
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.8: "Spies"

A place in the palace. With minimal lighting and a round table. Several people were gathered, discussing the attack on the guild a few days ago.

Included in the discussion were Proto, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Magic, and the highest figure in the city of Arcadia. A queen with long straight blonde hair and a tense face, "Vyona".

"As I said, Mr. Proto," Vyona said with a tense face, "Are you sure. That it wasn't an attack from outside the city? We cannot underestimate this incident. Especially since the explosion was capable of blowing up your entire room."

Proto nodded slowly, "That's right, Queen. If the attack came from outside. Wouldn't the Ministry of Defense feel it?"

"That's right. The section of the Ministry of Defense that contains many experts in magic sensing said the same thing. They believe that the explosion came from inside the city," the Defense Minister said.

Vyona's right hand cupped her forehead. She was at a loss for the next step regarding this incident. Besides, it was known that the explosion came from an person from another world with even a small magical ability. This made no sense to Vyona.

Vyona slowly left the meeting room. She asked Proto to discuss the incident with the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Magic. Vyona was immediately followed by her most loyal ministers throughout the city of Arcadia.

"Do you have any suggestions, Mona?"

With short white hair, she wore white military-style clothing, a white skirt, and a sword at her waist.

Getting a question from her childhood friend. Mona was obviously pleased and leaned against the same stone fence as Vyona. Mona's eyes looked deep into the crowd of people in the city of Arcadia.

"I have no idea either. But since this is a case of a person from another world. We can only watch from a distance," Mona said, "Well, if a person named Andra makes a scene in this beautiful city. The beautiful little demon aka Vyona will destroy that person."

Vyona nudged Mona's body with a flushed face, "Duh, don't tease me!"

"I'm not teasing you," Mona smiled, "I'm so glad you helped me that time from those damn idiots."

Vyona was thoughtful for a moment. She remembered when she helped Mona who was about to be sold to a slave trader by a kidnapper.

"But seriously. If it wasn't for you. I might have experienced a terrible event."

"Never mind. That was ten years ago," Vyona said, turning her face away, "I'm not as strong as people say."

"Hehehe. I like you blushing like that."

"How about telling them all about this decision?" Vyona asked Mona, "I don't want to keep them waiting in there, confused, trying to figure out how to deal with this incident."

"I guess there's a point to that," Mona replied.

Vyona slowly left Mona, who was still outside the room. Mona slowly leaned against the wall and looked up at the blue sky. She was happy to be at this place.

Mona remembered it clearly. The way Vyona had slaughtered the slave trader and his men with one hand. Like a prince congratulating his princess.

Mona covered her hot face with both hands. I don't know why she suddenly felt embarrassed. Then Mona patted her cheeks to get rid of the image of Vyona. Her feet slowly moved to Vyona's side.


Andra got used to the situation in the city of Arcadia. Andra returned to the library when Enca said she wanted to practice magic near the forest.

Actually, Andra wanted to try to use magic. But in reality, he still couldn't bring out the magical elements. Even after studying many books about magic. He still couldn't understand how to use magic.

Sometimes he situation made Andra feel resigned and discouraged. After all, he had no motivation to learn magic. So, Andra thought, he might as well forget about learning magic and become an entrepreneur instead.

In fact, Andra still couldn't face people. But the atmosphere in the city of Arcadia was very different from his world. Slowly, Andra began to learn to change him lonely and shy life.

At least for the last few days. Andra talked to several people. Like Mr. Proto, the guild leader, Nora, the library guard, and several merchants that Andra met.

Arriving at the library, Andra went straight to the administration area. Nora tilted her head when she saw Andra.

"What's the usual?" asked Nora.

Andra nodded quickly, "Yes. I have a lot of thick books to study."

Andra quickly wrote him name in the book on the desk. Not forgetting to write down several titles of books that would be read today.

"Andra is very hardworking, huh?" asked Nora with a small smile, "I like people like that."

"Uh, what were you saying before?" Andra asked quickly because he wasn't concentrating on hearing it.

Nora shook her head and looked at Andra stiffly. She explained about other books that Andra could read.

Knowing the situation, Andra immediately thanked Nora. He quickly left Nora alone.

Nora could only remain silent and shrugged sadly, "So he doesn't remember the incident at all, huh?"


Andra slowly walked over to the bookshelf he had visited earlier. He started reading the book he had picked up the last time.

[Fire Magic Concept]

His eyes slowly glanced at a book at the top of the shelf. The book contained the second level of Fire Magic. However, Andra had not just picked up the book.

A male figure wearing a black suit and sunglasses was leaning against the bookcase. Andra noticed that the man's suit looked unusual for a fantasy world.

"So, is your name Andra?" greeted the man with a foreign face.

A man with white skin. Brown hair with a clean cut appearance. The man's name was James. He introduced himself as an earthling like Andra.

"Where are you from?" Andra asked curiously, "Are you from America?"

"That is surprising. You can already speak the language of this world. According to the information I have, you've been in this world for less than a month," James said, "By the way, I'm from London. Since we are both from Earth, I would like to offer you something very interesting."

"What is it?"

"Are you interested in the old world?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure. I'm dead anyway. So why go back to the old world?"

James paused and snorted, "Are you serious? What about your family or your loved ones? Don't you miss them?"

"Well, I'm not interested at all," Andra replied curtly, "I do miss the old world sometimes. It's just, isn't this all destiny?"

James immediately put his arm around Andra's shoulders, "You're an interesting person. So let me tell you. I was a spy investigating America. Then somehow I ended up in this world. Then the witch said I was dead. Isn't that painful?"

"I have to admit that it was painful. Leaving the family without clear circumstances."

"That's why I want to return to the old world. I need your help. That's why I want to recruit many people."

Andra chuckled, "You need my help? I can't even use magic. So, sorry, I can't help you."

"Are you serious?" asked James with sharp eyes.

"I am. I can't use magic. So, sorry..."

James apologized for interrupting Andra's time. He slowly got up from the shelf and headed for the stairs. Before going down the stairs, James looked back at Andra.

"Is the information about the mastermind of the explosion wrong?"