
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


"Don't worry, I hate those guys too. We will not let them disturb our comfortable life!"

"Let those bastards live across the river. Depending on their self-care ability, it is only a matter of time before they starve or freeze to death."

"And maybe one day we will have a conflict with other forces and they will accidentally have an accident!"

Zhang Yi shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, I promised Liang Yue not to move them, so it depends on whether they have dog luck."

Lu Combustible know Zhang Yi attitude, the heart is very happy.

But she was a little worried, "Big brother, teacher Liang is a very soft-hearted woman!" What if they are in danger and Miss Liang takes them around the shelter?"

Zhang Yi smiled unfazed.

"This is the last days, and human life is worthless. It is normal for anyone to die."

"I promised Liang Yue I would do my best to help her protect the students."

"Well, she'll understand if I can't."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the nose of Lu Combustible.

"Then it depends on how you and Yang Xinxin behave!"

"You Miss Liang loves your students very much! I can't speak well, so try harder!"

Lu Keran's face is palm big, nose is also small, pinch up feel very good.

Lu Combustible's face was a little hot, "I understand what you mean, big brother! Just let me and Xin Xin brainwash Teacher Liang?"

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed a touch of playfulness.

A stubborn woman like Liang Yue pursues spiritual sustenance in the last days, and she needs to obtain the value of her own existence by protecting others.

And the sustenance of this spirit was placed on the students.

Maybe she didn't love her students that much.

She just wants to prove that she's there for a reason and that she's needed.

"Liang Yue definitely likes you and Xin Xin more than the unlucky kids in Xujia."

"So how to please the teacher, let her love you more, do not need me to say more?"

How can Lu can not understand the meaning of Zhang Yi.

Girls have always been good at acting cute, no matter how old they are.

The snow was still blowing outside the car, and it was February, and the temperature gradually rose a little, but it was still enough to kill the temperature.

Looking out the window at the lifeless white earth, Lu could not help but sigh.

"Shelter is heaven, but all hell is outside!"

"It would be better if no one came to disturb us."

She made a grunt.

Zhang Yi blinked his eyes, couldn't help but think of the four large forces, the heart is also a little worried.

"Let's hope there won't be any conflict with the shelters before they finish their defensive works!"

He's already killed the people at the rain base.

The probability of this thing is not hidden, because the people who worship snow have seen this scene.

I only hope that the time of conflict will come slowly.

"As long as I am fully prepared, I am not afraid of attacking even two bases towards the rain together!"

Zhang Yi thought confidently.

After the destruction of the Xishan base and the acquisition of all their stockpiled weapons, Zhang Yi's strength was not the same as at the beginning.

But as they say, you get what you're afraid of.

Zhang is now trying to avoid contact with other forces.

But when he drove the car to the Hongyuan Group factory, he saw three cars parked in the snow.


Zhang Yi's first reaction was to park the car far away.

Then he took out his binoculars and looked in that direction.

As a result, he found three odd-looking objects.

The three vehicles were not snowmobiles, but three SUVs converted into combat vehicles.

In addition to steel plates and machine guns, tracks and skis were added underneath.

But the fake plate doesn't look thick, as if to lighten the load.

"This kind of thing is very different, can also run?"

Zhang Yi expressed doubts.

Lu Can run up curiously, "Big brother, what do you see?"

Zhang Yi handed her the binoculars and let her see for herself.

Lu Combustible after a look, but also can not help but crazy ridicule.

"What a mess it is! It makes you want to rip your eyes out!"

Zhang Yi leaned back on the seat, the dimensional door has been opened in front of him, to prevent someone from shooting in the dark.

He sighed. "I misjudged their efficiency after all. These guys have invaded the West Hill Base's territory from the border."

The destruction of the West Mountain base has been discovered by other forces.

I'm sure they're gonna want a piece of the fat.

Lujiang District within the scope, the most valuable is some material factories and machinery and equipment factories.

Zhang Yi hesitated.

Now he does not want to clash with any forces.

But he needed to fix the shelter.

So he had to go over there and find the materials he needed to use.

"Kill them?"

Zhang Yi is entangled.

We still don't know which side they're from or how powerful they are.

It's out of character for him to rush in.

And Lu Can run excitedly said: "Big brother, these people transform the garbage cost is too low! It is possible to drive on snow, but the top speed cannot exceed 20 kilometers per hour."

"It's too rough and uses several times as much fuel as a snowmobile."

"Alas! When you put it that way, they got a lot of money. Three vehicles were dispatched in one go, which is literally three gas guzzlers!"

Zhang Yi mind flash, suddenly thought of what.

'Wait a minute! You say these cars use a lot of gas?"

Lu can burn put down the telescope in his hand, a look of disgust, "Yes, the weight of these off-road vehicles is much higher than snowmobiles." And after modification to increase the weight, coupled with the transformation is very reluctantly, fuel consumption is at least five times that of our car!"

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed a touch of fine aeng.

"At the beginning, the West Mountain base was reluctant to use snowmobiles, because it was very difficult to obtain gasoline. But they use such luxury, only one power can do it!"

Among the four forces, it is Yangsheng Base that controls Tianhai Baofeng Refinery!

"Is it them? The distance from Yangsheng base is almost across the whole Tianhai City, which is more than 200 kilometers."

"I can't believe they've all come, what a rush!"

"But they own the refineries, they have plenty of energy, and they can afford to be so wasteful."

Zhang Yi determined the identity of these people, in the heart also want to do.

We're all here. We can't just go back empty-handed.

He planned to talk to them, and it would be best if he could peacefully take what he wanted.

If you can't convince them, you have to use force!

"Combustible, there could be conflict right away. Prepare yourself!"

Zhang Yi looked at the front with cold eyes and then drove the snowmobile towards the front.

Lu Can ran swallowed saliva, but his eyes were full of excitement.

To be honest, she was happy!

Because this may be the first time she sees Zhang Yi fight!

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