
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Command authority

Among the five major forces, those from the Snow Worship Sect were the last to arrive.

But the person who came was not the leader Yuan Kongye, but the high priest Zheng Yixian.

At this point, no one felt anything strange.

After all, Yuan Kongye usually does not manage any affairs in the Snow Worship Sect.

This little girl in her twenties does not have the same management skills as the experienced Zheng Yixian.

So naturally it was Zheng Yixian who came to attend the meeting on behalf of the Snow Sect this time.

Zheng Yixian politely said hello to Bian Junwu, and then found a seat to sit down.

When Bian Junwu saw that everyone from the five forces had arrived, he silently rolled up his sleeves and glanced at his watch.

"Very good, no one is late."

His voice was very cold, as if it came from an ice cave, which made people feel a little tingling in their hearts.

Then, Bian Junwu placed his arms heavily on the table.

His eyes scanned the people present.

"The zombie crisis has broken out in Tianhai City. As the largest force in Tianhai City, you guys have an unshirkable responsibility!"

One sentence made the expressions on everyone's faces become serious.

Zhang Yi frowned, with a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Honglian folded his arms, looked at Bian Junwu and said:

"Why, did the envoy from Jiangnan Region shirk responsibility from us as soon as he came?"

Bian Junwu sneered.

"Shirking responsibility? Do you know what the significance of establishing a shelter is?"

"I won't mention the Baixue Sect for now. They are a non-governmental organization."

"But the four of you have either directly occupied the official shelter, or you have inherited most of the shelter's resources!"

"And in each city, the significance of the existence of shelters is to maintain local stability when there is a crisis in the city!"

The sarcasm on Bian Junwu's lips became even stronger.

"You occupy the most advantageous resources, but you are unwilling to bear the responsibility of protecting the stability of one party. What else is this if it is not incompetence?"

Xiao Honglian's face turned green and red, and she was unable to refute Bian Junwu's words.

She naturally understands the significance of the existence of the shelter, which is to allow more people to survive.

But as time goes by, they have long forgotten the original intention of establishing the shelter, and only think about seeking more benefits for themselves.

But the old oil man Wei Dinghai said: "Mr. Bian, these words are easy to say. Why don't we want to maintain the stability of Tianhai City?"

"But the scale of this zombie wave is too great. It appeared suddenly. There are already countless zombies causing chaos everywhere!"

"There is no way to solve this crisis just relying on the power in our hands."

"After all, we don't have a lot of powerful weapons like the Jiangnan Region! We don't have the most elite legions in China."

Who would have known that after he said these words, the smile on Bian Junwu's lips became even stronger.

He even crossed his arms and laughed unbridled.

  "Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Then," he stopped smiling and his tone became colder, "Since you don't have the ability to deal with this crisis, from now on, just obey my orders!"

"I will assume the command of this zombie crisis. And all of your forces must obey my orders unconditionally!"

Everyone's expressions changed again and again, and a sharp gleam flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes.

Let him obey the command of others unconditionally?


Even if the other party is Jiangnan Region, he cannot accept it.

Because if you are mobilized by others, there is a possibility of being sacrificed.

"We may not be able to accept this!"

"Even if the Jiangnan Region is at the top, if you just want to command all of us with just a few of you, you are underestimating us!"

"It's only possible unless you send a large force."

The leaders of several forces spoke out one after another. They could not accept their power being taken away by others.

What's more, it's just a small team that doesn't know the depth.

If a large army comes, they will endure it.

Bian Junwu sneered and said, "Oh? You mean you think I don't have the qualifications, right?"

Xiao Honglian snorted coldly. Although the others did not speak, the meaning in their eyes was obvious.

Even though your team is strong, you are not qualified to be the commander-in-chief of our five forces!

Bian Junwu said: "So, can you solve this crisis with your own strength?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

The outbreak of corpse tides and attacks by rats in the past few days have made them miserable, and no one dares to take this guarantee.

After all, no one understands how large the zombie tide and rat swarm are!

Bian Junwu mocked: "I am unable to protect Tianhai City, and it also causes zombies to spread towards surrounding cities, affecting residents of other cities."

"Coveted for the meager power in my hands, reluctant to let go."

"But don't forget it!"

Bian Junwu slammed the table, startling everyone.

"Tianhai City is not your property! The Hua Kingdom is still there, and the Jiangnan Region is the highest power command center in the Jiangnan region!"

Bian Junwu said, standing up from the chair.

Although he is thin, he is unusually tall and mighty.

There was a fierce military aura about him. Zhang Yi had only experienced this feeling in Ling Feng in the past.

Border Army Wu said to everyone condescendingly: "I come here on behalf of the Jiangnan Region, and what I say is the will of the Jiangnan Region!"

"If you are unwilling to obey my orders, then the consequences are not something you can bear!"

Zhang Yi frowned and remained silent.

He only has a few people in his power, so even if he hands over the so-called command power, the loss will be minimal.

Unlike the other major forces, they all have a large population or resources.

But even so, he was unwilling to lose all initiative.

That would put him and those around him in danger.

Xiao Honglian sneered.

"If we disobey, are you going to send troops to destroy us?"

She was also afraid in her heart, but now that everyone was negotiating, she had to be brave enough to fight for her own interests.

After all, once power is given out, it is difficult to take it back.

Xiao Honglian and others are worried that if power is delegated, they will become vassals of Jiangnan Region in the future and lose their independent power.

Bian Junwu's sunglasses faced Xiao Honglian's direction and he stared at her quietly for more than ten seconds.

Xiao Honglian said coldly: "Are you trying to scare me?"

Bian Junwu opened his lips and said slowly: "Do you think the current situation is not serious enough?"

"Do you think this incident is only related to your Tianhai City?"

"I'll tell you the truth, this time we came to investigate, the higher-ups gave us two orders."

"First, work with local forces to solve the zombie crisis as much as possible, and not allow the situation to worsen and spread to other cities."

"Second, once you find that things are out of control and there is no way to solve the zombie problem through manpower, then..."

Bian Junwu stopped abruptly here, and then slowly sat back on the chair.

"The entire Tianhai City can give up."

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