
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi no longer concealed anything and told Bian Junwu how he solved the group of corpses.

"Actually, my method of dealing with those zombies is flooding."

"I dare not say that all zombies in Xishan District and Lujiang District have been dealt with."

"But within a radius of fifty kilometers, neither zombies nor giant rats have appeared on a large scale."

After Bian Junwu finished listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, he picked up the water glass at hand and took a sip of hot water.

"Why didn't you tell the truth just now? Did you want them to kill more people? Because they have attacked you together before."

"Still, you hope to become the king of Tianhai City!"

Faced with Bian Junwu's inquiry, Zhang Yi was neither humble nor overbearing.

He said slowly: "At first, I might have had some thoughts of revenge on them."

"After all, you can tell without me telling you that the relationship between our five forces is not harmonious. One is ebbing and the other is ebbing. Every time they are weaker, I will be stronger."

"However, the most important reason is not this. It is that I really can't do much to help them."

Zhang Yi put down the teacup in his hand and crossed his hands on his knees.

"You should know how big Tianhai City's subway network is. I don't have the ability to help all their forces!"

"And I don't think this approach can solve the fundamental problem."

"If you can't eliminate the Zombie King, zombies will keep appearing."

Bian Junwu was noncommittal and just asked: "Then have you seen the Corpse King?"

Zhang Yi shook his head.

"No. But I believe that the Corpse King must exist!"

"It sounds nice. Zombies attack places with a lot of people. However, there are only nine people in our shelter, and we rarely go out on weekdays. Why do we attract zombies?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Zhang Yi's lips.

He stared at Bian Junwu and said slowly:

"Zombies will choose their targets. Someone is deliberately targeting our five forces!"

Bian Junwu looked at Zhang Yi, then smiled and said: "You are really smart!"

Zhang Yi shook his head.

"It's not a great wisdom, it's just a little clever. It can barely save your life in this apocalyptic world."

Bian Junwu already had some opinions of his own.

Although Zhang Yi's method cannot fundamentally solve the problem, it can still maintain the stability of some areas.

​But it requires restraint when using it.

Otherwise, if all the zombies are forced out, the situation in Tianhai City will completely break out.

If you are not fully prepared, you will not be able to cope with it.

And they still need to collect more intelligence.

Only by understanding what the so-called Corpse King is and where he is hiding can we carry out beheading operations.

"You have great potential. I guess you may be a Delta-level alien. Do you want to consider leaving this small place and heading to the Jiangnan region to have a try?"

Bian Junwu extended an olive branch to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is very interested in the concept of superpower levels proposed by Bian Junwu.

"Wait a minute, what did you just say... what does Delta mean?"

Only then did Bian Junwu realize that Zhang Yi did not know these professional knowledge about foreigners.

He laughed dumbly.

"This is not a secret. I can tell you about it."

He asked Zhang Yi: "When do you think strangers started to appear?"

Zhang Yi replied without any hesitation: "Gamma rays pass by the Blue Star, after the Ice Age comes."


Bian Junwu directly rejected Zhang Yi's words.

He said: "Human variation has existed since ancient times!"

"From an evolutionary perspective, all living things are always mutating, which is inevitable."

"Good mutations allow individual organisms to gain stronger survivability, and then have a greater chance of mating, and then leaving offspring to inherit this mutation."

"Just talking about us humans, today's humans and our ancestors millions of years ago are almost two different species!"

"During this process, there will always be some individuals among the hundreds of millions of people who develop special abilities."

"The powerful generals and heroes, the capable strangers who swallow clouds and smoke, and the deformed monsters with three heads and six arms. They are all strangers!"

Bian Junwu took a sip of hot water and said to Zhang Yi with a serious expression:

"Aliens have existed since ancient times! It's just that they have never mutated on such a large scale as today!"

"Stimulated by external factors, the genetic sequence of the entire group was changed, thus countless strangers were born!"

"However, research on human variation has been ongoing in various countries around the world since a long time ago."

"Therefore, the hierarchy and classification of aliens have already existed."

Zhang Yi crossed his arms, "I have learned about the six major categories of aliens. But, how are the levels of aliens divided?"

Bian Junwu explained:

"Currently, the world has a unified standard for classifying aliens."

"Initially, it is the alpha (Alpha) level, also called lv1. The mutant ability of this level is not strong, and there is no growth. It can only reflect part of the extraordinary power. This kind of alien is just more powerful than ordinary people. Be stronger."

"Then there is the beta level, lv2. It is more capable than the alpha level. It has the strength of the top elite warriors in mankind, but it still doesn't have much room for growth."

"Next is the gamma level, lv3. At this level, aliens already possess relatively powerful extraordinary power."

"Either it is a super powerful ability that can withstand hundreds of people, or it is some kind of extremely powerful auxiliary ability."

When talking about this, Zhang Yi thought of a few people around him.

Uncle You and Fatty Xu are probably gamma-level aliens.

Because of their abilities, one person can be worth hundreds of warriors.

  "anything else?"

Zhang Yi asked curiously.

Bian Junwu continued: "After that, it will be truly extraordinary!"

"Delta level, lv4! The most obvious sign of this level is that it can absorb the energy of other aliens to evolve itself!"

Zhang Yi was shocked.

A question that had always puzzled him was finally explained.

No wonder he, Huahua and Liang Yue can absorb other people's powers.

But Uncle You and Fatty Xu can't.

Bian Junwu said: "A Delta-level alien may not be able to show strength stronger than the previous levels, but he can continue to evolve and will stop when he reaches a certain peak. Therefore, it can be understood that the potential is extremely high !"

"At present, based on preliminary judgment, you and the leaders of each force are at this level."

Zhang Yi secretly recited the word "Delta" in his heart.

The superpower level given to him by Bian Junwu is lv4 among strangers, which is already a very high rating.

"Then, there is currently the highest level epsilon, a level 5 alien."

When he said this, Bian Junwu's tone became serious.

"This is currently the strongest combat power in all countries in the world. The national treasure among the national treasures, in addition to the supernatural energy that can devour other strangers, also possesses extremely terrifying supernatural strength."

"Each and every one of this level of aliens is a valuable weapon to the country!"

Zhang Yi stared at Bian Junwu and couldn't help but ask: "Are you an Ypsilon-level alien?"

Thinking about Bian Junwu's ability to kill thousands of zombies instantly with one strike still shocks Zhang Yi.

Bian Junwu smiled faintly, but slowly shook his head.

"No, I'm only at Delta level."

Zhang Yi couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Even you are only at Delta level. It's hard for me to imagine how strong an Ypsilon-level alien is!"

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