
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Outsiders and natives

There are three major bases, one is religion and the other is scattered people.

The current five major forces in Tianhai City have such a pattern.

After receiving the email from the Jiangnan District Investigation Team, each family sent people to meet with them.

On Zhang Yi's side, he brought his daily fighting team, which was still their four main forces plus a Huahua.

After all, there is no danger around the shelter now.

Even if they encounter danger, the shelter's defense capabilities can fully support them until they come back for rescue.

Therefore there is no need to leave combatants to defend.

But others can't be as cool as Zhang Yi.

They always need to be on guard against the attacks of zombies and giant rats, so they have to leave a large number of combat troops behind.

The leaders of each force rushed to the central building with part of their combat power to meet with the investigation team.

The first to arrive were the people from Yangsheng Base.

Xiao Honglian arrived here with a group of subordinates, a chariot, four alien captains, and ten elite soldiers.

As for the headquarters camp, Zhuge Qingting led his people to stay behind.

After arriving at the central building, she saw the distinctive snowmobile.

"Is there only one car? It seems that there are not many people sent by the district."

Xiao Honglian felt a little heavy.

She knew very well how high the threat of the zombie tide was.

If we don't send a large army to solve it, it will be difficult to deal with it completely.

But how many people can this car bring?

Although she felt a little disappointed, Xiao Honglian still planned to go meet the investigation team for a while.

She thought in her mind: Maybe this is just the vanguard, and a large number of combatants will arrive later.

Xiao Honglian led people towards the central building. When she came to the building, she clearly saw the ice and snow passage that was hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters deep.

"Well, this is it!"

Xiao Honglian squatted down and stretched out his hand to feel the shape of the ice and snow tunnel.

The regular curved surface is not made by a machine, but looks like a channel punched out by someone, and it is very smooth and flat!

​Obviously, this is an alien method.

Xiao Honglian, who is an expert in the art and is the top alien in Tianhai City, naturally understands how powerful this move is.

Involuntarily, she put away her inner contempt.

"There are masters among those who come!"

She whispered.

Then Xiao Honglian led the people towards the Central Building.

Just as they were approaching the door, a man in black uniform suddenly came out and looked at them with a half-smile.

"Which force are you from?"

There was a condescending look on Wu Di's feminine face.

Such an arrogant face immediately made everyone in Yangsheng Base very dissatisfied and wanted to rush over and beat him up.

Xiao Honglian frowned, "We are from Yangsheng Base, and I am Xiao Honglian, the leader of the base!"

Wu Di's eyes have always been on Xiao Honglian.

"Xiao Honglian, former captain of Tianhai City Criminal Police Brigade. Welcome!"

Xiao Honglian frowned slightly. There was a subtext in the other person's words: I know your information well.

She thought to herself: Is this a show of force?

Wu Di turned aside and said to Xiao Honglian: "Please come in! But you can only come in alone, the others can stay outside for now!"

Xiao Honglian did not refuse. She said to the men behind her: "You guys wait for me outside!"

A captain-level alien whispered to her: "Leader, is there a lie?"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Xiao Honglian's mouth.

"Even if it's a lie and I want to leave, no one can keep me!"

The faces of all his men showed reverence.

Yes, in their eyes, Xiao Hong's training power is unparalleled!

So far, I don't know how many people have tried to challenge her status.

But no one has been able to survive thirty seconds under Xiao Honglian!

"Yes, we are right outside, waiting for your orders!"

The soldiers at Yangsheng Base stepped aside and watched Xiao Honglian enter the central building step by step.

But they didn't see that when Xiao Honglian said those words, Wu Di had a look of contempt on his lips.

Not long after the people from Yangsheng Base arrived, the second group of people who arrived were the people from Chaoyu Base.

Wei Dinghai was more cautious and even brought his strongest deputy, Chen Jingguan, with him.

After all, during this period, Wei Dinghai was a little uneasy due to his successive defeats and zombie attacks.

Wu Di also blocked the door, allowing only Wei Dinghai to enter.

Chen Jingguan was not happy at that time.

"Why are you so shameless? Are you afraid that we will eat too many of you?"

Wu Di always had a condescending expression on his face, and no one felt happy after seeing it.

Chen Jingguan is also considered the number one person in Tianhai City, so naturally he won't look at his face.

Although the other party is in the name of Jiangnan Region.

But this is Tianhai City.

If a few people come and treat themselves as high-ranking figures, isn't it like a strong dragon trying to overpower the local cowards?

After hearing Chen Jingguan's words, the sarcasm on Wu Di's face became even stronger.

"We only talk to the leaders of each force. What, could it be that you are the boss of Chaoyu Base?"

Chen Jingguan's expression suddenly changed.

His boss Wei Dinghai is right next to him.

At this moment, Wei Dinghai suddenly laughed and said:

"Haha, let's forget about this trick of sowing discord!"

His laughter resolved the tense atmosphere.

"We came here with sincerity. Since you just want to talk to me, why not if I go alone?"

In the ice and snow, Wei Dinghai's [Ice and Snow Lord] ability is very powerful.

Attack and defense are integrated, with almost no blind spots.

So he doesn't worry about anyone doing anything against him.

What's more, Xiao Honglian at Yangsheng Base has already passed, so he can't show weakness.

Wei Dinghai patted Chen Jingguan on the shoulder, "Just wait for me outside!"

He gave Chen Jingguan a warning look:

"This guy is a master, don't conflict with him."

Chen Jingguan's body froze and he could only nodded, "Yes!"

Wei Dinghai walked into the Central Building with a calm expression.

But in his heart, he was also secretly careful, secretly observing everything around him.

At this time, Wu Di sighed a little boredly.

He stared at Chen Jingguan, who had a sinister look on his face, and sneered: "Originally, I wanted to practice with you! Why, now that your boss is gone, do you want to give it a try?"

Chen Jingguan's face looked a little ugly.

But thinking of Wei Dinghai's instructions, he didn't dare to take action, so he could only pretend not to hear and stood aside.

This move caused a burst of ridicule from the soldiers at the nearby Yangsheng base.

Not long after the people from the two forces arrived, Zhang Yi and the others arrived next.

When several people saw the vehicles and soldiers here from a distance, they knew that people from Yangsheng Base and Chaoyu Base had arrived first.

"It's not that enemies don't get together! I hope these guys can be more peaceful."

Zhang Yi said as he opened the safety of the Golden Sand Eagle.

In the previous battle between the Five Armies, Chaoyu Base and Yangsheng Base suffered heavy losses.

I'm afraid that until now, they all hate Zhang Yi.

In this negotiation, the relationship between the five companies is very delicate, and they may start fighting if they disagree.

Zhang Yi was prepared to fight with them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts