
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Yangsheng base

Outside Hongyuan Group's materials factory, Zhang Yi drove not far from several other modified snowmobiles.

Their appearance has long attracted the attention of Yangsheng base personnel.

By the time they got closer, five or six men were leaning on their cars and pointing their guns at them.

"Stop! This place has been taken by our Yangsheng base, which force are you people, go somewhere else!"

"Shouted a man with long hair and beard.

Zhang Yi is always vigilant and has turned on the ability to quadruple speed.

If they pull the trigger, he will kill them all at once!

"You stay in the car!

Zhang Yi saw clearly that the weapons in their hands are basic firearms, can not hurt his shelter with the same bulletproof glass car, so just rest assured to get off.

And a black cat with a raised tail followed Zhang Yi's footsteps gracefully.

Zhang Yi gently raised his hands and said to these people in front of him: "Don't misunderstand, I have no malicious intent." I don't have any problem with you building on a first-come, first-served basis."

"I just need some materials, and I hope you can make it easy."

But when the people of Yangsheng base saw him a Xishan base with the same combat uniform, the expression could not help but become dignified.

"Didn't you say that the West Mountain base had been destroyed?"

"May be the remnants of the party, so many people in the West Mountain base, it is impossible that all died!"

"It's lucky it wasn't the others, otherwise we'd be in a bit of a pickle."

"A destroyed West Mountain base, what other powerful characters can survive?"

"But... He's got a nice car."

Someone's already eyeing Zhang Yi's snowmobile.

They drive knock-offs, poor performance, slow speed and high gas mileage.

If Zhang Yi's car is a Rolls Royce, their car can only be considered a Bensan (Mercedes and Santana spelled four different).

A cautious man whispers, "Don't make a move! Do you think a person who can drive such a good car at a time like this is an ordinary person?"

His eyes were full of fear, "especially when facing so many of us, there was no look of fear." This man is not easy to deal with! Tell the captain to come!"

Someone immediately contacted the team leader inside the plant through the communicator.

At the same time, someone shouted to Zhang Yi: "This matter after our captain comes to talk to you!"

Zhang Yi's face with a relaxed smile, in fact, the heart is very wary.

He looked ahead at the building, and someone had entered the building the same way he had done before, by hanging a sling through the skylight.

"Well, I can wait."

Zhang Yi smiled and took two steps back, keeping her hands in sight.

Of course, if he wanted to kill someone, he wouldn't have needed a gun.

And these people can talk about the best, Zhang Yi also dont want to at the same time with the rain, Yangsheng two forces enmity.

After a while, several people crawled out of the building.

At the head was a dark-faced man with a full beard.

His combat uniform was also white, but he had a red fire emblem on his shoulders.

This means that he is the captain of the Yangsheng base.

"If it's not inhuman, it's definitely a hell of a character!"

Zhang Yi made a judgment at the first time.

Yangsheng base captain plateau see Zhang Yi, eyes sharp as eagle.

In the last days, any stranger you see may be an enemy, and no one should be careless.

But the plateau only saw a car, two people and a cat, and he was with more than a dozen men, the heart of a lot of stability.

"Who are you from the West Hill Base?"

Plateau looked at Zhang Yi, one side cold asked.

Zhang Yi's mouth slightly hooked, "Xishan base special team leader, Zhang Beihai!"

Zhang Yi did not take off the mask, and the other party did not know his appearance.

Now, it's better to use the name of the West Mountain base than to expose your true identity.

Moreover, the other side only knows that the west mountain base is gone, but can not judge whether there are any remaining troops.

As the most armed base among the four bases, other bases can not be afraid of Xishan.

Sure enough, to hear Zhang Yi self-reported home, plateau expression became more dignified.

"It is indeed the captain of the West Mountain base! No wonder you dare come here with only one person."

"Why, have you come to drive us away?"

Plateau also thought Zhang Yi was coming to expel him, the manner is not good.

"Don't blame me for not warning you, the base camp of the West Hill base has been destroyed." Your residual strength is not enough to contend with my Yangsheng base!"

"So don't think dangerously!"

The plateau has believed what Zhang Yi said.

After all, that kind of combat uniform was originally unified by the official, and only their four major bases have it.

It is too difficult for outsiders to imitate, and it is impossible to imagine who has such conditions in the last days.

Zhang Yi saw each other believe their own fabricated lies, then calmly said: "It is just a material factory, if the Yangsheng base of friends like, you can move how many move!"

"But now we also need to remove some of the material. I hope you won't stop me!"

After listening to the words of Zhang Yi, the expression on his face was uncertain.

They were ordered to come to Lujiang District to occupy some important material sites, but they did not expect to encounter the remnants of the Xishan base.

However, Zhang Yi is right, such a large factory, want to swallow it is too difficult.

They didn't need so much building material.

After thinking for a while, the plateau said to Zhang Yi: "Yes. But I'll only give you half an hour!"

Zhang Yi smiled.

It makes sense, and he doesn't want to clash with the person on the other side.

After all, he had no taste for murder.

Zhang Yi beckoned toward the car behind, indicating to let Lu Combustible down, with him in the past.

Finding the material requires Lu to be flammable to distinguish, and Zhang Yi must carry her with him to ensure safety.

Plateau around the hand made a few gestures, the men understand, to Zhang Yi to make way for a road.

Lu Combustible both nervous and excited, quickly came to the front of Zhang Yi.

For safety reasons, Zhang Yi directly hugged her in her arms, this sudden warmth, let Lu Combustible heart deer bump, even in minus sixty degrees also blushed.

"Let's go."

Zhang Yi calmly said to Lu Combustible.

"But what about our car? Won't you put it away?"

Lu can be relieved that some of the snow Lausslaus, for fear of being taken away by the people of Yangsheng base.

"It's okay, they can't take it away."

Zhang Yi said in a low voice, without much explanation.

Because he would never easily use his powers in front of others.

An inhuman's ability is his strength, but it also contains his life door - from the time he killed Ling Feng, this has become an iron law in his heart.

Lu Combustible bit bite lip, or obediently go to the factory with Zhang Yi.

Flower stepped on the catwalk, has been behind Zhang Yi two people, the posture is quite elegant.

Even when walking in the extreme cold, it does not seem to feel.

When Zhang Yi and Lu Can run slowly to the factory.

Behind them, the plateau's narrowed eyes opened sharply.

His right hand went into his pocket at an invisible speed, and he pulled the trigger directly on Zhang Yi's back!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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