
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Bian Junwu suddenly laughed.

"Oh, what, is my understanding wrong?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Bian Junwu shook his head: "There are indeed some differences from what you understand. In fact, the so-called classification of supernatural powers has no absolute relationship with combat effectiveness."

"What it represents is more of an upper limit of ability."

"There are many types of abilities, not only those with combat attributes, but also auxiliary ones, or other special categories."

"If the ability is restrained, or the environment is not conducive to the performance of the ability, it is not surprising that high-level aliens are counter-killed by lower-level aliens."

Zhang Yi nodded, deeply agreeing with this.

If a superpower is a weapon, then whether it can exert its power depends on the user of the weapon.

He pointed to his nose, "So, your judgment of me is that I am a Delta-level alien, that is, LV4, right?"

Zhang Yi suddenly laughed: "In other words, you and I are on the same level as strangers. You really think highly of me!"

Zhang Yi picked up the tea cup at hand and took a sip, but he was making calculations in his heart.

There is no need to deliberately conceal information from Bian Junwu's remarks.

Then, there are only two possibilities for him to define himself as a stranger of the same level as Zhang Yi.

First, although his ability is extremely powerful, it also has huge flaws.

Otherwise, with that kind of possible lethality, it is definitely not what Zhang Yi's ability can currently match.

Of course, when it comes to defense, that's another story.

Second, Bian Junwu saw the potential of Zhang Yi's space-based abilities.

Although the alien space is not an absolute combat attribute, its comprehensive ability is very abnormal.

It not only integrates offense and defense, but also has convenient auxiliary functions.

​Looking at it this way, it is more reasonable to be rated as Delta level.

Bian Junwu said: "This is just a judgment based on my understanding of you. In fact, the level evaluation of aliens needs to be divided by professionals in the region."

"This kind of rating may not be absolutely accurate. It can only be evaluated based on the ability displayed by the alien."

"I just gave my empirical judgment based on your current performance, thinking that you are a Delta level."

"So, it is very possible for the alien to complete the power level jump."

"However, Delta is a critical point. If he does not have the ability of [co-phagocytosis], then he can be judged to be an alien below LV3."

After listening to Bian Junwu's introduction, Zhang Yi had a basic concept of the classification of supernatural powers.

At least for now, according to Bian Junwu's judgment, his superpower potential is at the Delta level.

That is the potential of LV4 level.

Although this does not mean absolute combat effectiveness, it also means unlimited potential. Zhang Yi is quite satisfied with his abilities.

But then, he became very interested in the mysterious LV5, Ypsilon-level alien.

How strong is a foreigner of that level?

Has that kind of character already appeared in this world?

Zhang Yi had some doubts in his heart, so he took this opportunity to ask.

"Mr. Bian, have you ever seen an Ypsilon-level alien?"

Bian Junwu slowly shook his head.

"I haven't seen it."

Zhang Yizheng was about to say, "That's really a pity." Bian Junwu immediately said:

"But I know that there is indeed an Ypsilon-level stranger in the Shengjing District!"

A flash of light flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Does this kind of person really exist?"

As a foreigner, it is impossible for Zhang Yi not to be curious about this kind of existence.

Bian Junwu smiled and said, "This is not really a secret."

"After all, each major region needs to manage the surrounding large areas after the end of the world."

"In order to deal with various mutated creatures and groups that take the opportunity to cause chaos in the apocalypse, we must rely on absolute power to suppress them!"

Speaking of Ypsilon, Bian Junwu also had a bit of admiration and envy in his eyes.

"That person's ability is so powerful that it cannot be explained by common sense!"

"It is said that anyone he targets, even if they are thousands of miles apart, will be killed by a thought. That is a true miracle!"

Zhang Yi almost dropped the water glass in his hand to the ground.

He widened his eyes and looked at Bian Junwu in disbelief.

"You...are not kidding me?"

"Can you kill people from thousands of miles away? Is his ability a satellite-based missile?"

Bian Junwu raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the snowy scene outside the window.

"It's much more convenient than that! I only know that the person he targets will definitely die! And it won't work no matter how far he goes to the end of the world."

Zhang Yi put his hand on his forehead. He felt that his head was a little messy.

"This thing can only be explained by metaphysics, right?"

Bian Junwu said calmly: "God himself likes to throw dice, so it is not surprising what the world will turn into."

"Theoretically, there is a final level of alien power, which is the legendary LV6, Omega-level alien."

"This level only exists in theory and has never appeared in the past era. It's just that someone has proposed a form of alien with unlimited room for growth and no upper limit on power!"

"When you reach that level, you are probably a god in the true sense...cough, uh, cough, cough!"

As he was speaking, he suddenly supported the table with one hand, covered his mouth with the other hand, and coughed violently.

The movement was so loud that even the table in front of me shook violently.

When Zhang Yi saw the water in the cup splashing, he silently took half a step back with his chair.

"Captain Bian, are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor for you?"

Bian Junwu coughed for a while before he stopped.

He let go of his hand, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, which he wiped away calmly.

This scene did not escape Zhang Yi's sharp eyes.

"No need, it's just an old problem."

Bian Junwu said calmly.

Seeing Zhang Yi's strange eyes, Bian Junwu just said disapprovingly:

"I am terminally ill and have only a few days to live."

He spoke too calmly, as if he was evaluating the body of an insignificant person.

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have had to take the initiative to apply to lead a team to deal with such a troublesome problem."

Zhang Yi's heart moved.

It was exactly what he thought.

The old man in front of me has serious health problems.

But, is it a natural disease or a sequelae caused by superpowers?

Or maybe he, like those modified people at Xishan Base, is actually an artificially created alien, so he has major physical defects?

All kinds of speculations filled Zhang Yi's mind.

But it was not convenient for him to ask directly, because it must be the secret of Jiangnan Region.

He could only say in a comforting tone:

"Now that medicine is so advanced and cancer can be cured, what terminal diseases are there that cannot be cured?"

"My doctor is the attending doctor of Tianhai First People's Hospital. Let her check your body. Maybe it will be effective!"

Bian Junwu had a straight face and listened silently to Zhang Yi's words.

Then he said: "You don't need to test me. I am a dying man. I came here just hoping to make more contributions to the Jiangnan region before I die. In exchange for my wife and children after my death, Can have a better living environment."

As he spoke, he actually took off the pair of toad glasses he had been wearing on his eyes in front of Zhang Yi.

His face was unusually pale, but his pupils were even whiter.

It was a sickly gray-white color, the pupils could no longer be seen, and a dead gray color permeated the entire eyeball.

"My ability comes at the expense of vision and health. This is why it can only be rated as Delta level."

"Otherwise, if you give me some more time, I may not be able to advance to Ypsilon."

"Its fatal flaw makes me a super killer with a limited number of uses. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yi's guess was confirmed.

Sure enough, Bian Junwu's superpowers caused great harm to the body.

It will even consume his life!

Zhang Yi was silent for a moment and sighed softly.

"So that's it. But I didn't expect that you would tell me your powers so straightforwardly."

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