
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Go to the crypt

The leaders of the major forces are not fools, and they certainly know that this time they are not encountering a brainless zombie.

However, although they know this situation, they are unable to do anything.

After all, just to deal with the attack of the dead swarm every day, they have spent a lot of troops.

Let's get some of our best, investigate the colony's lair, never mind how dangerous it is.

Just dividing up at a time like this, in case the base camp is attacked, is difficult to deal with.

Therefore, punishment day and Wei Dinghai even know that this is not a long-term solution, also dare not rash-send troops to investigate.

Can Xiao Hong practice dare.

She's always had a fiery personality and a willingness to fight.

When she was still working in the Tianhai City police Department, she was relying on this, coupled with her father being a high-level leader, which was promoted all the way.

"We cannot sit still. If this continues, in less than a month we will have to abandon the refinery and go underground to escape the tide of corpses."

Xiao Honglian sat on a steel pipe, covered in blood.

They had just fought off a wave of zombie attacks, and with her powerful Purgatory furnace abilities and Yangsheng's vast energy pool, they were able to defeat the zombies faster than any other force.

But this constant harassment, as well as the increasingly intelligent body swarm, makes her and Zhang Yi feel deeply uneasy.

She also feared that the hordes would get smarter and smarter, until one day they couldn't cope.

Even then, going underground was no way to avoid being killed by the horde.

Zhuge Qingting came over, he a white combat uniform, at this time the same blood dripping.

But he still stood just, to Xiao Honglian respect a standard military salute.

"Captain, all the zombies have been cleared, and this thing will die if it is burned."

"But we also lost 67 soldiers and slaves."

Xiao Honglian looked up at him at a glance, red eyes exude a sharp light, that is her ability has not dispersed the lingering charm.

"We have to change the way we play! You can't stay on the defensive."

Zhuge Qingting pupil shrank, "You mean... Should we voluntarily go to the zombie's lair?"

Xiao Honglian nodded: "The actions of the zombies are obviously under control." It could be an inhuman or some other intelligent creature."

"At the end of the day, we have to get enough intelligence to know how to resolve this crisis for good."

Zhuge Qingting frowned, "But this is too dangerous! We simply don't know the size of the swarm."

"If we rush to investigate, the whole army may be destroyed!"

"The other ones aren't doing well either, so let's wait and see for a while, and maybe they can figure it out."

Xiao Honglian laughed in derision.

"Look at the scale of this wave of corpses! I don't think they'll take it too easy, especially with snow worship. Those idiots, they gathered thousands of people, they were collecting lunch for the zombies!"

"We can't rely on anyone, they want us dead! You have to rely on yourself."

Zhuge Qingting could not refute Xiao Honglian's words.

Pinning hopes on hostile forces is clearly irrational.

Xiao Honglian grew up: "So decide! Let Dong Hu take two Inhumans and 30 elite warriors to the zombie lair to investigate!"


Snow worship here, in fact, the most unstable.

They have too many people. Most of them are ordinary people.

Although they are able to live until now in the end times, they have a certain ability to survive.

But their fighting power is not enough against creatures like zombies.

They don't fear death, but they don't want to die.

How could a man with such a state of mind defeat a dead monster?

Even if Cheng Yixian organized everyone to guard against death, but every time the wave of corpses came, there would be a large number of believers killed in the mouth of zombies.

Slowly, the congregation began to feel dissatisfied.

The priest, Wu Huan, approached Cheng and told him about some of the rhythms he had heard recently.

"There are now more than a thousand dead! There is also the possibility that those who are infected will mutate."

"This has caused the new arrivals to have their faith seriously shaken. If we go on like this, something will happen!"

Cheng Yixian listened, but there was no fluctuation in her face.

He put his hands on his back and said calmly, "It doesn't matter, they just complain and don't dare to do anything substantive."

"You will arrange for some of our men to spread the word among the congregation these days."

"Just tell them that the zombies have killed almost all the survivors outside."

"Without the protection of snow worshippers, they have no power to fight back when zombies attack them."

"And other forces are retreating in the face of the wave of corpses, with more casualties. Even close to breaking point!"

"Well... Let us say that most of the other forces are already dead!"

Wu Huan listened to Zheng Yixian's words, eyes bright.

"This is wonderful! No comparison, no harm."

"As long as they think there are corpses out there, they think their life is pretty good now." Then we won't complain about our worship of snow!"

Ms. Cheng glanced at him with a faint smile on her lips.

"They are still complaining because they are not devout enough to worship snow."

"We also need to speed up their education and make them religious."

"Then they will understand that they should be happy to be able to join snow worship at this time."

Wu Huan clapped her hands excitedly.

"It must be you, High Priest! I see. I'll have it done right away."

Among the new believers, they placed some old believers in charge of teaching and brainwashing them.

This is an essential procedure for religion.


On the other side, Zhang Yi brought the most powerful fighting force of the whole shelter, and was ready to enter the subway channel to find the mysterious corpse king.

Four men, one cat, all armed to the teeth.

Now all their equipment has been upgraded.

Each man wore a modified version of his combat uniform.

The defense is so strong that it can withstand even a small sniper rifle.

Not to mention the bite of a zombie, which isn't even a tickle to him.

In order to cope with the long battle, each person also carries a large amount of power food.

As for other supplies, there is no need to carry them.

Because they have been obediently staying in Zhang Yi's different space, if you want to use it, you can easily take it out at any time.

Having a space team mate around is especially convenient at all times.

Four people and a cat took a bus to the entrance of Tseko subway station.

Looking at the dark hole in front of him, before setting out, Zhang Yi once again declared the battle plan to several people.

"Killing the Corpse King is our primary purpose this time!"

"If I can find it, I'm 100 percent sure I'll kill it!"

In a narrow space like an underground tunnel, within 300 meters, Sunway can destroy everything.

"But all this must be based on our personal safety. Don't be too aggressive in fighting with the dead, there's no point in killing more of them."

Everyone nodded to show that they were clear.

Then Zhang Yi took out a glow stick from his waist, removed the lid and threw it into the cave entrance.

Soon, the blue glow sticks fell to the ground, reflecting the black bloodstained ground around them.

"Uncle You, go down first!"

Zhang Yi said to Uncle You.

As the most powerful defense in the team, Uncle You is the safest to go down.

Without another word, Uncle You slid straight down the cave.

A few seconds later he fell to the ground and at first looked carefully around him.

Through the tactical eyepiece, he did not see any biological reaction, and then told Zhang Yi through the communication device: "It is safe below, you can come over!"

Zhang Yi several people this just slipped down the cave.

As they fell to the ground, they surveyed the scene.

They had not yet come to the subway, which was only the entrance.

Through the night vision function of the tactical eyepiece, the underground scene is clearly presented in front of everyone.

Although they had experienced many big scenes, the sight in front of them still made them feel a little creepy.

There was black blood all over the walls, and even internal organs stuck to the walls.

His feet were slimy, with torn viscera and black blood, mixed with dirt and smelling fishy.

It's a good thing they're wearing tactical helmets that filter out the bad smell.

'Let's go!

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

The second canal is the final stop, and if you follow it forward, you'll find the trail of the swarm.

The wisdom of the corpse king is not high, and it is still growing, so it will not be hidden too deeply, and it should be found.

As they moved along, a large number of mutilated skeletons gradually appeared in the dark subway.

The mutilated limbs were fleshless and covered with fine tooth marks.

I think they're bones that were chewed on by zombies.

The crowd walked past the bones, and Fat Xu said with broken lips, "I'm curious, they ate these corpses, why didn't they choose to infect them into zombies?"

Zhang Yi, holding a rifle, carefully observed the surroundings and answered:

"A zombie's instinct is just to eat, whereas infection is a passive ability. I think they were hungry, so they ate a little too much. You can't expect a carcass that's been chewed to the bone to mutate, can you?"

"You can tell they have a big appetite," Xu said. After all, given their pattern of movement, they must have eaten a lot."

He suddenly asked curiously: "Hey, you say. There are more dead than living people in Tianhai City, and if there are more than 10 million zombies, there will be nothing to eat, won't there?"

Zhang Yi's footsteps stopped for a moment, Liang Yue and Uncle You also looked at each other.

They hadn't thought about it before, because they were so focused on their own land.

Yeah, what do those zombies do if they don't get enough food?

Will it spread from Tianhai to other cities?

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