
The World Covered By Fog

Since the dawn of humanity, there was an existence that plagued all lifeforms and sought to destroy or corrupt them. It had many names - Miasma, Dark Mana or the Black Fog. Over 90% of the world was covered by this fog while terrifying creatures known as aberrants inhabited it. This resulted in humanity nearly being brought to extinction. Shivan was born in such a world. How will his life play out?

Ravvy4 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Principal Terrano

With my match over, Shivan watched the rest of the matches with a bored expression. Though his opponent's {Wind Net} had left several cuts on his arm, he wasn't hurt that badly.

Most of the cuts had closed up and all that was left was dried blood. There was no damage to the uniforms because the barrier specifically prevented any damage to where the uniform was on the body.

Shivan wasn't suprised the barriers were so expensive. He wondered what kind of systems were in place to achieve such a thing.

Soon, a couple of hours had passed and the class was finally over. Both Chloe and Arlo had their matches, though they both lost.

'I think they tried their best... I think. Well, I know Arlo did.'


"Ma'am we've got an incident report."

Natasha Terrano's assistant reported to her as soon as she entered the room. She had just finished her mission and wanted to complete some administrative tasks before going to sleep.

"Can't you let Finnian deal with it? He's the vice-principal." 

"Unfortunately not. According to Ace Mendoza, this incident requires your oversight, since it could result in an expulsion."

"Already? It's been a week since the start of the year. Who's causing trouble now?" Natasha sighed as she rubbed her forehead with her thumb.

'I should've just gone home.'

"She's a first-year, and her name is Alexia Terrano-Wix."


'That child! What has she done now!'

Natasha found dealing with that girl troublesome. Her exasperation was leaking into her expression. But, she didn't make any moves to hide her feelings.

"Bring her in."

"Yes ma'am."

Her assistant left the room after bowing. Five minutes she returned with the problem child along with Ace Abigail Mendoza.

During that time Natasha checked the report and the footage of the incident. It certainly wasn't pleasant.

"Zoe and Abigail you may leave, I would like to speak to her privately."

She signalled for the teachers to leave. After bowing and saluting respectively, both women left her office, leaving Natasha face-to-face with Alexia.

"It's an honour to meet you, Champion Natasha Terrano. Or should I say the Seimic Architect?"

Despite her respectful words and manner of speaking, it was obvious her tone was laced with sarcasm.

To sell the act even further, she gave a deep bow.

"Cut the bullshit, Alexia."

Natasha couldn't be bothered dealing with her shenanigans. Alexia's insolence was obvious.

"Oh, such vulgar language. I didn't expect the principal to act this way."

As if to provoke her even further, Alexia continued acting in that way. She was clearly enjoying it from the way her lips curled up into a grin.


With a single word and a little bit of mana, Natasha broke Alexia's facade and her smiling face disappeared, replacing it with an almost bored expression.

"According to the report and the footage I received, you went too far in your duel and nearly killed a fellow student."

"So? He deserved it." Alexia's voice contained no hint of remorse for the action she committed.

"You could face serious punishment for this. And if the student's parents took legal action, you could go to jail."

Alexia was a problem child. For the all years Natasha had known her, she had always been difficult to handle. Natasha had massive respect for Alexia's parents for managing to deal with her.

Trying to make Alexia feel guilty or remorseful was a pointless waste of time. She was extremely willful and acted in any way she pleased. The only way to force her to do something is to threaten her.

"I'd be fine."

"Jail is not a fun place, especially for a young girl like you. You would be devoured by the men there. Sexual assault isn't uncommon. And since you have a gift, you'll be thrown with the criminal mages which is much worse."

"Yeah? Our magic will be sealed. Nobody would be able to touch me. Then I'll rule over the prison."

That was a gross oversimplification. However, she was right in a way. Though her looks would attract the eyes of the men, with her natural strength and the lack of mana, her physical prowess would be overwhelmingly dominant.

In a prison full of powerful mages, she'd be the strongest. Though she underestimated how bad prison was. Food was garbage and cells were terrible.

"But prison is still not a fun place."

"I know. But what guarantees I'll be sent to prison if the parents take legal action? I'm a noble and I could just pretend it was an accident. After all, I'm an inexperienced first-year who didn't know how powerful her technique was. And it was a duel, anything could happen."

Natasha found it hard to deny her statements. 

"I could just say, I'm sorry, I didn't know my technique was that powerful. I thought the barrier would protect him."

The way Alexia spoke almost convinced Natasha that she regretted her actions. She even had some tears in her eyes when she spoke.

"I know for a fact that you intended to maim or even kill the student. I could join the prosecution and give testimony against you." Natasha threatened Alexia.

"Huh? You would testify against your granddaughter. I can't believe it."

Alexia made a puppy dog face as she immediately called Natasha's bluff. She hated dealing with her and despised her actions, but she still loved Alexia as family. Natasha could never change that. And Alexia knew that.

"Anyway, trying to get me to reflect on my actions is pointless. Just punish me and get over it. I don't mind being expelled. You're the one who forced me to attend this academy." Alexia remarked.

The speed at which she could cycle through her emotions was frankly amazing. But, she was right. Legally, she was fine due to her status. So as principal, she had to punish her.

Normally punishments would include being banned from eating food from the cafeteria, banning access to certain facilities, suspension or more.

But Alexia would not care for any of these punishments. Banning facilities would not affect her as she never bothers to train while suspension just gives her more free time.

For an action like this, normally Natasha would expel Alexia. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not because Alexia was her granddaughter, but because it would be a waste of talent.

Natasha would be doing Palentia, no humanity a disservice if Alexia didn't reach her full potential. Alexia easily had the capability to surpass Natasha and reach even further.

That was the reason Natasha forced Alexia to attend the academy against her will. With the number of deaths she'd had seen fighting the aberrants, it was her duty to ensure Alexia's talent blossomed.

Humanity needed more high-level fighters if they didn't want to face extinction. 

Natasha sighed and realised that there was nothing she could do. "Fine, you may leave. Please do not cause any more trouble." When all was said and done, she could only let her get away scot-free.

After Natasha spoke to Alexia, she left the room with a skip in her step and a smile on her face.

When she left, the surroundings started shaking revealing another person.

"You sure are soft against your family."

A man tall man with black hair that was starting to grey spoke to me in a deep voice.

"But it's not like I don't understand."

"You know, you could enter the room normally instead of the window."

"Yeah, Yeah."

Natasha immediately tried to chastise him, but he just brushed her off.

"So what are you here for?"

"Something came up."

"Tell me the details later. First I need a long rest. I haven't slept in nearly three days."