
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Sequelae of stimulant

Zhang Yi and the people said move back things, Yang Mi, Zhou Ke and others are naturally very happy.

The space in the safe house is too small, and with so many people living together, it is certainly not as spacious as the shelter.

It is easy to move from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to move from extravagance to frugality.

The upper and lower five-story building of the shelter should have complete living facilities, and it is almost too much to say that the palace.

Uncle You asked Zhou Haimei's opinion.

Zhou Haimei, of course, readily agreed.

She also specifically asked Zhang Yi: "Is the villa still there before me?" When I bought it, I spent 180 million yuan!"

After all, it is their own money to buy the villa, although in the last days, the real estate is not valuable, she still reluctant to give up.

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head: "It has long been blasted flat!" But there are still many villas in good condition and it will be the same to move to another one when the time comes."

Zhou Haimei sighed, feeling a great pity in her heart.

"That's my life savings!"

Even big stars, for a house is also paid a lot, so the heart is quite emotional.

Still, she had no problem going back.

It's so boring here.

Went to the cloud Que manor, nothing can also go to Zhang Yi's home, looking for Zhou Ke and Yangmi visit to play mahjong, isn't it beautiful?

So they all packed up together.

Zhang Yi did not let everyone finish moving things.

"People just take the essentials out of life, leave the house as it is, and leave a few things behind."

"In case something goes wrong there, we can use this as a temporary base for refuge."

Everyone heard that it was very reasonable.

Anyway, there was no lack of materials in Zhang Yi's different space, so everyone crammed important things into Zhang Yi's different space and set out lightly.

Zhang Yi was the last to leave, and he locked the heavy alloy door.

No one else had access to the place, so he wouldn't leave it to anyone else.

Big guy down the floor, Zhang Yi take out the snowmobile, let everyone get on.

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly noticed that not far away there is a glance is spying.

He turned his head and saw the figure in the distance, wrapped in a black down jacket.

It was Li Jian.

Zhang Yi frowned slightly and walked toward Li Jian.

Li Jian also did not run, honestly waiting for Zhang Yi to come.

"What are you doing up in the middle of the night?"

Li Jian quickly said: "This evening, there was a big explosion in the west. We were all woken up, so we haven't slept."

The explosion that Li Jian said was naturally the missile.

Zhang Yi looked at Li Jian one glance, thinking of his strange powers, he could not help but ask: "How is your body recently, do you feel anything unusual?"

The weirdness of Li Jian's powers was bestowed upon him by certain people who call themselves snow worshippers.

Zhang Yi had no dealings with those people.

But he had a vague feeling that sooner or later he would meet those people.

So it's only good for him to know more about this guy.

Li Jian shook his head: "No, I dare not use this ability easily now." Professor Ge warned me that if I use too much, I might turn into fertilizer."

Zhang Yi nodded and said nothing more to him.

This ability of Li Jian is of no use to him at present.

So he doesn't plan to kill Li Jian, or add Li Jian to his team.

After all, there is a large group of 18# residents behind Li Jian, and those people cannot live without him.

These people and Zhang Yi have no hatred, not a threat.

For such people, Zhang Yi still does not mind letting them live well.

Let Li Jian live here well, in case one day need to talk again.

That evening they returned to the shelter.

Although it has only been a day and a half, but to come back here again, it gives people a feeling as if it were another life.

This place was almost destroyed by a missile attack.

Now their enemies were gone, and nothing could disturb their peaceful life.

Because it is the middle of the night, everyone is a little tired, so Zhang Yi will leave everyone to rest in the room first.

Wait until they're strong enough to redistribute the house.

There are more than a dozen villas around that have not been destroyed, arbitrarily fat Xu and Uncle You choose.

However, from beginning to end, the meaning of Zhang Yi's words was very clear, and the shelter would not be shared with others.

It was not because he did not trust Uncle You and Fat Xu.

For Uncle You, Zhang Yi is very trusted, but still have reservations about Xu Fatty.

And Zhou Haimei, Zhang Yi with her just on the surface to maintain a polite, or look at Uncle you on the face.

He did not trust these two people, they were more because of interests together.

It's better not to let them in.

On the other hand, it's inconvenient for everyone to live together.

For example, Zhang Yi has her own needs in life.

If there are outsiders in the home, the hands and feet can not be opened, which affects the play.

Uncle You also has such concerns, naturally happy to go out to live alone.

As for Xu Fatty, since being used by Xu Lili, there have been some signs of fear of women.

At home, he basically only dared to talk to Zhang Yi.

And he'd be happy to move out and live with his handlers and throw pillows.

Toss a few days, but also nervous for a month, finally able to sleep a good night!

Zhang Yi holding flower flower, back to their comfortable room.

He locked the door from the inside, for he would be in a state of weakness for some time to come.

Stimulants are overdrawn physical strength, how cool the original play, the body will be sore, fatigue will be more severe.

Besides, he took three shots in one go!

Over the next few days, life returned to calm.

Zhang Yi and Xu fatty, the body has entered a weak state.

That feeling, can only be described by the limbs weak, the brain has no spirit.

Zhang Yi just wanted to lie in bed and do nothing.

It's a good thing there are more women in the house.

Zhou Ke, Yang Mi and Lu Can take turns to take care of him, that taste is also quite good.

Fat Xu is relatively poor, a person lying in bed, rely on reading comics to recover.

Every day, Yang Mi would bring cooked meals to his bed, but there was no feeding service.

Zhang Yi can enjoy this kind of high treatment.

As for Liang Yue, it is with her students, all the way to Xujia town.

There are only a few old people, women and children left in Xujia town, and many houses are empty.

Liang Yue took up two empty houses with a dozen students.

The villagers of Xujia are afraid to come into contact with them.

Especially see Liang Yue body that set of west mountain base after the special suit, will subconsciously hide.

The shadow left by the Western Mountain Base special team is unlikely to disappear until they die.

Liang Yue and others live in the problem is solved.

But the problem of food is still difficult.

The students are not fishermen, let them go to the ice to chisel fish, they do not have that skill.

Liang Yue had a soft heart and could not bear to plunder those old, weak women and children.

So she had to come to the shelter to find Zhang Yi, hope Zhang Yi can according to the previous agreement, give them some food.

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