
Chapter 6- Last class together

Xanderia's POV

The boys are really starting to worry me. I mean yeah they don't know I'm a witch but with Lucas forcing himself on me I'm sure they will figure it out sooner or later. Why can't life just be normal? Being part of the Midnight Star coven is great, except when I have to represent our coven in certain gatherings. Like next weekend after I'm claimed by the coven I have to go the vampire clan meeting to welcome the new head patriarch as introduce myself has the head priestess in training.

Also thinking about it I also have to be at the Alpha ceremony for the Blue Moon pack. There is just so much that is going to change here very soon. Almost feels like over night. Goddess please help me get through all of this. I don't want to lose them and I don't want them to lose me either.

"Xan you feeling alright? You look pale," Xain says with concern written all over his face.

"Paler than you or just pale for me?" I ask jokingly as he rubs my shoulder.

"Really Xan? Your are going to sit there and act like none of the affected you?" Kyle says with a heated breath.

"Guys, seriously, I'm okay. Just a little freaked out that Lucas would do that. I don't even know him like that and still he kissed me like that." I shiver thinking back on it.

Placing my fingers to my lips makes me think he way he forced it made my first kiss feel like trash. I wasn't pleased about it. My first kiss should of gone to the guy that I decided on. Hell if anyone should of gotten that it should have been Kyle or Xain. But with them being human I can't very well just tell them I want them.

My heart starts to race as I think about what Xain said before he kicked Lucas. Do both of them have feelings for me? I don't know what I would do if they both do. With both of them being human I couldn't be with either of them. This is getting to be so difficult to manage.

"Xanderia Mars, Kyle Woodsmen, and Xain Alexander please report to the principal's office. Again Xanderia Mars, Kyle Woodsmen and Xain Alexander to the principal's office."

"You three go now. Just leave your report on my desk." Mr. Ramez said as we come into the room.

We look at each other and sigh. This doesn't sound good at all. Placing the report on the desk we leave.

"How much you want to bet that Lucas was a little bitch going to Principal Longleaf about the ass beating he got?" Kyle said with a smirk.

"I bet two slices of pizza and a race against you on Long Beach Cars tonight." Xain says with a smile on his face.

"Will you two please be serious? What if they called our parents. I would rather not deal with that headache." I say texting my mother seeing if she is here.

"I'm already here Xan. Don't worry you're not in trouble. I know about what Lucas did," my mom's voice coming to mind. I sigh and smile.

We make it to the office where we find our parents and all look at each other. Well this is going to be a long night.

Kyle's POV

Getting to the office I see my father. The Alpha of the pack with an extremely smug look on his face. I really hope I'm not in too much trouble.

"Hey Dad." I say bowing my head in shame.

"Kyle, we will discuss this after the meeting."

I look away. I was just protecting Xan. Number one rule with our pack. If someone you are close to is in trouble stand up and help them. I grew up with that.

Xain's mom is here with a smile on her face. Well at least he isn't in trouble. Lucas is here too with his mom and she isn't too pleased. The storm clouds in her eyes are like lighting trying to strike with a death blow.

"Since we are all here," Mr. Longleaf starts, "We need to discuss punishment for Xain and Kyle. Both of them beat on Lucas here so badly that he starting spitting blood. What do you have to say for yourself?"

I look to my father and he nods giving me the go ahead. "Sir, both of us were only protecting Xanderia. Lucas forced himself on her in front of her locker. Let alone all the other things he's done just this past year alone to her." I say with my head held high.

"My son would never force himself on a young lady. These are all lies." Lucas's mother says with growl that could rival my own.

"Kyle is telling the truth Mr. Longleaf. He forced her to kiss him. I was there for the whole thing. He's never once been nice to Xanderia nor has he ever shown that he wants her. He's with some party girl Kilee. Everybody knows that." Xain says with earnest.

"Enough." Mr. Longleaf says looking at Xain and myself. "Xanderia, would you please tell me why your involved with Lucas?"

"I'm not Sir. I was just going to my locker to get the senior project out of my locker. Lucas was blocking the way as normal. And as I turned around he placed his hand on the back of my neck and forced me to kiss him. If it weren't for Kyle and Xain I don't know what would of happened."

"You little slut. We all know that you slept with almost every boy in the school. The only ones you haven't slept with is Kyle and Xain." Lucas says with a smug look.

I start to tighten my fist as my father places a hand on my shoulder.

"Here's the thing, I don't care about the rumors you start Lucas. And I don't care to know why you feel it necessary to hurt those around you. What I do care about it the fact that you did force yourself on this young lady. We caught you on camera. The only reason these three are here is so I can understand the thought process behind protecting a friend." Mr. Longleaf says as he looks at Xanderia and her mother. "My question to you Mrs. Mars is if you are going to press charges against this young man for aggravated sexual assault against him. If so I will need to get you a copy of everything to bring to the police."

Xanderia looked shook and scared. There is something up that we don't know about. I can feel it. Something isn't right. What could it be?

Xain's POV

Great my mom is here. Knew I shouldn't of gotten involved but I needed to help Xan.

"Xain you aren't in trouble. I know what happened. Camile already told me. Also it is fine with me if you three have your video game, movie, pizza night in our home. Just follow the rules this time."

I smile and wink at my mother. At least this mind transfer is private. I just hope this meeting doesn't last too long. The day is almost over and I can finally have a night with my friends.

"Since we are all here," Mr. Longleaf starts, "We need to discuss punishment for Xain and Kyle. Both of them beat on Lucas here so badly that he starting spitting blood. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Sir, both of us were only protecting Xanderia. Lucas forced himself on her in front of her locker. Let alone all the other things he's done just this past year alone to her." Kyle says with his head held high. I know the pride of a werewolf is strong. And I'm betting his father is an alpha considering how he is keeping Kyle calm.

"My son would never force himself on a young lady. These are all lies." Lucas's mother says with disgust. Like her asshole of a son wouldn't try anything like that. With him becoming the next head of his coven I can see him getting away with way more then he should. This is complete and utter bullshit. I can't let this go.

"Kyle is telling the truth Mr. Longleaf. He forced her to kiss him. I was there for the whole thing. He's never once been nice to Xanderia nor has he ever shown that he wants her. He's with some party girl Kilee. Everybody knows that." I say trying to defend both Kyle and Xanderia.

My mother smiles at me and puts her hand on my shoulder. I can tell she is proud. Being raised to have a moral compass is always a good thing when it comes to clans. But those who hurt others are nothing but cowards and morons.

"Enough." Mr. Longleaf says looking at Kyle and myself. "Xanderia, would you please tell me why your involved with Lucas?"

"I'm not Sir. I was just going to my locker to get the senior project out. Lucas was blocking the way as normal. And as I turned around he placed his hand on the back of my neck and forced me to kiss him. If it weren't for Kyle and Xain I don't know what would of happened."

"You little slut. We all know that you slept with almost every boy in the school. The only ones you haven't slept with is Kyle and Xain." Lucas says with a smug look.

About to lunge forward my mother holds me down tighter. "He's about to get the shock of his life time. Just wait young one. Xanderia is about to have the upper hand." my mother says to me through the mind transfer.

"Here's the thing, I don't care about the rumors you start Lucas. And I don't care to know why you feel it necessary to hurt those around you. What I do care about it the fact that you did force yourself on this young lady. We caught you on camera. The only reason these three are here is so I can understand the thought process behind protecting a friend." Mr. Longleaf says as he looks at Xanderia and her mother. "My question to you Mrs. Mars is if you are going to press charges against this young man for aggravated sexual assault against him. If so I will need to get you a copy of everything to bring to the police."

Xanderia stood there shaking like a leaf. If her mother hadn't been there how would of things been taken care of?