
Chapter 7- The reveal

Xanderia's POV

"Well, Mr. Longleaf, considering the options laid out to us we will be pressing charges." my mother says with a smile. "Oh and Jamie, the next time your son lays a hand or anything on my daughter you will be held with just as much responsibility as your son. Don't test me."

Lucas's mom looks like she is about to explode with how red her face went. "How dare you speak to me that way! I will call them and expose you Xia."

"Good luck with that. Xanderia, Kyle, Xain you three may go now. We are taking you out early today. Don't be late getting back to the Alexander's place." My mother says patting me on the head. I love my mom.

The boys and I walk out arms linked around each other. We are the freak squad. And not only that our parents have become amazing friends as well since we all got along. We all smile and go to out lockers to clean them out and head out of the school.

"So, pizza and movie selection first then head to Xain's? Sound good? Kyle says walking to his jeep.

"Why don't we drop everything off at Xain's and we car pool to get this stuff done?" I say looking nervous to really be alone for very long. Lucas being the next head of his coven gunning for me all because of a misunderstanding I'm sure.

Kyle and Xain look at me worried. "He really did a number on you huh Xan?" Kyle first speaks up. All I can do is nod and look at the ground. With us being witches we normally get paired up by the parents or grandparents to help bolster our number. But how can my mother choose Lucas of all people?

I feel an arm wrap around me and hold me tight. Smelling of woods it has to be Kyle. He always smells of pine and cedar. It's familiar and different at the same time. I lay my head into his shoulder and relax. This is a relief since earlier today.

Xain coughs instantly bringing us back to the present. I look down and away from Kyle bashfully and walk over to Xain. Giving him the biggest hug I can muster. "Don't worry I didn't forget about you Xain. You both mean so much to me."

He laughs lightly and places a kiss on my forehead lightly. Our sign of friendship and respect between us three. I take a step back and start walking to my crown vic while Kyle goes to his truck and Xain to his bike. They both pull up behind me waiting to go.

"Okay boys, who ever gets to Xain's place first gets to pick the movie tonight!" I yell out my window laughing.

Kyle's POV

"Okay boys, who ever gets to Xain's place first gets to pick the movie tonight!" Xanderia yells out her window laughing.

Oh it is so on. If I win it will perfect to tell her how I feel. I'm not good at expressing myself. But with a movie I'll be able to show her that even though she didn't tell me why Lucas did that I figure that one good thing to come from this is that she has to be a witch. Only reason Lucas would do something like that. I may not know all the governing issues with witches but I do know that once it is announced with a bonding the witches claim each other.

I start racing down the street not looking back. I can't let Xain win. Xanderia has been my best friend since grade school. Never telling her my feelings since then has done nothing but give me trouble. Let alone the fact that she was always kind to me. And once we found Xain it's been a whirlwind race between us. Only now am I realizing that Xain may try to turn Xan if I let him. Though that isn't going to happen.

"Hey Kyle, did you three leave early?" Damean mink links me.

"Yeah all is good though. Our parents are taking care of this issue with Lucas."

"That would explain the power boost a little bit ago. Those witches know how to throw power when they need to."

"What happened?" I ask trying to sound like it didn't concern me.

"Lucas's mom ended up making a huge scene in front of the school with Xanderia's mom. Something about their bonding is now finished and there is no way that the Blood Moon coven and the Midnight Star coven would ever join forces. Xanderia's mom just laughed and walked away. But the show of power was enormous. I didn't think that the Midnight Star coven had that much power with High Priestess Xia being the head."

"So Xanderia is actually a witchling. That explains the jade green eyes." Normal humans eyes don't sparkle like that. "I wonder why she never told me this herself?"

"Probably because she didn't want you to treat her any differently."

I close the mind link and pass over the bridge to Xain's place. I would never treat her any differently. She is still my best friend. However this does change how I confess to her tonight. It may over whelm her and make her upset. I really don't need that to happen.

I see Xain in the rear view turning to the left just after the bridge. That must be how he always beats me. This is his land after all. He would know all the passages and roads here. I can only hope that Xain will understand that I'm going after her.

Pulling up to the house I see Xan and Xain beat me.

"Which one of you won this time?" asking as I'm getting out. Xanderia full of smiles and jumping.

"HAHA I did! Sucks for you boys I'll get the cheesiest romantic comedy ever!!" She says laughing on the way to drop her bag inside.

"I can't believe she beat me man. I thought I had her this time." Xain says with a harsh frown. "Honestly how did she do that!?"

"I don't know. Maybe she got lucky this time." I smile. At least I can still tell her depending on the movie that she picks.

We all walk into Xain's place and up the stairs to his room. Still dark and gloomy. The black furniture, red curtains, and bedding just scream I'm a male vampire and I will dominate you. He's been like that since freshman year. That is when we became the freak squad.

Xain's POV

"Which one of you won this time?" Kyle asks as he gets out. Xanderia is completely full of smiles and jumping. I can't believe she beat me.

"HAHA I did! Sucks for you boys I'll get the cheesiest romantic comedy ever!!" She says laughing on the way to drop her bag inside.

"I can't believe she beat me man. I thought I had her this time. Honestly how did she do that!?" I say frowning. I took the right path instead of going on the outside. Maybe that is the key.

"I don't know. Maybe she got lucky this time." I smile. At least I can still tell her depending on the movie that she picks.

As soon as I get to my room I put my bag down and flop on the bed. Just because I can go out into the sun doesn't mean I like to. Sun burns are even worse for me then they are for these two.

Xan drops her bag on the couch and Kyle put is on the computer desk. All of us here for at least one more night before all our lives change forever. I wonder if either of them know what we all are?

"Guys I have a confession to make." Xan says with her head down looking at the floor.

"What for? You haven't done anything wrong." Kyle says as he walks to put a hand on her. She looks at him and smiles.

"But I have. And it is something we swore to never do unless it was absolutely necessary." Worry written all over her face. I wonder if she is going to admit to being a witch.

I look over at Kyle and meet his eyes. There really must be something serious if he's looking at me with that expression.

"You two have to promise, that no matter what I tell you, you will not treat me any differently from tonight on. Please." She adds. Both of us just nod. "I'm not a human."

Kyle smirks and looks at me. We both know where this is going but we need to let her finish.

"I'm actually a witch born into a coven with nothing but witches. The reason Lucas attacked me today is because we are engaged to be wed not long after next weekend." She pauses and places her hands on her face trying to hide. She's done this for as long as I can remember. She's scared and embarrassed. "I turn 17 next Saturday. My family is throwing me a pretty decent size party to welcome me to the coven and start my training as the next Matriarch of the coven. Just like my mom. So with that being said. We need to hang out as much as we possibly can before next weekend."

Kyle just sits there and smiles trying not to laugh. He must know by now.

"It's okay Xanderia, I'm not a human either." I say simply smiling. She looks at me with shock.

"Nor am I." holding back a laugh and Kyle speaks up.

She looks at us like we've lost our minds. I smile and walk to my closet opening my secret panel where I keep extra bottles of rouge for an emergency. "I'm more closely related to some very powerful people than I let on." I toss her bottle and walk back over. "Do you know what that is?"

She looks at me wide eyed and excited at the same time. "If I wouldn't of known you better I would say that this is some cruel joke. But yes I know what Rouge is. We keep some on hand at my place for visiting vampire families." I smile and take her hand.

"I can't be as cool as vampire boy here but I can show you this much." Kyle says walking into the bathroom. "Don't worry Xain I'm not going to shed on the floor."

Xanderia and I both smile and giggle. Still holding her hand I feel a small tingle come across her palm into mine. Like a little spark that says hi I'm here to show you something. She turns to look at me blushing. Her cheeks turning a pink rose color. I lean in a little closer and smell her blood. She catches my eyes roaming her neck as she leans in closer.

"You are not getting a single swallow of my blood without my permission. I know you can smell it." She whispers eyeing me with lust. I know she felt it too.

A thud on the door knocks us both back to reality. I open the bathroom door and out pops a black timber wolf. Almost the same size as my bike. Kyle walks over to Xanderia and places his snout on her leg.

"You are beautiful Kyle," She said as she pet his snout.

Kyle starts wagging his tails lightly to show that he is happy with her petting him. All I can think is how am I going to top something like that.