
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi sighed: "Teacher Liang, with your ability, you could have been more comfortable." I didn't think it would be so hard now... Well, really worthy of the people's good gardener ah!"

Zhang Yi smiled and praised.

Liang Yue frowns slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although Zhang Yi is praising her, she has a feeling of being scolded, as if she was said to be a fool.

She didn't want to argue, just sat down slowly on the sofa.

Warm room temperature, soft sofa, let her mood get a huge relief.

Yangmi came over with two cups of steaming coffee and smiled and put a cup in front of Liang Yue.

"Please use it."

'Thank you!

Liang Yue picked up the cup, the rising heat made her a little moved.

Looking at the foam, she realized it was a cappuccino she didn't like.

On weekdays, she drinks espresso to stay in shape.

But now she had no room to be picky, so she took a swig.

So sweet!

At least two sugars!

Liang Yue thought so in his heart.

For the first time, she was not disgusted by the amount of sugar in her coffee, but was moved to cry.

Zhang Yi leisurely drink coffee, and then asked: "This time to see me for what?"

Liang Yue, holding coffee in her hand and staring at Zhang Yi, said earnestly, "We agreed before that I would help you counterattack the Xishan base, and you would provide shelter and food for me and the students."

"Now the Xishan base has been destroyed, and the residence is also ready-made in Xujia Town." So I hope you can provide us with more food."

At this point, she said a little helpless: "You know, my students are very spoiled, let them go to forage for food, or go down to the river to fish, it takes a certain amount of time."

Zhang Yi immediately asked, "So they have suffered too little in the Xishan Base?"

Liang Yue tone a pause, shook his head: "Let's not mention this." Anyway, why don't you feed us, get them through the day. I'll figure out what to do after that."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Of course."

He opened the dimensional door directly in front of Liang Yue.


"Clatter --"

There was a mountain of food on the floor, more than a metre high!

Bread, bags of steamed bread, latiao, chicken feet...

Zhang Yi different space inside there are a lot of things, at the beginning of the head in, there is no tube he does not need to get.

So was the food, much of it he didn't like.

He picked a little from it and gave it to Liang Yue.

Zhang Yi pointed to the food and said; "These things are enough for you and a dozen students to eat for half a month." Take it back! That's what we agreed on."

Liang Yue looked at the pile of food on the ground and smiled with joy: "Thank you, Zhang Yi!"

"You deserve it."

Zhang Yi drank coffee and said with a smile.

Liang Yue heart long long relief.

In fact, when she came, the heart is particularly afraid of Zhang Yi backtrack.

After all, now the Xishan base is gone, and she has no conditions to negotiate with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi regrets that she has no way.

So Zhang Yi readily perform the agreement, let Liang Yue to his heart.

Zhang Yi took a few travel bags, let Yangmi help her put it up.

Liang Yue sat on the sofa, originally wanted to sit for a while, drink a little warm sweet coffee.

But she was embarrassed to stay here all the time, worried that people would think she was here to rub the heat.

So she crouched down and filled the bag with food.

Zhang Yi looked at her and suddenly asked, "It must not be easy for a woman to take so many students?"

Liang Yue suddenly stopped the action in his hand.

The words went completely into her heart.

Since the end of time, as a teacher, she has been painstakingly protecting her students.

Students regard her as a reliance, but who cares about her hard work or not?

In fact, she is just a woman in her twenties who needs comfort from time to time.

Liang Yue raised her head and smiled gratefully at Zhang Yi.

"Thank you! But I couldn't leave the students behind. There's no way for them to survive in this world once I'm gone."

Liang Yue sighed. "That would make me unable to forgive myself."

Zhang Yi raised her eyebrows.

He understood the subtext of Liang Yue's words.

She worked hard to protect these students, not necessarily because she loved these students.

What she sticks to is her duty as a warrior and a teacher!

A man can die for what he believes in.

Once you violate the faith, and can not convince yourself to fall, then life may be more painful than death.

Zhang Yi's heart suddenly produced an idea.

If I can help Liang Yue solve these students reasonably, she may be very happy.

Yes, it's the kind of joy where you feel pain on the surface, but you actually breathe a long sigh of relief, and then you can move on with your new life.

"It would be nice to get rid of her delays later, if I had the chance."

Zhang Yi thought so in his heart.

The reason he didn't like Liang Yue's students was because of Yang Xinxin and Lu Keran.

When they were at Azure Academy, those guys used violence against Yang and Lu.

Therefore, Zhang Yi recognized that this is a group of bad things.

Keeping it is a waste of rice, and it may become a hidden danger one day.

It's better to get rid of them when we can.

Zhang Yi looked at Liang Yue, heart understand now is not the time to move those people.

He couldn't let Liang Yue hate him.

He wanted this woman to be his thing.

So Zhang Yi said, "You spoil them too much. They're old, aren't they? Most of them adults? Still like a child who hasn't been weaned, relying on you for everything."

"Liang Yue, what are you going to do after you eat all this food? Does one man provide for them all?"

Liang Yue's head was Zhang Yi said hurt up.

Those students are spoiled.

I thought that after they had suffered in the West Mountain base, they already knew how to live independently.

But let them go to the Lujiang ice fishing, they can break their own hands.

Let them fix the igloo, they can even make big holes in the house.

In addition to these, they will also despise the clothes and quilts left by the villagers are covered by the dead, dirty and they are unwilling to wear.

You know, the last days have already come three months, who can afford to wash clothes and covers?

Liang Yue frown, heart also do not know how to be good.

She can only hope that one day they will mature, so that she can lighten the burden.

Zhang Yi looked at her and suddenly said gently: "Liang Yue, you are too hard." Or let me help you!"

Liang Yue raised her head inconceivably, staring at Zhang Yi with big round eyes, unable to believe her ears.

"You... What did you say?"

She had to ask again for confirmation.

Zhang Yi smiled. "I mean, I can provide food for you."

"Now you all know that I have a lot of supplies in my hands. The food is even more abundant, and even a dozen of you have no pressure at all."

Zhang Yi sighed.

"Seeing you work so hard, I, as a kind person, can't bear to see it!"

Liang Yue heart a happy, but soon she alert up.

Zhang Yi's people and style, she still has some understanding, will not give charity to others for no reason.

"First of all, do you want us to do something for you by helping us?"

Zhang Yi mouth a mysterious smile.

"You are wrong, not to help you, but to help you!" And I need you to offer me enough in exchange for food."

Liang Yue assured, this is the Zhang Yi she knew.

"Tell me what I want in exchange for you!"

Zhang Yi laughed, and then a face of playfulness extended index finger, pointing to Liang Yue.

'I want you!

Liang Yue froze for a moment, and then soon, her snow-white face was flushed, and the whole person stood up and retreated five or six steps.

"You... Don't go too far!"

Liang Yue gas all over the body are trembling, a face of shame and indignation pointed at Zhang Yi.

Not far away Yangmi heard the movement here, but also could not help but look over.

"Does Zhang Yi also have an idea for Teacher Liang?"

In Yang Mi's heart, the sense of crisis is stronger.

Liang Yue pointed at Zhang Yi and said, "I will never sell my body!"

Zhang Yi's mouth showed a bad smile.

Seeing Liang Yue's caracal-like behavior, his evil taste was greatly satisfied.

He relaxed and leaned on the sofa, looking at Liang Yue with a confused face: "I want you to be my tutor and teach me martial arts." How is that obscene?"


Liang Yue again froze in place.

A governess?

Zhang Yi patted his head and suddenly realized: "Oh! You thought I wanted you to do that! '

"Why, what's going on in your head, you're the people's teacher!"

Zhang Yi a face of big speechless, in fact, smile in the heart.

Sure enough, Liang Yue was dumbfounded by Zhang Yi.

She also thought that she misunderstood Zhang Yi's meaning, and quickly apologized blushing: "I'm sorry, I... I misunderstood you."

Zhang Yi's tone was a little angry: "Do you think I Zhang Yi is that kind of person?" Liang Yue, you underestimate me!"

"Well, you can be a governess if you like, or you can fail if you don't." I'm not forcing you. Go away!"

Zhang Yi waved to see off the guests.

Instead, Liang Yue was anxious.

She certainly didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Just teach Zhang Yi martial arts can be exchanged for food, she must be very happy.

"No, no, no, I... I do!"

Zhang Yi looked at the expression of panic Liang Yue, the heart smiled.

This fighting power is strong, and lovely and straight female teacher, he will eat!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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