
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Miss Liang

"Zhang Yi, we are safe now. Want to think about having a baby?"

Zhou Ke 'er's soft voice came from the room.

She was lying on a huge bed, wearing a black silk nightgown, her graceful figure looming.

Due to years of exercise, so her body is slender and symmetrical, perfect nine-headed body, the body should be convex convex, the warped.

In the past, just by looking at her body shape, we knew that this woman was easy to raise.

Zhang Yi lay on her soft thighs, squinting slightly, enjoying the massage of her fingers.

"What makes you think that? Once you have a child, you have to focus on him every day. Carpe diem and don't think too far ahead."

At this time, Zhang Yi has no intention of having a child.

First, he didn't want his children to interfere with his comfortable life.

Second, the world today is not stable, and there may be a new crisis one day. When you have kids, it's an extra burden.

Zhou Ke Er pursed her lips: "But, people want to have the crystallization of love with you!"

Zhang Yi side more and more beautiful women, Zhou Ke will inevitably have a sense of crisis in the heart.

In this world, many women have a common problem is to see other women around their boyfriends all like potential concubines.

There are more and more excellent women around Zhang Yi, and she will worry about it is not entirely unreasonable.

Zhou Keer wanted to secure her position, which moved the plan to have children.

"That's too much trouble. There's an easier way."

Zhang Yi opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"Huh? What way!"

Zhou Ke 'er opened her beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

"Keep your body and face in shape and work on your technique."

Zhang Yi said humorously.

Zhou Ke 'er was so ashamed that she stretched out her slender white jade fingers and pointed them at his chest.

Her eyes flashed a sly, suddenly lowered her head, close to Zhang Yi's ear.

"Why, you just tease me! But how can anyone practice this kind of thing by themselves?"

Zhang Yi only feel the itch in the heart.

But at this time he is still in the weak period, it is inevitable that some weakness.

"How hateful! You are arrogant now, until I recover from my body, must let you know my powerful!"

"Well, I'll wait for you!"

While the two were flirting, there was a knock at the door.

"Zhang Yi, Liang Yue is here. She says she wants to see you."

It was Uncle You's voice.

Of the three, only Uncle You's body did not show the effects of the drug.

After all, his powers are physical, and he has a strong resistance to drugs.

So the side effects are flushed out pretty quickly.

Zhang Yi heard Liang Yue came, the corners of his mouth suddenly showed a smile.

Everything is just as he expected.

Liang Yue can bring the students out is not difficult, but she is a martial arts, with what to feed those students eat and drink?

I have to beg him after all!

"Are you going to let me handle you this time?"

Zhang Yi "Jie Jie Jie" strange laugh.

Zhou Ke 'er looked at him with a strange face: "Are you going to do something wrong to that teacher Liang?"

Zhang Yi lazily sat up and gave her a slap on the buttocks.


The echoes are crisp and elastic!

"What do you mean wrong thinking? It's called an exchange of value!"

Zhou Ke let out a cry of pain, and Zhang Yi got up from the bed with a smile and walked lazily to open the door for Uncle You.

Opening the door, Uncle You said to Zhang Yi, "Liang Yue is waiting at the door." Shall we let her in or not?"

"Let her in. I have something I want to talk to her about, too."

Liang Yue this woman is stubborn enough, and there is the ethics of the teacher's profession in the heart, this kind of person Zhang Yi is the most like.

Because he has enough scoundrels, he likes good, honest and trustworthy people, with whom he will never lose.

Liang Yue such a good combat effectiveness, of course, he must firmly control in his own hands.

Zhang Yi came to the living room, Yang Mi see, quickly came to help him.

"There's no need. I'm not that weak."

Zhang Yi waved his hand and told her, "Go make some hot coffee."

"I don't know what Miss Liang likes to drink," said Yang Mi.

Zhang Yi said: "Just make cappuccino, now you just pour water for her to drink she likes!"

Yangmi obediently to make coffee, and Zhang Yi let the intelligent system open the door, put Liang Yue in.

It was Liang Yue's first time inside the shelter.

When she came inside, she looked at everything around her in disbelief.

This luxurious villa is like a palace in the last days!

She has also been to Chen Xinian's first life warehouse, if the degree of luxury, and Zhang Yi's shelter is completely different!

After all, the West Mountain refuge is a temporary refuge, built a long time ago, the main purpose is to hide from war and natural disasters.

So in terms of comfort, it is certainly not as strong as the shelter Wang Siming has worked so hard to build.

Liang Yue finally understand, why Zhang Yi disdain Chen Xinian's solicitation, and insisted on living here.

From here to the second Life warehouse of the West Mountain base, it is equivalent to going from the presidential suite of a five-star hotel to the convenient hotel of 30 yuan a night.

"Mr. Liang is here, come and sit down!"

Zhang Yi wore a white cotton pajamas, lounging on the sofa, and reached out to greet Liang Yue.

Liang Yue took off her down jacket and revealed her beautiful body inside.

Her chest circumference is slightly small, although can not be said to be flat, but for Zhang Yi who is accustomed to the big world, it is still some poor.

But for a martial artist, this kind of body type is actually good for performance.

Zhang Yi took a look at her down jacket, it seems not very fit, dirty will not say, the sleeves are a little too long.

The clothes were clearly not hers, so they must have been taken from someone else's body.

It was too cold to wash, so it looked very shabby.

"Why aren't you in combat gear?"

Zhang Yi asked curiously.

The combat uniform is the standard of the Xishan Base special team, and the quality of the captain's combat uniform is better.

In addition to having a strong bulletproof ability, there is a good temperature control function, not afraid of cold and summer.

Liang Yue helplessly said: "Temperature control system is the need to consume electricity."

Zhang Yi a pat on the forehead, this just recall.

There is no shortage of electricity all day long, and the generator in the basement is always working.

With the fossil fuels he has, there will be no shortage of energy.

But in this world, not everyone has such privileged conditions as he does.

Outside, officials continue to provide electricity intermittently daily, in an effort to prevent deaths across the country.

It does keep many alive, and it preserves the fire for reconstruction after the end of the last days.

But that meagre amount of electricity is probably only enough to heat some food, or for the most important heating.

Many people are already reluctant to use their mobile phones.

So Liang Yue gave up the use of energy-intensive combat uniforms, and changed to wear traditional clothing, but also forced.

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