
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasy
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36 Chs


The entire trip I was sitting on top of Ellezar's lap while he looks at me eagerly like a hawk watching their prey. I sighed many times thinking what can I do in my situation.

Because he's pushing himself to me, I have a big reason to try my best and ran away from him. I could have struggle and decide to reveal my power if that's the only thing I could do.

But why can't I do that? Is it because he's the only man who keeps pursuing me? Is he actually the only option I have?

He likes my face and not me personally, he wouldn't have thought of me all these years if he hadn't saw my face at that time.

I wonder if everything will change if I take his memories away...

At that thought my eyes awakened to that possibility. I looked at Ellezar who is still looking at me and not letting me out of his sight.

"Ellezar, I won't run away so can you release me? My chest hurts a bit" I said and gently put my hands on his chest to push him away.

Ellezar blankly looked at me, his whole face looked red as his eyes turned downward to my chest.

Feeling that his grip on my body softened for a bit, I then used that opening to push my body away from him that I fell on the carriage floor with a thud.

Well it didn't hurt for sure, but Ellezar panicked a lot that he immediately went down to the floor as well feeling worried for me.

The carriage floor is too narrow that in the end his toso has to hover on top of me and I have to look up to see his face.

"R-Remil..." He murmured while looking down at me.

All of his face looked red while his hands and legs immediately trapped me who's below him.

All I can see in front of me was him and his body.

Slowly but surely his body was getting sloer to me, especially his face.

My eyes widened in shock and somehow I know what he's trying to do so I immediately activated the magic and my half mask has turned into a full mask.

Having my lips covered in an instant Ellezar stopped on leaning in for a kiss and looked at the mask furiously.

"What are you doing, Ellezar Asmerald?" I asked coldly.

Looking at me and the mask he then furrowed his brows.

"What about you why are you wearing this? And is this a magic tool?" He asked back.

"You already know why I did this so why are you asking as if you're innocent?" I retorted while looking at him with cold eyes.

"So it really is because of me" He mumbled while thinking deeply and looking at me meaningfully.

Tch, why am I even spoon-feeding him a chance to think that he's special to me?

I looked up at him while grimacing at the fact that I caused him to pursue me obsessively like this.

He looked back at me still blushing while looking at me.

"Remil, do you know that you only have me?" he started bullshitting.

"You know what I feel so how about we get married? You received my letters right?" Ellezar said while looking at me with obssessive looking eyes.

His hand grabbed my hand and made me feel his heart beat beating loudly because of me.

"You're the only one who made me feel like this" He added and leaned in to kiss the mask that's covering my lips.

"I'll wait for the day when you finally let me see your face, Remil" he mumbled as he leaned down to kiss my neck.

When I felt his tongue touch my skin I immediately pushed his face away from my neck.

"Sit properly, Elllezar. I'll consider this marriage if you stay still for awhile" I said and warned him.

He blinked his eyes still processing the fact that him savouring my neck was interrupted. I can tell because he's still looking at my neck with beastly eyes.

"Sit" I commanded and pointed my finger at his own seat.

He seemed to process what I said while he's still in a daze after I pushed his face away and knowing what I meant he followed what I said obediently and sat on his seat.

We've been travelling for a while now so I can guess that he's planning to hide me somewhere and maybe even lock me up forever with him.

I already tolerated him enough for the last five years but I guess it's time to look for another option to have a child with.

There's a lot of men out there and they may not have a higher standing than the future Duke like Ellezar, I bet they're much better to be with than someone who obssessed over me because of my looks.

I sat on the seat across from him and took out my Book of Art.

He looked surprised about what I did so I immediately lied so he would not get suspiscious,

"This is my diary. I will let you read this later if you become my husband, so can I write things that happened to me today? If you want I'll write in here that I'm out here to meet you for marriage purposes" I bluffed.

His ears perked up at the word husband that he didn't even hear the other words that I said.

"Stay" I commanded while showing my palm to him as if to stop him.

His hands immediately reached out to touch me so in a panicked and said it. It's a relief that he followed what I said so I was finally able to make an artifact.

I have no more time to think deeply to make the artifact so I just made sure that my thought process will be received well.

The artifact I created was a ring that is plain looking. It is only a steel like ring with no designs on it.

It has the power to steal the memories of a specific person in someone else's mind the ring can hold up to a hundred people's memories.

Of course there's a way for them to get their memories back but I don't have time to think about that at all right now.

After materializing the ring I then summoned the book back and looked at Ellezar.

"Can I kiss you? If you close your eyes I'll do so" I said.

Ellezar blinked at what I said and blushed. His body tensed up as he reluctantly closed his eyes.

"Sweet dreams, Ellezar" I mumbled and touched his forehead and thought about the name Remil Azrael.

The ring then looked as if it's sucking something out of Ellezar's body.

All the images and memories when he thought about my name and my face was completely taken from him. Even the memories he had when we first met.

When the power stopped Ellezar then fell asleep and his body fell unconsciously unto the carriage seat.

I then sitted down and created a spell that helps me get back to my room. I named the spell Last place and grimaced about how I named the artifact Sweet Dreams.

I don't have time to think too deeply about the names since what comes first to mind is what I'm writing down.

The spell I created was a spell that lets me get back to the last place I slept in. There's also the option of marking a place with the spell so I can get back to that same place whenever I wanted.

Though the marking can only happens to one place at a time. Since that's the condition I made. the waiting time for the spell after one use is 5 hours.

After I'm done with this and go back home I should mark my room and get back home in a blink of an eye even if I'm in another side of the world.

With that thought in mind I used the spell and went back t the inn where I slept in for the night.

I went out of my room and the innkeeper was surprised to see me, not knowing when I get back in here.

I waved my goodbye to her and went to look for a store. There I bought a hood to hide my face and went to the guard.

"I'm sorry, Lady!" was the only thing he shouted when I asked him if he sent a letter to my parents.

I sighed and called my Book of Art again and made another artifact that has the power to steal a living being's injuries and store it.

The injuries can be transfered to another living being if you wanted to. And the artifact can store a hundred injuries.

I just copy pasted the thought from the Sweat Dreams ring and made this Bracelet.

I furrowed my brows while looking at the bracelet that I named Bracelet.

"Forget what I'm planning to do today" I said and tossed the guard 5 gold coins.

He looked at me confused but I ignored his eyes and touched the horse who's asleep.

I forgot to say that there's a condition that when the Bracelet is used, the memory of the target on how they received the injury will transfer to me.

After the injury was sealed inside the Bracelet, I looked at the horse in surprise.

It seems like someone deliberately hurt him by feeding him poison and even stabbing one of its legs.

The poison seems to have been taken care of by the caretaker but the stab wound is what's keeping us from moving to another place for a week.

The guard never told me that the horse was poisoned so there's a chance that he hid the truth from me or that he did not know about it from the very beginning.

I sighed and helped the horse up who woke up after feeling that his pain has disappeared.

I looked back at the guard who looked at me in surprise.

HIs eyes seemed to say something and I can alreay tell what it is that he's thinking.

"I'm not a Saintess" I firmly told him.

The guard still looked like he did not believe what I said so I could only shake my head to him.

After all it was known that the only people who's capable to heal a person with magic is the Saintess.

Doctors that studies medicine and cures exists for a reason, and the Saintess is revered greatly because of this fact as well.

A Saintess power is a complete heal without leaving any side effects and scars. When she's not born the Doctors who does their own researches to help people will do their own job for her instead.

Riding on top of the horse I went out of the town and bid my goodbye to the guard.

If I leave any later my parents would have catch up on me and drag me back home.

Amelia was already on the move as well, she's riding a magical carriage that was faster than a mere horse tailing behind her.

And what's more is that she's riding different carriages every time while my horse continuously loses its speed because of tiredness.

Hah, she might reach the West border, five days earlier than me.

If she's going to be mistreated by the people there, then who would be there to defend her?

Flourel is still unconscious and there's no sign of her waking up at all.

I just realized this but slowly but surely, the healing powers of the Saintess that Flourel has is going back to Amelia.

I bet Amelia noticed this as well.