
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.10: "A Great Move by Queen Vyona"

It had been a long time since Vyona had stood before her people after the tragic death of her parents. By assuming the duties of a successor. Her duties as Queen and the care of the city of Arcadia have brought her to this point.

The orange afternoon sky. The sound of chaos from outside the castle. Accompanied by the gossip of ministers from every corridor inside the castle. Vyona knew that speaking directly to many people was the wrong move.

Still, Vyona could not remain silent after incidents of kidnapping and motiveless killings began to eat away at her beautiful territory.

She wore a red military outfit. Her proud blonde hair was styled in a milkmaid's braid. Her slender arms were covered with the most beautiful knitted fabric in the city of Arcadia. Then her hands were wrapped in white gloves.

Her face, both tense and frightened, was clearly visible to Queen Vyona. After adjusting her pants with both hands. Vyona asked Mona to open the window leading to the balcony.

Vyona was surprised to see the number of people who came to see her. Vyona swallowed slowly. But then... Vyona's speech won her the trust of her people.

"To the people of Arcadia, whom I love. I am Vyona. This is the first time I have appeared in public since the death of my parents a few years ago."

Some people were immediately surprised by the appearance of the heir to the kingdom of Arcadia. This is because most of the people in the Kingdom of Arcadia have never seen a girl named Vyona, who is rumored to be the daughter of the former king and queen.

There are many reactions caused by the people in the city of Arcadia. However, it is different from the general troops who have never seen the appearance of the queen named Vyona firsthand. Because the general troops know exactly the face of Queen Vyona.

The girl at the age of seventeen slaughtered an army of human trafficking syndicates in seconds. Of course, everyone would be terrified. But there are also people who are willing to see the kingdom of Arcadia led by someone as powerful as Vyona.

"This is heartbreaking news. Ever since the throne of the Kingdom of Arcadia passed to me. I have been quietly building this region into a stable one with the help of my precious ministers," Vyona said.

"No wonder, I've rarely seen a monster!" A merchant exclaimed.

"That's right!"

Some people immediately began talking about the significance of what Queen Vyona was doing behind the scenes. Some summed up the narrowing social gap. Some explained economic growth. Some said it was security assistance around the edges of the Arcadia region.

"There are some things you may have heard from the security forces since a few weeks ago," Vyona continued, "The incident of the kidnapping and murder of the witch girl for unknown reasons. As a matter of fact, I am also secretly investigating that and hope that it will be solved without causing a public stir."


"Don't tell me...!"

"I don't know anything."

"Doesn't that mean that the guild is responsible?"

"But as far as me and the others are concerned. The result is zero. A few days ago, the royal troops found several bodies of missing witch girls, and the culprit is still out there. In the name of the Kingdom of Arcadia. I apologize for this incompetent leadership," Queen Vyona said as she leaned both palms against the surface of the balcony's stone railing.

"Wait, Princess Vyona!"

"You don't have to be so modest in front of the public!"

Several ministers standing behind Vyona questioned the act of apologizing. But Vyona was already deeply resolved. Her incompetence in governing the Arcadia region was pitiful. Even her parents could have easily solved this incident.

"Therefore, to the next of kin of the deceased witches. Before the kingdom buries the bodies properly. I want you to be able to see their faces one last time," Vyona pleaded, "The royal doors will be open to the public until tonight. The families are only asked to present the identities of the witch girls to the security department to confirm the bodies."

Mona slowly stood in front of the public. Right next to Vyona. Mona continued the idea that she had not yet communicated to Vyona, in order to calm the public's emotions.

"Queen Vyona has explained everything to me. So I will take part in it!" Mona exclaimed loudly, "I and the security forces will continue to fight to catch the mastermind of this incident. Because of this, Arcadia will make new temporary regulations until things calm down!"

Mona's hair moving in the wind made everything Vyona saw fall silent for a moment. Vyona was glad to have someone like Mona she could trust.

Mona slowly backed away. She picked up the pile of papers and threw them into the sky. It wasn't just one pile of paper that Mona threw. Instead, she threw three more piles of paper, which she immediately destroyed in front of the audience.


Temporary rules.

1. Curfew. Anyone who engages in suspicious activity between nine p.m. and six a.m. will be arrested by security forces.

2. Restrictions on the activities of adventurers traveling alone. The guild will not prohibit the party from leaving town. However, the guild will not allow adventurers with parties of less than four people to leave the city.

3. Adventurers with the title "Witch Girl" are asked to be inconspicuous in public. Witch Girls are also asked not to engage in activities alone.


At night. The forest is silent and dark. With the light of the moon shining down on the forest. Something came out of the ground.

A 30-year-old man came out of the ground. The man took off his robe and put on the clothes of a priest. He had a pale face, blackened eye bags, and a disheveled appearance.

The man could only breathe heavily as he leaned against the tree behind him. He didn't think he could escape the royal army.

Slowly, the sound of breaking branches could be heard behind him. The man who became a priest just laughed with all the panic. He hadn't expected that someone from another world would help him.

"So, do you trust me, Priest?" asked a man whose voice was unfamiliar.

The priest laughed, "Okay. All right. I believe you! The power of people from other worlds is indeed extraordinary. I didn't expect you to know the plans of the kingdom."

"That is not my ability. Knowing everyone's secrets is my specialty. That's why I'm here to help you."

The priest chuckled, "So. This is my last question. What do you know about the Witch of Time?"

"That's easy. I told you before, didn't I? That I've explored about a quarter of this world? I found many ancient records that may not be known in other worlds. One of them is his ability to control the flow of time."

The priest stood up with a broad smile. He hadn't expected to find someone his own age.

"So why are you also determined to find the girl with the blood of the Witch of Time? You must have another reason, right?"

"That's something complicated," the man in the darkness replied, "How about we just get on with it? Do you mind if we work together? I've also recruited some people with the same goal as us."

"Of course I agree."

The man in the darkness came out slowly. Then he introduced himself as James.