
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.9: "The Raid"

Several high-ranking security guards moved quickly through the forest. They were following the instructions that Enca had given to the guards. Every day they continued to explore the forest to find out what Enca had seen.

But today was different. After finding illegal buildings built around the forest. The guards found an abandoned building with an open door.

One of the mages who came from the security guards said that there were no suspicious signs from inside the building. However, one of the troops found white powder scattered around the building.

The magician who found the white powder understood immediately. He explained that this building had previously been equipped with magic that made the building disappear from the sight of many people.

The head of the squad immediately asked everyone to carefully enter the building for inspection. Shortly after, the head of the security guards entered the building. He found a woman staggering towards him.

"Be careful, there are undead!" the security chief shouted.

Everyone around the building slowly moved away from the building. The security chief's face looked very tense. It had been a long time since he had seen undead after the war fifty years ago.

"Everyone! Be careful!" the security chief shouted, "There's no doubt about it. These girls are the victims of this heinous abduction. Great vengeance has turned their bodies into undead. As such, be wary of their abilities!"

Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion that shattered a tree near the building. Several people shouted from the side of the building, explaining what they had seen.

"It's that missing B-level witch girl!"

"Don't underestimate an undead!" shouted the leader of the security guards, "When humans become undead. They will not be able to control themselves. Therefore, their magic ability will increase."

"What should we do?"

"No! The situation is unfavorable, Chief!"

"That's not possible, is it?"

"Hey, report the situation!" shouted the security chief, who ran toward the sound of his men's complaints.

"There are even some other B-level witch girls!" shouted one of the people holding a sword.

The chief guard took a deep breath, "Everyone! Let's release all their hatred. Let their spirits rest in peace!"


[Fairy Tales]

The Three Great Witches.

Part Three.

All living beings created by the three witches originally loved each other. A peaceful world like a utopia was created by the three witches.

Even "Demon," who was feared by many creatures, is actually a just and wise figure. They are just afraid of Demon's justice and wisdom. In a way, Demon has brought the world to a state of supreme peace.

In fact, peace is a very unreasonable thing. It has been proven that the peace offered by Demon is slowly leading the world to destruction. There is no proof that the spark came from the Demons.

But all creatures drop demons. A creature who was considered a peacekeeper by the three witches began to be found guilty with the approval of many parties.

The three great witches defended "Demon" for her innocence. However, in an instant, war broke out in this beautiful world.

The first witch, as the one who created everything. The last witch as the one who killed everything.

Slowly, a conflict arose between them. The peaceful order that the three great witches had tried to create collapsed. The ideal world everyone had dreamed of was destroyed in one night.

The warriors created by the three witches were terrified. For the two witches raged against each other because of the war created by the thirteen creations.

The battle between the two witches destroyed many places. Many innocent creatures became victims. The beautiful world was leveled in an instant by the battle of the two witches.

There were many creatures who had created the previous war, begging for mercy because of the power of the three witches. But no matter how many times the creatures begged for mercy. The two witches fought to the end.

The mountains turned to earth. The loss of the sea water. The forests destroyed by fire. The creation of the deepest hole in a lake. All the destruction that happens in the world makes everyone afraid when they see it.

And the witch just sat there and watched the terrible events.

The Witch of Time, a witch who can control the flow of time. With long white hair and clear skin. The witch just smiled a little as she watched the end of the world being created.


"And what about the investigation I ordered a few days ago?" asked Vyona with a tense face.

A leader of the raiding party stood before the queen of the kingdom of Arcadia. His face was scarred and one of his eyes was injured. The leader said that the raid had been successful with minimal casualties.

"I heard that three people died in the raid," Vyona said, "Is this news true?"

The troop leader nodded weakly. It was said that the three died after facing several B-level witch girls.

"An adventurer is indeed a strong person," Vyona said quietly, slowly rising from her chair, "Since they turned into undead. Of course, their determination to take revenge for the injustice done to them will be extraordinary."

"That, right..."

"Have you identified the witch girls who were victims of the kidnapping?" asked Vyona while looking at the squad leader, "We should make a statue of honor for the victims. Of course, whether we want to or not. We have to make this incident public."

The troop leader's eyes widened, "Are you sure, Queen Vyona? Won't this cause a major uprising?"

Vyona nodded softly, "This is the downfall of the leadership of the Kingdom of Arcadia. Besides, this incident can no longer be controlled by the troops standing behind the scenes."

"Are you going to tell the public about the royal secret army?"

Vyona shook her head, "Tell the public? That's a silly thought. After all, they are people I trust, and until when... I trust them all."

The troop leader looked at Vyona. Then he explained that the report about the kidnapping and the raid would be sent to the kingdom during the night.

"Good then."

The troop leader asked for permission to leave the room. But the man had not yet left the room. Vyona called him back.

"Quickly tell everyone to gather in front of the kingdom. It will be in the afternoon. I have something to say to all the people I love," Vyona pleaded, "Let me bear it all."

"But, Queen... Isn't it too much?"

"No, it isn't. It's not too much. Because I really like all the beautiful scenery outside the kingdom," Vyona said sharply, stopping in mid-air.


Andra woke up in a pitch black place. He saw what was in front of his eyes. It made Andra realize that the place was very familiar to him

Andra heard the sound of dripping puddles. He had not been very sensitive to it before. Suddenly, the sound of the puddle stopped and the atmosphere around Andra became cold.

Andra kept him guard up by looking around. Slowly, from a distance, there was a light of fire that was approaching very quickly. The light, which Andra first thought was a lamp, suddenly stopped his eyes.

The firelight was not coming from a lamp. Rather, it was a four-legged creature enveloped in flames. What's more, its movements were very fast.

Andra didn't want to die again and feel the excruciating pain like before. So when the creature with the fiery body approached. Andra jumped to the other side.

The creature had been successfully tricked. Andra ran quickly to avoid the savagery in front of him. Andra could see the furious breath that quickly came out of the creature's nose.

He noticed that the fiery creature's movement had disappeared from Andra's view. Quickly, Andra turned back to where he had been. He practiced this deception technique when he was being chased by a dog.

But the irony was there. The four-legged, fire-breathing creature was just as clever as Andra.

The creature hid in the ceiling and lunged at Andra's body into a pool of water. Andra struggled to hit the creature with his right hand. Again and again, Andra punched the creature in the face. Andra felt a burning sensation in his hand.

The creature's deception made Andra giggle. From the beginning, he couldn't defeat the creature.

"I can't believe it. Your determination is really great! Hahaha."

The creature spoke right to Andra's face. There was a burning sensation on Andra's face. Then the creature said that it would give Andra a reward.

"There has never been a human who dared to challenge me! From now on, you must survive if you want to live!"

The fiery creature quickly forced Andra's mouth open. Andra screamed in pain until his vision began to darken.


Suddenly, Andra fell out of his chair. Him sweat soaked the clothes he was wearing. Andra couldn't believe this was just a dream. The pain felt so real.

Andra's eyes looked everywhere. He was in the library. He slowly got up and picked up the chair that had fallen over. Then he returned to the table with the many books.

Andra exhaled heavily after reading the many books he placed on the table. The library room was slowly getting darker. Andra began to quietly think about everything.

In general, he already understood a lot about this world. There was a lot of information that Andra knew after all he knew. From there, Andra wondered about the rest of him life.

Andra could have opened a shop and made the most of his world. Then about renting a shop, maybe Andra would borrow money from Enca and promise to return the money.

But after all he had thought of. Andra was at a loss to accomplish his goal. He wasn't sure if doing business in this new world without a name could work. Andra remembered a fantasy story about an experienced merchant who was killed on his first day.

So Andra decided to live his day in peace. With one ultimate goal. To defeat the fiery creature that kept killing him.