
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Disgusting faith [1]

[Warning some visual stuff are in this chapter, I'm warning you now but if you think its not that my bad i just feel like I should just warn people who are sensitive to that stuff]

Inside the church, it was dark, with the only thing lighting it up was the red flames coming from the candles placed around the church. People in red robes lined up in rows praying as a man on top of a podium with a red and black robe gave a speech, antagonizing the wingless, and praising the dragon king Kagutsuchi. Behind the man, there was a giant dragon head symbol painted over the symbol of the Wingless, stained with the blood of hybrids and beastkins: The Symbol of Kagutsuchi.

Tamaki watches through the tiny gap in the door with a look of disgust, the village is poor and contains hybrids and beastkin living together, while the church is full of pure humans.

Tamaki looks at the walls of the church to find the villeger hanging on the wall, and writing written in their blood. Tamaki's anger grew stronger but he was not there because of the church, he was to find what the reports of the wingless were about.

He walks away with a cold gaze of the villagers following him, Tamaki plans to ask villagers about the reports, so he goes in front of a house, and he hears a family in there, talking and some running around. But the noise turns into silence as he knocks on the door. The house was made of mud, with a wooden skeleton and door. The door slowly opens to find a hybrid mother with rags on, terrified but putting on a happy face. However, she could not hide it with her eyes.

Hybrid Mother: 'Hel-hello, How-how may I help you?"

Tamaki: "No need to be afraid, I'm not with the church of Kagutsuchi"

He pulls out the paladin badge to reassure her. Her eyes seem more calm and looks from one side to another.

Hybrid Mother: "Hurry come inside before they find you"

Tamaki nods and walks inside the house, she leads him to the kitchen table but while walking he notices a presence, to his right there is a trap door. He notices 3 people are under it. As he walks over to it the mother runs off to stop him and keeps repeating to him no one is under the trap door, Tamaki pushes her aside lightly and opens the trap door, but the mother comes from behind and stabs him in the back as there were 3 kids under it, terrified.

Hybrid Mother: "Get the hell away from my kids"

Tamaki does not react to her stab and looks down at the 3 terrified children. He lets out his hand. The kids jolt back in fear. Tamaki puts on a warm smile, with eyes with no malicious intent reaches out for them.

Tamaki: "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help. Can you trust me?"

The kids reach out as Tamaki helps each one out of the trap door. The mother drops the knife and with hands of blood falls to her knees.

Hybrid Mother: "I'm-I'm so sorry, I-I just wanted to protect them"

Tamaki looks at his wound and shrugs it off.

Tamaki: "No need to worry, I've been stabbed in the back before. I just want to know about the rumors of the wingless being born here"

The mother looks down as she sits on the table holding her children close.

Hybrid mother: "That rumor is a lie"

Tamaki: "I see-"

Hybrid Mother: "The fact is that are village was constantly raided, constantly tortured, we just made it up thinking it would protect us"

She starts to cry.

Tamaki: "The rumor was in an act of desperation. I see how it is now"

Hybrid mother: "Then the people in robes showed up and decided to use our village as a ritual because they believed if they sacrificed the wingless it would revive their god, we refused to tell them who the wingless was because we did not even have the wingless so they started to take our people as sacrifices…. And…. and my husband…-"

Tamaki: "He was taken as a sacrifice"

He got up from the table and walked towards the door. But the Mother grabbed him by the sleeve. With tears in her eyes, and eyelids puffed up from the crying.

Hybrid mother: "Please… Save us"

A flash of something, like a memory, went through Tamaki's head. He put on a smile and patted her head.

Tamaki: "Dont worry, I wasn't planning on leaving without a fight"

Hybrid mother: "Wait! What about your wound?"

Tamaki smiles and lifts the back of his shirt to show that it's only a scar on his back.

Tamaki: "Already recovered"

Inside the church, the man in the black and red robe told the followers to collect the tax of the villagers, and if failed to meet the tax they would be sacrificed. 

Worshipers walk to the door talking to each other and scheming. One slowly opens the door, but then it breaks open falling on the worshiper.

Man in black and red robe: "Who-Who are you!?"

Tamaki had a dagger plunged into the door, and sat on it with his legs hanging down as he was on the unconscious worshiper.

Tamaki: "Im here to put an end to your operation fuckers"

He flips them off wanting to offend them.