
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Leon Siblings

Currently I'm in the last town which is the last stop to reach the West border and I've been staying in this town for two days now because of one reason.

Amelia is going to slap my butt if she ever sees me--- I mean it seems like my worries are for nothing.

Amelia has already arrived in the West border five days ago and despite being there for only a few days she already managed to befriend everyone and gained their favour.

As expected of a Saintess...

Also because of her presence, the monster attacks was almost nonexistent for awhile as well that's why everyone in the West border was able to recover their men and even prepare throughly for their next battle.

Flourel also seemed to appear more bright looking than before after Amelia arrived and that made everyone feel at ease as well.

Since the day that Flourel appeared in the West Border she has been feeling tensed and has the look of a very serious and determined looking girl as if she's shouldering the world.

She hasn't have time to show her relaxed face at all because of the pressure that she has to help the kinghts and soldiers to defeat the monsters.

Only when Amelia came to meet her that Flourel was able to feel comfort and safety that she doesn't even stand up from her seat like she used to whenever she hears that a monster has appeared.

I closed the Book of Life and contemplated if I should actually receive some slappings on my back or receive the angriest face of my parents.

I smiled wryly and looked around the town that has barely any people in them because it's still 8 am and also because some people moved to another town for safety.

There's a lot of soldiers walking here and there and making sure that the people who remained were kept safe.

Oh I forgot to say that the Crown Prince and the reinforcement knights will start their march tomorrow.

It took awhile for them to make their preparations because it's the labyrinth that we're talking about here after all.

Alongside the Crown Prince is his uncle the Grand Duke Alteire who will also join the hunt.

As I was looking out the window of the inn, my eyes suddenly locked into the figure of a guy that I did not expect to see again.

It was the guy from the first town who took care of my horse and gave me the saddle.

I wondered why he was here so I went out of the inn to meet him.

The guy then looked at me in shock, he already know who I was because of the mask I'm wearing.

"So we meet again" I started.

Belatedly he then bowed to me to show his courtesy.

"Yes, Lady" he mumbled and shyly scratched his head.

"You must have a reason to appear here so I shouldn't pry you on that" I said and gestured him to stay at the same inn that I'm currently staying in as well.

"The reason is not really a big deal" he mumbled and followed me behind.

"Can I ask for your name? I still owe you a lot for giving me that saddle. It made the ride much more comfortable, thanks to you" I said and pointed the innkeeper where he can pay to stay here.

"Um, It's Ravir Leon, Lady" he said and followed my finger which is pointed at the innkeeper.

He then bowed his head to me and went to the innkeeper to inform them about his stay but before he could take out his money I then offered my own money instead.

"I'll pay for it" I said and smiled underneath my full mask.

"Thanks" he smiled awkwardly while bowing his head.

As if I was already accustomed to the place I then showed him his room myself.

"This is where you stay and that's mine. You can talk to me whenever you want so do that alright? By the way we should eat together for lunch later, the pay will be on me as well" I said and waved my goodbye to him.

I then went back to my room and called out my Book of Life.

I'm a little bit curious on why he's here that's why I'm doing this. He seemed like he was doing just fine in the first town so why did he decide to go here at this time?

It's not like there's no possibility that he followed me behind because of some orders from someone.

I then opened the Book of Life to the R section and searched for the name Ravir Leon.

Based on his name it seemed like he really is a commoner. In the Rimeheldra Kingdom commoners doesn't have any last name given to them since it was only exclusive for the nobilities that the King acknowledges.

Though people still needed a surname so it will be easier to identify who's parent they came from so it was then decided that the children who's not nobility will have their parent's name as their surname instead.

It could be a mixed of the parents name or just pick one of the parent's name to use.

The surname Leon could be Ravir's father or even his adoptive father.

At first I was a little surprised that Ravir looked neater and well dressed than the others in that town that's why it felt like he was a hidden aristocrat.

He even has a saddle prepared as if he has the capability to get them anytime he wants.

When he received the 5 gold coins from me he only remained silent and looked as if he's burdened by it. His eyes never went wide when he saw it as if he's already held it before.

In this Kingdom gold coins are supposed to be something that could never reach the hand of a commoner like him who is a stable keeper.

The only commoners who can have it are the merchants or the businessmen.

Ravir also seemed to be well educated as well. It's noticeable when I spoke with him and although I'm obviously a noble, he was able to calmly talk to me and not tremble like the others.

Maybe because he's a stable keeper? Most of them would usually take care of an aristocrats horse after all.

In short he has the vibe of a well off person who has wealthy parents.

When I looked at his story in the Book of Life I was finally able to figure out a little bit about him.

Basically he has a brother who worked as a soldier here in the West Border.

His older brother is three years older than him and was named Sevir Leon. Their mother died of illness when Ravir was two years old so their father named Leon Cravis has took care of them himself.

Then when his older brother was only 11 years old their father Leon who was a guard at the first town was murdered by an intruder and died leaving his two kids behind.

Being eleven and having his younger brother to protect from and feed, Sevir Leon then secretly signed up to become a child soldier in the West Border in hopes of earning money.

He left his younger brother Ravir at the hands of their father's friend which is a stable keeper and left the first town to reach the West BOrder.

At the young age of 11 years old alongside other kids who are also an orphan, they received their training to become soldiers.

And not even a whole year Sevir Leon was immediately recruited at the age of 12 because of his talents with the sword.

Because of Sevir who continuously risked his life in the batlefield, his brother Ravir was able to live comfortably.

The only way they could bond together was through exchanging letters from time to time.

They don't even know what the other looked like right now, but the bond they had as brothers are still stronger than ever.

Thinking that his brother is trying his very best for him, Ravir then used the money he received from Sevir to get an education from the Common Academy.

He then graduated as one of the top ten at the age of 18 and only came back to the first town this year.

He was thinking of meeting his brother for the very first time after a long time and show him that he was officially a graduate student of the academy.

And before he does that he decided to visit the Stable keeper first who basically raised him in place of his parents and brother and tell the good news.

But when he came back to the fist town the stable keeper was very sick and never told him about it.

Ravir decided to delay his meet up with his brother for a bit to take care of the stable keeper.

The stable keeper needed some medicine to alleviate his illness so Ravir decided to use the money he saved up to buy the medicine.

It was only a portion of the money he got from his brother so he still has a lot left and could probably live well for the next five years.

He can visit his brother anytime he wanted but in the end he hesitated because he was worried for the stable keeper.

He took over the stable keeper's job in the first town and that's when I met him.

The reason he's here right now is of course to meet his brother.

His hesitation has diminished after he heard the news that the Labyrinth was confirmed to exist near the West Border.

The stable keeper also urges him to go so that's why Ravir is here right now.

And it seems like the Sevir that Ravir is talking about was the soldier that is taking care of Flourel.

I closed the book and realized that it's almost lunch time.

My reading skills are getting faster than before, and it's a good thing that I have a great memory that I inherited from my genius lazy mother.

I went out of the room and knocked on Ravir's door.

In the last page of his story it seems like he had fallen asleep after his long journey to reach here.

He left a day later after I left the first town and was even able to reach this place also a day later after me.

That means that we were travelling at the same speed and he must have exhausted his body to an extent.

I could do it because my body doesn't feel any fatigue, so it's actually shocking that he was able to do the same thing as me without passing out while on the way here.