
The World Covered By Fog

Since the dawn of humanity, there was an existence that plagued all lifeforms and sought to destroy or corrupt them. It had many names - Miasma, Dark Mana or the Black Fog. Over 90% of the world was covered by this fog while terrifying creatures known as aberrants inhabited it. This resulted in humanity nearly being brought to extinction. Shivan was born in such a world. How will his life play out?

Ravvy4 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

A Criminal History

It had been nearly a week since the duel class incident and Alexia somehow got away unpunished. Shivan guessed it had to do with her connection with the principal.

"Alexia! I need help with a deal, can you help me out."

Chloe barged into Alexia's room while she and Shivan played games on her GS6. They had skipped practically the entire school day, and Chloe just arrived from her chemistry class.

"Sure. When is it?" Alexia instantly agreed. 

'I wonder what this deal is? Maybe it's a code word for something?' Shivan thought to himself.

"It's tonight. Sorry for the short notice. Can you get your equipment ready?" Chloe asked apologetically.

"It's fine, I'll be ready by 6."

After that short conversation, Chloe was about to leave the room before Alexia signalled for her to stop.

"Wait, can we bring Shivan with us? It would be great to have extra muscle. Plus he's interesting to be around."

Chloe's forehead furrowed and her eyebrows morphed into a subtle frown when Alexia gave her request.

"Are you certain you can trust him? We'll be ruined if he rats us out." Chloe spoke with a serious expression.

"Yeah. He's not the type of person to snitch."

"Fine... I'll trust your judgement." Chloe accepted Alexia's request though with reluctance.

"Hey, Shiv are free tonight? We're about to do something fun. Wanna come?" Alexia turned to me as she spoke with excitement.

"Why not? I have nothing to do. I'm free tonight," Shivan responded with the same neutral tone he always used. It's not like he had anything going on.

"Okay, then meet out the front gate at 6. Wear something that doesn't stand out."


Shivan arrived at the school gate later that day wearing some black jeans, a white shirt and a simple, thin, black jacket.

Chloe was already there, also wearing simple clothing. A few minutes later Alexia also arrived.

The group went to the gate guard to check out. The guard warned them to come back to the school before curfew which was 10:30 pm. 

Shivan was surprised at how lenient the school was with the time they could spend outside of school.

After leaving the school and getting on the train, Shivan turned to Chloe and asked the question that was bothering him.

"Where are we going? Why'd you call us?"

"Not now, I'll tell you later. There are cameras here." She replied in a hushed tone.

'Well, that certainly was ominous. What we were doing might not be legal.' Shivan pondered inwardly.

After a short train ride, they got off at their stop. Shivan had heard the neighbourhood they were in was pretty shady.

After a short walk, they arrived at a small abandoned building. Chloe entered it quickly after ensuring they weren't followed. She seemed nervous when she was checking around.

Shivan eased her worries by confirming nobody was around them. His senses didn't pick up anything.

The building they had entered was worn out, with cracks running down the windows and walls. It hadn't been used for over a decade.

There were still some rotting shelves and tables, half-broken rusted tools and much more strewn about.

'You surely get tetanus by stepping in here barefoot.' Shivan mused as he walked around, kicking tools out of the way.

Chloe went to the back of the room and pushed a shelf out of the way, revealing a trap door with a padlock. 

After opening the padlock, they were greeted by a shady laboratory with various chemicals and plants on shelves. Unlike the floor above, it was decently clean, though the walls could use some repair.

This confirmed Shivan's suspicions. What was currently happening was very illegal.

"So what are we here for?" Shivan asked the same question again. 

"I need you guys to be my guards for this deal." This time Chloe answered.

"A drug deal correct?"


'So she's a cook?'

Shivan didn't expect Alexia's closest friend to be a criminal. But in hindsight, it made a lot of sense. And by the looks of things she knew about this side job.

"And you want me to help partake in your crimes?"

Chloe winced when Shivan asked the question.

"Shiv, stop putting airs. I know for a fact you don't care if we commit crimes."

Alexia immediately saw through his facade. Shivan didn't care. He was only having a bit of fun tormenting Chloe. 

"So are you in?" Alexia asked with a grin on her.

"Yeah." Shivan responded nonchalantly. It might be interesting.

Chloe exhaled as a burden was seemingly lifted off her shoulders.

"Okay, you guys need to change. You guys need to put on disguises if you don't want to be recognised."

As soon as she had Shivan's confirmation, she started barking out orders. Connecting to the laboratory was a wardrobe.

Alexia went in first changing into dark jeans, a plain shirt and a large, black jacket. She also tied her into a bun, tucked into her beanie and wore sunglasses to further hide her identity.

Thankfully in the wardrobe, there were male clothes that fit me. I wore similar dark-coloured clothes, with a scarf.

Chloe who had the drugs packed in a duffle bag changed as well, wearing the same mute clothes.

Chloe also instructed me to wear a black wig and black facial hair to further conceal my identity.

When Shivan looked at the mirror, he saw himself looking completely different. They also appeared quite suspicious but this is that kind of area, so they blended in well.

Finally, she opened a drawer, revealing that she had possession of a very illegal weapons.

"Guns?! How'd you get your hands on those?" Shivan exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't worry about it." Chloe gave no answer to his question. Shivan accepted her explanation and moved on.

"Don't use your gift abilities if we get into combat. And don't try to rely on your mana. Just fire the weapons. We don't want them to know that you two are gift users or just mages in general."

Shivan nodded as he listened to Chloe's instructions. While Chloe was getting ready, Alexia gave Shivan a quick crash course on how to use a gun as he'd never used it before.

Shivan didn't find it difficult to use but he found aiming difficult. Though he was confident he'd be able to hit his shots.

Shivan was actually looking forward to the deal. He didn't know if it was the fact that he was going to commit a crime, or that he was going to be like the characters in the spy films he loved. Either way, he was up for it.

After double-checking my equipment and disguise, the trio left the building and walked between the alleyways to get to their desired location.

As they approached the meetup location, more and more presences entered Shivan's detection. They barely made any noise.

'They're skilled. If it wasn't for my hyper-enhanced senses, I wouldn't have noticed them.' 

Eventually, they arrived at the meetup spot, coming face to face with an intimidating, tall, bald man.

Chloe stood in front while Shivan and Alexia stood next to her, slightly behind her as guards.

"It's an honour to meet you... Mystic."