
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Out looking for building materials

Zhang Yi listened to Yang Xinxin just shrugged his shoulders, smiled and walked past: "Almost, I am not interested in your teacher Liang."

Yang Xinxin crooked head, puzzled asked: "Liang teacher is also a beauty, brother you are not interested, good vision oh!"

Zhang Yi stretched out and said: "She is beautiful, but some trouble." There's nothing I hate more than trouble!"

But after dealing with her troublesome students, Zhang could consider taking their relationship to the next level.

But, again.

He maintains an indifferent attitude towards what is called love, which can be used as a tonic for life, but life is the same without this thing.

Zhang Yi went to Yang Xinxin and told her what happened today with a smile.

After listening to Yang Xinxin, his face is disgusted.

"Those guys are capable of such disgusting things!"

Zhang Yi light said: "I have sung the good cop, next you go to sing a good cop!"

"It's better for Liang Yue to give up on those guys so I can clean them up without having to worry about it."

Zhang Yi is not afraid of Yang Xinxin betrayal of her, because at the beginning in Tianqing College, Yang Xinxin use flowers to kill more students.

Yang Xinxin raised the corners of her mouth: "Good! I have to help my brother, don't I?"

Yang Xinxin control the wheelchair to Liangyue room to go.

Zhang Yi did not know what they talked about, but Liang Yue's attitude toward those students would certainly not be the same from now on.

No matter how deep the trust, protective desire, will slowly disappear with the accumulation of disappointment.

The next day, Zhang Yi prepared to take Lu Keran out to look for building materials to repair the shelter.

Uncle You asked, "Do you want us to go with you?" It is not good to meet enemies again and again."

Zhang Yi shook her head: "No need, I bring flowers is enough." You have to stay here and keep building the line. Someone at home must watch."

He and Hua Hua go out together, and the abilities of one person and one cat complement each other perfectly.

As long as he does not encounter an opponent of the level of Ling Feng, ordinary small forces and even inhumans will not pose a threat to him.

Even if you meet a strong opponent, at least there is no pressure to run.

Uncle You no longer insisted, saying that they would stay and build a good defense line.

Although Zhang Yi is not there, Uncle You can also bear the work of handling by his own brute strength.

It's okay to finish half the line today.

The first time and Zhang Yi together to go out to do business, Lu combustible heart is also very happy, excited little face flushed.

Zhang Yi took out a set of captured Xishan base combat uniforms, so that the land combustible change, this thing bulletproof effect and cold effect is excellent.

Zhang Yi originally planned to create an advanced combat uniform for everyone in the shelter.

However, this kind of combat uniform on his body not only consumes a lot of materials, but also takes a long time to produce.

Lu can't do that much in a while.

Therefore, Zhang Yi is not in a hurry, let her slowly build, mainly to the front-line combatants priority use.

And Uncle You's own defense force is also on top of the combat uniform, so it saves a set of combat uniform materials.

Let's get him to wear a regular version of his captured combat uniform, and have a basic defense capability when he's not in uniform.

Lu Combustible put on a white combat uniform, but also specially wiped the chest of the golden sword sign, Zhang Yi smiled and revealed eight white teeth.

Suddenly, her face faded and she gave a military salute to Zhang Yi.

"The inferior soldiers are ready for battle, please instruct the leader!"

Seeing her cute appearance, Zhang Yi could not help but reach out and pinch her nose.

"Naughty boy!

Lu Can An spit out his tongue, "Like like?" When I wear this dress, I feel handsome!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Clothes are always easy to give people the illusion, especially for women."

Lu Can an leng for a moment, and then immediately realized that Zhang Yi is laughing at her, angrily beat his shoulder.

"Well, well, let's go! Now the outside environment is not good, let's go early and return early, don't delay."

Zhang Yi thought about it, and took out a pistol to Lu Combustible.

"Surely you can play with this thing?"

It's flammable enough to make a firearm. It's supposed to work.

Sure enough, Lu Combustible's eyes lit up, immediately took over, and then inserted into the side of the gun bag.

Two people left the shelter, Zhang Yi took out the snowmobile, with her toward the famous Lujiang district Hongyuan Group plant.

Xishan District and Lujiang District in the southwest of Tianhai City, geographical location is a little distance from the city center, so gathered many industrial enterprises.

Hongyuan Group is the largest and most famous building materials company in Tianhai City.

Not only in Tianhai City, and even look at the country is also very famous.

Their group has maintained cooperation with foreign countries, and the building materials sold are world-class middle and high grade goods.

The reason why Zhang Yi chose to go to this building materials company is because it is relatively close to the Xishan base.

Second, and most importantly, it's a designated supplier to Dragon Security.

Therefore, Zhang Yi believes that it must also have the building materials for the shelter.

The car moved away from the shelter.

Lu Keran looked back at the distant building, hesitantly bit his lip, and after a while opened his mouth to ask the question he had been curious about for a long time.

"Brother, can you tell me more about that question yesterday?"

Lu Combustible mind more straight, that thing she always remember.

So now to find the opportunity, she quickly asked Zhang Yi's idea.

Zhang Yi looked at her and asked with a smile, "You hate other students, don't you?"

Lu Can also not deny, seriously nodded.

"What those guys did to Shin Shin was too much!"

She paused and then added, "It's not good for me either. To be honest, I don't want to see them, much less live with them."

Lu is an outstanding student, relying on academic performance and professional skills to enter the school.

Therefore, there is a big gap between her and other students in terms of status.

At school, she endured a lot of bullying from her classmates.

So now, of course, she doesn't want to see those guys live well.

She's honest, not stupid.

Zhang Yi listened to Lu Combustible complaints, the corners of his mouth has been with a shallow smile.

For a moment, he wanted to tell Lu his plan.

That is to keep those people in Xujia Town until there is a conflict with other forces, and deliberately invite others to sacrifice them.

However, considering Lu can run this careless character, may accidentally let things out of the mouth.

In case of being Liang Yue to know, I am afraid it will affect the relationship between two people.

He doesn't want to alienate the people around him.

So, Zhang Yi changed the argument.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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