
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

First meet

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Yi and the others got out of the car, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

The soldiers from Chaoyu Base and Yangsheng Base looked at them, their eyes almost burning, but at the same time they also had deep fear.

Because after the Battle of the Five Armies, everyone has reached a consensus that Zhang Yi's team is very powerful in combat, so don't provoke them easily.

Zhang Yi put his hand in his pocket, holding the golden sand eagle, always keeping alert.

His appearance made Wu Di couldn't help but take a second look.

He has also heard some rumors about Zhang Yi.

Although they only temporarily searched for information about Zhang Yi after learning that they were coming to Tianhai City.

But no matter how you look at it, this person who started out as a warehouse manager, used an elite team to fight against several large-scale forces, and finally became one of the five super powerful forces in Tianhai City, is definitely worthy of people's attention!

Zhang Yi and others came to the front of the Central Building and also saw the passage cleared by Wu Di.

Zhang Yi immediately realized that this method was just a warning to let everyone who came here understand how powerful the Jiangnan Region's special envoy was.

Wu Di's voice sounded: "Are you Zhang Yi? Come in by yourself, others must stay outside."

When Zhang Yi heard Wu Di's voice, a harmless smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, as you wish!"

When he saw the soldiers from the two major bases displayed outside, Zhang Yi knew that this would be the result.

After all, it was an interview with the leaders of major forces, so it was impossible for a bunch of people to rush in without making a fuss.

Zhang Yi asked Uncle You and others to stay outside and wait for a while.

If you feel too cold, you can go and stay in the car.

He walked into the central building unhurriedly.

Wu Di's eyes were always on him and almost never left.

Zhang Yi felt a little uncomfortable being looked at.

After all, no normal male likes to be stared at by men.

He even suspected that Wu Di was a crook.

"Excuse me, is there something on me?"

Zhang Yi asked Wu Didao with a smile.

Wu Di crossed his arms and smiled lightly: "I heard you are very strong!"

Zhang Yi subconsciously wanted to ask him, which aspect are you referring to?

If it's between men, I'm sorry, but I don't have a hobby of fencing, and I'm not proficient in philosophy.

  "so so!"

Zhang Yi is modest.

"If you have time, let's discuss it together!"

Wu Di was unwilling to give up. He looked at Zhang Yi with fiery eyes.

Zhang Yi trembled. I wonder, does this guy really have a problem with his orientation?

"No, no, I don't have this kind of hobby."

"By the way, which room is it in?"

Wu Di's face was full of regret.

As the most powerful stranger in the Jiangnan region, it was his first time to go on a mission in a surrounding city.

Therefore, it is natural to have a comparison mentality and want to compete with the top local aliens.

"On the left hand side of the fifth floor, there is the third conference room."

  "Oh, thank you!"

Zhang Yi left with a smile. He didn't look imposing at all, like a harmless young man next door.

Zhang Yi walked upstairs according to the path directed by Wu Di.

On the way, he met several other people in the investigation team.

Everyone stands in the open area of the building to easily observe the surrounding movements, and can provide timely support if a conflict occurs.

From their bodies, Zhang Yi could feel an elite aura.

A look or a simple movement is very different from ordinary people.

If it hadn't been for years of professional training, you wouldn't have had this momentum.

Zhang Yi thought: Sure enough, all the people sent from Jiangnan Region are elite.

However, Zhang Yi didn't know how much help such a small team could bring to them.

With this thought in his mind, he had already arrived at the conference room directed by Wu Di.

The door was open and he walked in directly.

The conference room is very spacious, with a huge red table in the middle.

When Zhang Yi walked in, everyone looked over.

Two old acquaintances, Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai, were both there.

When they saw Zhang Yi, they frowned subconsciously, with fear and annoyance in their eyes.

But what Zhang Yi cares most about is the middle-aged man sitting in the front seat, wrapped in a black coat and wearing big toad glasses.

"Could he be a blind man?"

Zhang Yi thought funny in his heart.

Wearing sunglasses at this time feels a bit pretentious, but it cannot be ruled out that people have special preferences.

Zhang Yi smiled and introduced himself: "I'm Zhang Yi, haven't you asked your Excellency yet?"

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person.

Zhang Yi was so polite when he came up, with no airs at all, and Bian Junwu was too embarrassed to hold it.

He put down his arm and said in a cold tone: "My name is Bian Junwu, and I am the person in charge sent by Jiangnan Region to investigate the zombie situation."

"It turns out to be Mr. Bian, whom I have admired for a long time!"

After Zhang Yi finished being polite, he found a place to sit down and said nothing more.

When you meet someone for the first time, you should be polite to the point.

Before you know what the other party's intentions are, you still need to be cautious. Zhang Yi didn't even move to shake hands with him.

In the huge conference room, the four people were far away from each other.

Obviously, Zhang Yi, Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai are all wary of others.

Only Bian Junwu looked calm. Even while waiting for others to come over, he leisurely took out a pack of Heiliqun from his pocket and started smoking by himself.

None of them spoke anymore.

They didn't come here just to chat, they all had a purpose.

But you need to wait until people from the other two families arrive one after another before you can start talking.

I don't know how long it took, but Xing Tian from Qingwei Base also arrived in the conference room.

He smiled and said hello to Bian Junwu first, and then sat down not far from Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi noticed that Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai looked at Xing Tian as if they wanted to eat people.

In the last battle between the five armies, they might not have lost if it hadn't been for Qingpei Base's rebellion.

The most hateful thing is that after the battle, Xing Tian went to rob them of a large amount of supplies!

The two of them hated Xingtian!

But Xing Tian didn't care about their looks and started chatting with Zhang Yi as soon as they came up.

"Lao Zhang, how have your lives been lately? Those zombies and rats that can't be killed have caused us a lot of suffering."

Zhang Yi frowned and his voice became deeper.

"Forget it, I have to clean up those things every day, it's almost annoying me to death!"

As he spoke, he leaned on the sofa seat and let out a long sigh.

"If this continues, I'm afraid my shelter won't be able to last long."

Hearing that Zhang Yi was also having a miserable life, a flash of joy flashed in the eyes of the leaders of the three bases.

Although they are also miserable, as long as everyone is the same, then they are balanced.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhang Yi felt that after he finished saying this, Bian Junwu's eyes glanced this way.

But Bian Junwu was wearing sunglasses so that no one could see his eyes.

This may be just an illusion.

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