
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.11: "Andra Still want to Change"

Andra woke up in a dark place. He knew the place very well. But the situation was not the same as before.

The fiery creature suddenly attacked Andra from behind. Andra was surprised that the creature didn't emit flames as illumination and attacked him directly.

Quickly, Andra's head was pulled back. Andra's vision returned to darkness. But it was Andra who should have awakened from this dark place. Instead, he returned to his original position.

"Wait a minute! What the hell is going on?!" Andra shouted.

Suddenly, Andra heard rapid footsteps in the distance. Andra realized there was something different about the fiery creature. Andra sensed that the creature was full of incredible tenacity.

Andra's two footsteps ran away from that place. Not yet, Andra moved away. Something hard hit Andra's right leg, causing him body to fall quickly.

"Arggg!" Andra screamed in pain.

Andra understood. She could no longer feel the movement of her right leg. For the first time, Andra felt how a human experiences a broken leg bone.

With all him strength, Andra tried to move away from the fiery creature's shadow. He didn't want to die as horribly as before.

Crawling, Andra was suddenly dragged backwards by the fiery creature. Andra kept calling out to it. But the creature gave Andra no answer.

In an instant, Andra's right leg was pulled violently by the creature. The screams that came from Andra because he felt tortured did not make the fiery creature change its cold expression.

Andra shrugged, "What... is wrong with you, huh? You... seem different today..."

I don't know how many times Andra had asked the same thing. All in vain. Then Andra lost both his legs. Andra's vision went black. He felt a warm sensation.

Andra woke up in the same place. With a scream of rage, Andra continued to grope through the puddle, hoping to find something to fight the fiery creature.

Unexpectedly, his hand touched a long, hard stick. He snapped it down. Andra was sure it was made of iron. In a sword-like style. Andra stood ready for the creature's arrival.

His hands were shaking. Andra had to justify the position of his iron staff again and again. Until the time came. The fiery creature appeared before him at full speed.

Andra managed to make the fiery creature crash into his iron staff. Then the creature jumped back and crushed Andra. An iron sword of fire pierced Andra's stomach.


Andra woke up with sweat soaking his entire body. His eyes saw a place that was very familiar to him. It was the room hele was staying in with Enca.

Slowly, his right hand wiped the sweat from him head. Andra hadn't expected to experience such a horrible death again. He still didn't understand what the fiery creature had to do with him.

The sound of summer cicadas could still be heard around Enca's house. Feeling that it was already noon, Andra stepped out of his room. Andra was surprised by the appearance of Enca, who was sitting at the table eating her lunch.

Her long, flowing white hair was wrapped in a white off-shoulder outfit. So were the short black pants she wore to show off her legs.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" asked Enca, covering the top of her chest up to her shoulders with both hands.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to. Besides, it's really hot today compared to earlier," Andra said while changing the subject.

Enca smiled a little while swinging her legs, "Well, it is the height of summer after all."

"Is that so?" Andra asked, having just found out.

Andra walked slowly to the bathroom. Not yet, Andra went to the bathroom. Enca called him with a voice that sounded hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Andra asked curiously as she turned around.

Enca held her left arm with her right hand, "Are you going to the library again today?"

"Maybe I won't be there today. It's really hot today anyway," Andra replied, "So what?"

"You know about the new policy? Since that day, I can't leave town to do guild business. So I'm feeling a little lonely these days."

Andra nodded. He understood the feeling very well. Because Andra used to do him hobby regularly, then suddenly stopped because of the pandemic. Of course, his daily life became very unpleasant.

Unexpectedly, Enca invited Andra to the city. She also wanted to buy some winter clothes.

"Is autumn so short in this world? Isn't it still summer?" Andra asked curiously.

Enca nodded, "In this world, autumn is not long. It's like it's just a moment. Instead, winter is very long in this world. It can even last more than three months.

Back to the original topic. Andra asked Enca to wait for him. Because Andra wanted to get ready first. Hearing Andra's request, Enca said she would wait for him on the terrace.

After Andra washed his face and changed his clothes. Andra immediately went to the terrace. There, Andra saw Enca's face, which looked lonely.

Andra realized that he couldn't leave Enca for a while. It was the determination in him heart that made Andra want to make his life useful for someone who had helped him.

Awakening from her reverie, Enca was surprised to see Andra leaning against the wall of the house. Enca apologized because she couldn't feel Andra's presence.

Andra laughed softly, "Take it easy. I'm new here. Do you want to stay longer?"

Enca shook her head quickly. She admitted that she didn't want to delay her trip to the city. Especially with the new curfew rules.

Andra understood quickly. Then Enca cast a spell in the direction of her house. In an instant, the house disappeared from sight.

Andra and Enca passed the way again. The silence between them was clear in Andra's eyes. He was very confused to take up the topic of conversation. In the past, he had also been a loner who had no friends.

"Come to think of it, it's been a long time, hasn't it?" asked Enca while her walked faster than Andra, "We don't walk together like this?"

"Really? It doesn't seem that long ago, does it?" said Andra, thinking about the time he had experienced.

"Eh? Don't you feel it?" Enca complained with a soft sigh, "We haven't walked like this for almost a month. After all, we focus on other things, right?"

Andra chuckled, "I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. Talk about time flying by. I'm really grateful for everything."

"That's not necessary..."

Andra scratched the back of her head, "It feels bad that the money to cook at home comes only from you."

Andra and Enca continued to argue. Until Andra saw some plants growing not far from the road. He pulled Enca's light hand to get out of the way.

Enca, confused, was immediately surprised by a blue flower bed. With a white circle pattern inside the blue flower. Enca realized the name of the flower.

"Nemophila flower," Andra said quickly, "In my previous world. I saw this flower in a distant place. But, I didn't expect to witness it firsthand in this world."

Andra skillfully collected the many Nemophila flowers he saw. Leaving Enca who walked around the Nemophila flower bed. It didn't take long for Andra to return to Enca's place and put a crown on her from a collection of Nemophila flowers.

"Eh?" Enca was surprised by Andra who suddenly put a crown on her.

"Ah, sorry for doing it suddenly. I think it suits you. Think of it as a reward for continuing to help me," Andra explained, "Well, you know what? I'm starting to think about not bothering you. Just getting a place to live in this new world is like a luxury to me."

Enca shook her head quickly. She said that Andra was no trouble to her. In fact, Enca was happy because she was no longer lonely after being left behind by her teacher who went on an adventure.

Andra was happy to hear that. But, he was determined that one day he would leave Enca's house. Andra could not accept the kindness that was always given to him.

Unexpectedly, Enca cast magic on the ground. Then suddenly the ground near her opened up and a small hole appeared. She put the flower crown into the ground and the hole closed again.

Enca explained that she would be embarrassed if she wore it to town. She mentioned that it had been sent through a dirt track to her house. However, Enca said she would take good care of it in her room.

"By the way, do you have no intention of learning magic?" Enca asked curiously.

The two returned to the previous path. With the summer breeze coming in slower. Enca occasionally had to tidy up her hair to keep it from falling apart.

"Maybe I'll give up on magic."

Enca was surprised while looking at Andra's face, "Eh? Why, are you thinking about the magic ball in the guild?"

Andra shook his head, "Not really."

In the end, Andra was still too scared to step forward. However, being able to give a gift to someone that he had never done before was already the first step to a change in his life.