
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Tianhai City is full of waste! except me

Bian Junwu's voice was calm and cold.

But the leaders of the five forces were not as cold-hearted as at this moment.

"Is that really the case?"

Zhang Yi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, his eyes were extremely serious.

It's not like he hasn't considered this situation.

Once the zombie crisis in Tianhai City becomes too serious, it will tend to spread to surrounding cities.

So for the Jiangnan region, stopping losses in time is undoubtedly the best choice.

It is like an abscess in the human body. If there is no way to cure it with medicine, it can only be removed by surgery.

In this way, Bian Junwu and his investigation team are actually equivalent to medicine.

But once this drug fails, the next surgical operation will be...

Zhang Yi's heart was shaking violently.

In that case, the entire Tianhai City will cease to exist!

He is absolutely unwilling to face such consequences!

Zhang Yi thought clearly, and others also understood what Bian Junwu meant.

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.

Even Xiao Honglian, who has a fiery temperament, cannot refute.

The Jiangnan Region's destruction of them is just a matter of moving a little finger and pressing a button.

Bian Junwu was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

He said coldly: "Then, all the armed forces of local forces in Tianhai City must obey our command unconditionally!"

Xiao Honglian, Wei Dinghai and Xingtian looked at each other with complicated expressions, but they did not have the qualifications to challenge the Jiangnan Region at the moment.

But at this moment, Zhang Yi slowly spoke.

"I am willing to support your actions."

"But as you said, the reason why the investigation team came is because the local forces have no way to solve the crisis of zombies and rats. So you have to step in and command them."

"But what if we could solve the problems within our sphere of influence ourselves?"

Zhang Yi had a playful smile on his face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes in the entire conference room fell on him.

"Zhang Yi, what do you mean by this? Don't tell me that just a few people in your shelter can deal with such a large number of zombies and rats!"

Xiao Honglian asked with a sneer, without a trace of belief on his face.

Wei Dinghai also leaned on the chair and said mockingly:

"Sure enough, heroes emerge from youth! Zhang Yi, you are very capable, but this matter is of great importance. Don't let everyone suffer along with you just because of your own selfish desires."

Even Xing Tian said to Zhang Yi: "Didn't you say that your life is quite miserable now? Stop holding on and listen to them!"

The smile on Zhang Yi's lips became even thicker.

He said lazily: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

"No! I'm really sorry."

"In fact, in the area surrounding our shelter, the zombie problem and the mutant giant rat problem have been solved!"

Everyone's faces were filled with astonishment.

This is not a child's play house. Zhang Yi said it with full sincerity, not as a joke.

But if what Zhang Yi said was true, wouldn't it mean that while they were all fighting desperately against the zombies and rats, Zhang Yi had been leisurely watching the show?

The expressions on the faces of the leaders of several major forces were uglier than eating shit.

"I don't believe it! How did you guys do it?"

Xiao Hong smashed the table with strength and stared at Zhang Yi with gritted teeth.

How she hoped to hear from Zhang Yi, "I was joking. In fact, my losses were also heavy."

After all, her base really suffered heavy losses!

Why can you live a cool life?

Bian Junwu also looked at Zhang Yi curiously.

With a calm smile on his face, Zhang Yi said lightly: "What I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can go and investigate for yourself!"

Bian Junwu asked: "How did you do it? I'm very curious about this."

Everyone is staring at Zhang Yi.

Although they were angry, they urgently needed a solution to the problem of corpses and rats.

It would be great if we could learn from Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi suppressed the smile on his face and crossed his hands on the table.

He said seriously: "That's actually what happened."

"The zombies feed on humans, so they will gather in places with many people."

"As for Tianhai City, which place has the most people? There is no doubt that it is where you and your family gather."

"I have the fewest people there, less than ten people in total. In addition, the place is relatively remote and located in the suburbs, so it itself cannot attract many zombies."

Zhang Yi frowned.

"But even so, the battle with them was extremely fierce."

"After a long period of contact, I discovered that one of them is commanded by the Corpse King. The Corpse King has wisdom and can create new zombies."

"Therefore, only by killing it can a zombie nest be completely destroyed."

"Giant rats and zombies have a symbiotic relationship. Once the corpse group is destroyed, the giant rats will lose their target and will not actively attack humans."

"So, we ventured into the underground tunnel. We used all the weapons we obtained from the Xishan Base."

"After many days of hard fighting, we killed the zombie king and finally put an end to the zombie crisis in that area."

Zhang Yi's words are true and false. ωωw..net

Most of it is true, but his real method of dealing with the corpses is hidden.

After all, in the entire Tianhai City, he is the only one with a huge alien space that can draw a large amount of seawater from the East China Sea to freeze the subway tunnels.

Once he reveals his methods, I am afraid that other companies, including Bian Junwu, the envoy of the Jiangnan Region, will put pressure on him and ask him to help other companies solve the zombie problem.

Let's not talk about whether this will work or not. At least now, Zhang Yi doesn't intend to do it.

He doesn't think that flooding the subway with seawater can completely solve the zombie problem.

At least those powerful bronze-armored corpses would be difficult to drown in water.

Not to mention that there is a more mysterious and terrifying corpse king in the dark.

Zhang Yi used means to force them away, and perhaps they fled to other areas of influence.

If the subway lines are irrigated on a large scale, let's not talk about how huge the subway lines in the entire Tianhai City are.

Even if Zhang Yi works day and night to fill the underground tunnels, if all the zombies hidden underground escape, will they be able to solve it?

It would be better for the Zhang Yi family to be at ease and let the other families fight the zombies for a while.

After everyone listened to Zhang Yi's explanation, they felt envious and jealous.

Indeed, Xishan District and Lujiang District are relatively remote.

Especially the shelter where Zhang Yi lives is close to the countryside.

It is difficult for a place like that to attract a large number of zombies, and there are also few railway lines passing through it.

But they cannot learn from this innate advantage.

Bian Junwu looked at Zhang Yi with strange eyes.

He thought to himself: Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi, who seemed to have the smallest power, was actually the first to solve the zombie problem. It's really hidden!

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