
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasy
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36 Chs

West Border

Currently I'm in the middle of nowhere when my horse got tired and hungry. I fed it with the food I got from the first town and made it drink the water that I refilled in the second town.

Finding a forest, the horse and I sat beside the tree that is placed outside of the forest and rest there.

I took out the Book of Life and monitored Flourel, Amelia, and Ellezar.

Flourel just woke up today, it seems like she can feel that Amelia is coming to her.

Amelia who also felt that Flourel is awake is now in a more hurry to reach the West Border.

This connection between them might have happened because of the healing power that's slowly going back to Amelia.

Floure's eyes that used to be gold are slowly turning back to blue as well. Causing it to look a bit green on the inside but a gold color around the irises.

As for Ellezar he woke up an hour after I left him. He doesn't remember why he was there but it seems like he's so pissed that he beat up the coachman that took him.

Ironically he thinks that he was kidnapped, the coachman of the carriage was not able to explain himself so now it was decided that the coachman will be detained in a prison for interrogation.

The Asmerald's knights are already on their way to take Ellezar back so I guess I don't have to worry about him anymore.

His memories about me are in the ring right now. It is sealed for a lifetime and the only thing that will make him remember me is a trigger object that will remind him of me.

The ring who took his memories has already decided on what kind of object it is that will trigger Ellezar's memory to come back.

Of course I have no idea about what it is. It might be better to find out what that object is and hide it...

But I know I don't really have to worry about it that much since trigger object is something that the target has to painstakingly find in their lifetime.

Other than finding an object, there is another way to take back their memories as well and that is to bump into me.

But of course this second option does not happen in this lifetime at all. Since the bumping and getting back their memories can only happen in another life after their death.

That means that even if I bumped into him today, his memories won't really come back since it will only happen after they bumped into me while they were living in a new body or a new life.

Thanks to the Sweet Dreams ring, I was able to confirm that there is a next life for everyone after this.

Anytime I can decide to turn my parents into witches and wizards just like me.

I haven't done it yet because I'm afraid they will suffer a lot for being different.

There's also a chance that they will become witches and wizards for eternity.

That no matter how many rebirths they were in they would still be witches and wizards and there's no turning back after I did that.

What if in the future there will be a witches' hunt just like how there is an elven and fairy hunt?

Well compared to the two, us witches looks more human and can actually blend in with humanity so I can at least believe that no one will think that we're a different species.


Three days have passed since Amelia left Teresa's mansion and she finally reached the West Border.

Thanks to Teresa's family she was provided with a carriage to travel to a much faster phase than the carriage that she rode before.

"What did you came here for?" a knight asked to the coachman.

The coachman then whispered to him and the knight widened his eyes after hearing that it was Amelia who came here for them.

The knight furrowed his brows as he let the carriage inside their fortress.

Amelia was then led to a room where the guests are being received.

The commander alongside the man named Sevir went to meet with Amelia and they all greeted each other respectfully.

"So Lady may I know what you're here for?" the commander asked politely in a calming tone.

Amelia then turned her eyes on them and her smile that she tried to keep on her face has slowly turned into a sad looking face.

The two men were surprised to see Amelia looked pitiful like that. Even though the commander only met her today, he was still affected by her sadness as if it was him who felt sad and not her.

"Lourel... I'm here to meet her. I don't know why but I'm worried about her" Amelia said as her eyes and nose has turned red from trying to not let her tears to fall down her face.

The commander looked at Amelia sorrowfully. Then he looked back at Sevir who has been furrowing his brows as he tried to not get affected by Amelia's emotions just like the commander.

"Bring the Lady Flourel here" the commander said and Sevir stood up and left the room.

The commander not realizing it suddenly reached his hands to touch Amelia's head and pat it.

Amelia somehow reminded him of his daughter that was already married right and even gave birth to his grandchildren.

Feeling the comfort that the commander gave, Amelia then tried her best to not sniff because of her snot.

"Did something happened to her?" Amelia asked while she tried her bet not to tear up again.

Her eyes made it seem like Flourel is dying which is of course true.

Everytime that Flourel uses her healing powers beyond her limit, her lifespan is being spent in exchange for it.

Compared to the real Saintesses from the past who has unlimited mana to heal, Flourel is different because she has only a limited number of it.

Going beyond that limit made her to lose a lot of her lifespan in the process.

Flourel did not know about the limit she had so she unknowingly used healing recklessly.

Well if it's Flourel who has a kind personality, she would probably still use her power like this despite knowing she has a limit.

After a long while, Flourel was finally brought in to meet with Amelia.

Seeing how haggard and tired Fourel looked, Amelia who tried her best to not cry was finally not able to contain her tears and it started pouring.

Without saying anything, Amelia ran and hugged Fourel.

She cried in Flourel's arms and poured out all of the healing power she had in sadness.

"Don't die Flourel! Don't leave me again please!" she cried out not knowing what she actually meant when she said that.

All she know is that it was what she deeply wanted to tell to Flourel all this time.

She was happy to see her. She wants to hug her. She wants to know more about her.

She wanted to care for her like what she does with Remil.

She misses her throughly and she doesn't even know why she feel like this.

Amelia could only blindly feel like this, but she knows it's not a bad feeling.

After a very bright light that almost blinded everyone appeared, everything finally died down especially Amelia's cries.

Flourel who's eyes that turned golden, looked healthy now and the connection that they felt for a few days has disappeared as well.

It meant that the healing power that Amelia got was returned to Flourel now.

After she's done crying Amelia then looked at Flourel angrily.

"Don't use your power recklessly again!! If you feel like you're already drained then stop immediately, why are you risking your life like when you know there's already capable doctors who can heal the injured just like you!?" Amelia nagged Flourel.

Flourel could only cower in fear as she was scolded for a long time by Amelia.

Not knowing what to feel about the happenings in front of them, the commander and Sevir remained silent.

"Now stay in your room and reflect! You're not allowed to get out of it unless I say so!" Amelia shouted and pointed the door for Flourel to get out.

Amelia then looked at Sevir to follow her words and lock up Flourel and Sevir who agrees with her simply bowed his head and brought Flourel to her room.

Amelia then sat down while massaging her forehead because of an emotional headache.

She already heard the news that Remil followed her as well, but because she's more worried about Flourel's health she tried not to think about it.

"Why do I have two reckless younger sisters?" she grumbled as she munched on the food that the commander sneakily placed for her.

The commander seemed to look like he's being careful to not trun her anger to him.