
The wolfs mate

Max locks the door behind them and crouches down next to Marcy they are both shaking. Max lifts her phone and notices that Dexter hung up. The girls are locked inside with no way of knowing what is happening outside of the bathroom door. They know the wolves have arrived, they are there to try and protect them because they can hear howling and screaming coming from right outside the door. Marcy held Max as she cries quietly into her shoulder and they both slide down the bathroom wall to crouch on the floor. The screams and banging continue from outside the door and it sounds like the whole house is going to cave in at any moment. After the girls huddle there for what feels like hours the house suddenly goes quiet. Marcy looks at Max and asks "where is Ian, do you think he knows?" Max hugs her tight and looks around the bathroom as if she is trying to figure out their next move. "Max" Dexter yells from downstairs. Max slides herself across the bathroom floor and places her hand on the door. "It's gonna be okay" max says and lifts herself off the bathroom floor and then swings the door open ready to Sprint down the stairs to Dexter, but Max is met with Ian's gaze instead. His eyes no longer an emerald green they are now a dark mossy color filled with hear and rage only enhanced by the hunters blood on his cruel twisted face. "I'm gonna go see who needs my help" max stammers as she ducks around Ian who was looking through her and right at Marcy any ways. "Marcy" Ian says as he moves twords the woman who is still curled up shaking involuntarily in the corner of the bathroom floor. He reaches out his hand to help her up "are you okay?" Marcy looks up to meet his gaze and nods her head reaching up to his extended hand. Ian pulls Marcy out of the floor and can read the shock on her face. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

Taylor_Cornish · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

The pack


That went better than expected. The pack dug up enough for me to know I have put the ones I love in danger and that the hunters are already hot on our trail. But they have chosen to support us instead of ridacule me for showing my wolf to Marcy. They even sent Dexter out. Dexter and I haven't always seen eye to eye since he tried to mark Max but I know he will fallow orders and will protect Max at all costs. However I'm more worried about Marcy because she isn't a part of the pack, not to them anyway! Marcy is part of the pack to me an max though. Hopefully they understand that considering I was willing to show her my wolf. She deserves better than our life but she's mixed up in it now, and it's all my fault. How could I be so stupid.

Ian pulls into the pack house that he is staying at for the night. He had simply wanted to get a motel but thought better of it. with all of the help the pack was giving him in the current predicament it would just be seen as disrespectful to turn down their hospitality. Plus if anything changes he will be there to get the updates first hand.

As soon as Ian cuts the car off he is greeted by two wolf pups that he doesn't recognize jump on the hood of the car. Ian laughs at the jump scare the wolves intended on provoking and him and steps out of the car to join them. The pups sit wagging their tails and start nipping at each other and running in circles before running off into the woods behind the house. Ian grins at the pure adolescence the pups displayed before walking into the pack house. Ian walks inside only to have a pack of men jump on him laughing. "It's been a while, Ian" one calls out, "he's to good for us animals" another laughs. " All of you know that's not true" Ian insists in a fit of laughter as he pushes the men off of him. " I would sure hope not" comes from the door way. The men pile off and Ian whips his head up to greet storm who is leaning in the door way.

Storm is the alpha demanding attention and respect when he walks in the room. He is well over six foot and twice as large as Ian is, as if his size isn't scary enough he is blessed with a face scare that goes from his eye brow across his forehead straight into his dreads. There are many stories as to how storm got that scar but no one knows the truth. He reeks of power and strength, the only time he shows any form of weakness is with the females and the pups. That's probably why he did not punish Ian for the mess he made with Marcy, yet any ways because there is always time.

"Storm" Ian nods his head at the alpha. "Ian it's about time you show up, I expected you over an hour ago" the words practically rattle the walls when he speaks though his words aren't angry. "We need to talk" storms face looks concerned as he turns and ducks into another door way. Ian shakes the rest of the wolves off of him and fallow storm into a den just across the hall from where the rest of the wolves still watched intently. Storm raises his hand to motion at a chair across from him as he sits. Ian fallows suit and sits across from storm. "The hunters are closer than we thought, apparently they were already sniffing around with the pack growing there have been plenty of wolf sightings, so this isn't entirely your fault. However you were reckless with the girl. I intend on protecting them both to the best of my ability that is why I sent my best guys out there....I know you and Dexter have a past but you need to make that right when this is all over with." Ian nods " I thank you for all you are doing to help, I will amend our relationship when this is over with but the marking of my sister is not a bargaining chip, she will not be forced into anything she doesn't want due to my mistakes storm." "That is all I ask Ian, you have so much potential and you are just waisting away pretending to be something that you aren't." Storm snaps. Ian instinctually bows his head in submission. Storm grumbles " look at me, we have more to talk about, as I stated already the pack has reported that the hunters are closer than we had thought. I think it best is we all leave town for a few days, I have made calls and arrangements for all of us in the mountains. We will send the wives and pups first thing in the morning. I will need some help getting together some loose ends and we will leave tomorrow night after meeting up with Dexter and your girls." "Yes sir" is all Ian could manage.storm nodded at him and waved his hand dismissing and from the room. Ian stood slowly and walked out of the room to find the rest of the pack huddled in the hallway trying to ease drop. Ian looks around and raises an eyebrow at the foolish men and then they scatter like cockroaches. Ian walks up the stairs to one of the many guest rooms. It will be a long day tomorrow and Ian knows he will need to be well rested.