
The wolfs mate

Max locks the door behind them and crouches down next to Marcy they are both shaking. Max lifts her phone and notices that Dexter hung up. The girls are locked inside with no way of knowing what is happening outside of the bathroom door. They know the wolves have arrived, they are there to try and protect them because they can hear howling and screaming coming from right outside the door. Marcy held Max as she cries quietly into her shoulder and they both slide down the bathroom wall to crouch on the floor. The screams and banging continue from outside the door and it sounds like the whole house is going to cave in at any moment. After the girls huddle there for what feels like hours the house suddenly goes quiet. Marcy looks at Max and asks "where is Ian, do you think he knows?" Max hugs her tight and looks around the bathroom as if she is trying to figure out their next move. "Max" Dexter yells from downstairs. Max slides herself across the bathroom floor and places her hand on the door. "It's gonna be okay" max says and lifts herself off the bathroom floor and then swings the door open ready to Sprint down the stairs to Dexter, but Max is met with Ian's gaze instead. His eyes no longer an emerald green they are now a dark mossy color filled with hear and rage only enhanced by the hunters blood on his cruel twisted face. "I'm gonna go see who needs my help" max stammers as she ducks around Ian who was looking through her and right at Marcy any ways. "Marcy" Ian says as he moves twords the woman who is still curled up shaking involuntarily in the corner of the bathroom floor. He reaches out his hand to help her up "are you okay?" Marcy looks up to meet his gaze and nods her head reaching up to his extended hand. Ian pulls Marcy out of the floor and can read the shock on her face. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay.

Taylor_Cornish · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The move

Marcy and Max pull into the house, Marcy smiles at the "big move" still looking at her aunt's house a couple houses down. The girls were not allowed to tell anyone they were still there if they were to keep everyone safe including aunt Lisa. But neither of them were willing to leave the neighborhood especially knowing Ian wouldn't be home for at least another day or two. So the girls quickly hop out of the moving truck and go inside so they aren't seen. As far as anyone is concerned it's just a coincidence that new neighbors move in right as the girls move out. As soon as they cross the threshold of the house the movers pull in. If anyone were to become to nosey they would just see movers unloading the truck to the newly rented house. As the movers bring stuff in Max and Marcy point them in the right direction on where to put each box. Luckily they had furniture delivered earlier so they watched as the men placed the boxes in the dedicated rooms from the fluffy sofa. When Max gets a text from Ian.

* Text from Ian

"Hey, did you guys get everything unpacked yet?"

* Text from Max

"The guys are moving the boxes in now."

* Text from Ian

"Are you both okay?"

* Text from Max

"Both of us or are you asking about Marcy?"

* Text from Ian

"Both of you"


"What did she tell you?"

* Text from Max

"We are both okay right now. You made sure of that by dressing the lack up as movers. As for Marcy she told me you guys had a moment and you ruined it. You need to talk to her, I know you have feelings for her Ian!"

* Text from Ian

" Now isn't the time, and I don't want to push her into this life. But now isn't the time any ways not with the hunters hot on our trail. We are sure that have made the connection so some of the guys are gonna stay across the street at the house to watch you both and make sure you are safe."

" I will be home tomorrow night at the latest, your job is to keep Marcy busy in the meantime."

* Text from Max

"I can do that."

* Text from Ian

"Good, I will see you both some time tomorrow and call Dexter if you see anything out of the norm."

* Text from Max

"Okay, I've got it. Be safe jerk"

* Text from Ian

"I'll try, I love you"

* Text from Max

"I love you"

* Max

" I love you too"

This was the first time Ian had been away for more than a day since max was a teenager. Ian had put the pack on the back burner after our parents were lost to Hunter and we had to relocate. Him and Dexter had gotten pretty close for a while but he always acted like I was his first priority and shut them all out when Dexter propositioned me to be his mate. He wouldn't have been the worst of mates he was the alphas second, he was handsome with long dark hair and muscles for days. But he was very old fashioned and set in his ways. He still lived in the woods with the elders of the pack and refused to live like a normal person. But he would have definitely kept me safe from the hunters he still will and I know that.

Max looks out the window to where Dexter is leaned up against the moving van in front of the house waiting on his wolves to finish unloading the truck. They need to get everything inside and get ride of the truck so they cause as little talk amongst the neighbors as possible. Dexter noticed max in the window and gave a half wave, still looking like an injured pup from the previous rejection. Max smiles and waves back. If Ian brought Dexter back into this he must really feel threatened max thinks to herself as she moves away from the window to sit back on the couch with Marcy.

"The hunters are coming" Max says as she lays her head on Marcy. Marcy turns to hold Max unsure of what the next move is.