ever eaten zombie meat? Freeze it in the freezer for a year or two, and you can sell it out!"

"God, that's disgusting."

After Xu Fat man such a gag, the atmosphere of several people really became less tense.

Hua Hua leads the way with his tail drooping. The cat's sense of smell is much stronger than ours.

That's why he's the main force in the search for the bodies.

A few people are walking, suddenly in front of the flower eyes staring like a copper bell, alert low SOB.

'Pay attention!

Zhang Yi immediately raised the gun in his hand.

There was a flash of dark shadow ahead.

Did not wait for Zhang Yi shot, Liang Yue suddenly pulled out a short knife from the waist, backhand threw out!

The knife struck a dark figure like lightning and nailed it to the ground!

Zhang Yi put down the gun, this time can not shoot as far as possible not to shoot, to avoid alarming.

There was a collective gasp as several of the men walked cautiously over to get a good look at what it looked like.

The object that Liang Yue had stuck in her knife was a gray rodent.

It was gray all over and looked like a small dog at first glance.

But only when they saw its long tail and long beak did they recognize it as a huge mouse!

"It's a fucking rat! It's bigger than a cat!"

Fat Xu was so scared that he wanted to eat his hands.

Yes, this mouse is twice as big as the flower!

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, "Mutant mouse! Not surprising."

A normal mouse can grow to the size of a cat if it has enough food.

But the mouse in front of me is clearly overgrown, and must be mutated.

Zhang Yi thought of the corpses he saw along the way and suddenly realized: "The bodies we saw before were all chewed up by rats!"

Fat Xu remembered and muttered, "There are so many dead bodies, there must be a colony of rats here!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a haze in everyone's heart.

Especially Liang Yue, the expression on his face is a little wrong.

Although she is a gritty martial arts master, the girl has an instinctive aversion to rats.

If a bunch of rats really did show up...

At that moment, Hua Hua suddenly stretched her neck and gave a shrill cry.

"Meow -"

The deep voice is full of deterrence, which is the sound that is made when you meet a strong enemy.

At the same time, the narrow tunnel, from all corners of the "squeak" chirp, in the tunnel constantly echoed.

"Now you're really in the rat house!"

Zhang Yi helpless said.

From every corner, like a stream of water, came a large number of giant rats!

They are as small as normal size, as big as kittens, dogs, and even in the gray group of mice appeared as large as the piglet white mice!

"That's disgusting!

Liang Yue could not help Shouting, and her hair stood upright.

Zhang Yi noticed, however, that the eyes of those mice were eerily red.

They are said to be the eyes of a beast that ate human flesh.

You don't have to wonder what these dark sewer creatures have been feeding on to survive this far!

The flower's hair exploded as it made threatening noises from its mouth.

Although the cat is the natural enemy of the mouse, but the number of completely unequal situation, this deterrent force is difficult to have a substantial effect.

Zhang Yi said: "Clean them up first!"

Although it is to kill the corpse king, but in this case, obviously can not escape, then kill it!

Uncle You and Fat Xu each a flamethrower, one after the direct fire!

You kill zombies, you kill rats!

Fortunately, although these mice are mutated, they are not as scary as zombies.

After the flames killed thousands of rats, the mice that followed immediately "squeaked" back out of range of the flames.

But this kind of evil creature did not leave, but stared at Zhang Yi in the shadow.

As soon as the fire goes out, they'll pounce!

In the darkness, the shadows of rats were everywhere, and I did not know how many there were.

I don't know when we can solve them.

Not to mention looking for the Rat King!

Zhang Yi frowned and said to Fatty Xu and Uncle You: "Put away the musket!"

Two people smell speech, although do not know what Zhang Yi plans to do, but still immediately stop.

As soon as the fire went out, the rats made a oozing cry, and immediately came frantically, like two gray rivers!

Zhang Yi stood in the middle of the tunnel with her hands spread out one in front of the other.

"Double doors!

The next moment, two huge dimensional doors cut directly from either side of the tunnel, blocking the entire tunnel.

The rats poured into the different space one after another, and none of them could rush to the side of a few people.

Liang Yue breathed a big sigh of relief and patted her strong chest.

But several of them are curious to look at Zhang Yi.

"Your dimensional door... An upgrade?"

Zhang Yi said, "I have been studying the use of dimensional gates, and I have been able to use two dimensional gates at the same time since the last war."

"Convenient, too."

Liang Yue said.

If you can open two doors, you can have two directions where the defense is invincible.

It's not yet absolute defense, but in a battle royale, the boost is much more than double!

In this terrain, for example, it's absolute defense!

The rats are rushing into another dimension like crazy.

The wily creature looks ahead at its disappearing kin and slowly senses the smell of danger.

But the rats in front wanted to stop, and were forced into the front by the rats in the back.

In this way, they let out a sad whine to alert others behind them.

At the cost of an unknown number of mice, the subsequent mice also sensed the crisis and did not move forward.

They were afraid to look at Zhang Yi and others in the center of the tunnel, just like a gray river cut off from the middle.

Among the rats, the giant, white-haired mouse let out a hurried scream.

Then all the rats quickly turned around and began to retreat.

In a few moments, the mouse in the shadow was completely gone.

They also know that they have met a powerful enemy and dare not attack again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MrQianniancreators' thoughts