
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Before, Start

Raina's in front of a house. It's a normal-sized house, not big or small, just normal, like a family would live in there. She knocks on the wooden door and after a short moment, Tamaki opens the door. He isn't wearing his coat and is only wearing a white T-shirt and black pants.

Tamaki: "What do you want?"

Raina: "Didn't you say we would train today?"

Tamaki: "Oh right"

He scratches his head before he delivers the news.

Tamaki: "I was put on an assignment today and I can't refuse this one, so I signed you up for a raid that's happening today."

Raina: "What"

She stared at him for a solid 30 seconds before she realized what he meant.


Tamaki: "Yeah, there's no point in training if you dont have experience"

Raina: "I guess your right"

Tamaki gave her a paper with the details of the Raid, and she was meant to meet the raid party at the dock in 3 minutes.


Tamaki: "Yeah so chop chop, I gotta get ready for my task"

She runs off, but Tamaki stops her. She stops in confusion but he throws a box at her with a circle dragon crescent on it.

Tamaki: "Consider this a gift for training so hard"

She quickly thanks him and runs off as Tamaki watches leaning against his door. The voice of a woman comes from inside his house.

Women: "I never thought, in my wildest dreams you would have a student, Tamaki"

He turns around with a serious face to be face to face with the mysterious woman. She has azure blue hair, with light armor matching her hair color, and an icy rapier on her waste. 

Tamaki: "Sneaking into people's houses again huh?"

Women: "Even if I knocked you wouldn't have answered"

Tamaki: "Just get to the point, Liz"

Liz pulls out a piece of paper, it was his task with his name bolded on it. And another world catching his eye, "Draganoid Spotting"

Tamaki: "A Dragonoid was spotted, big deal"

Liz: "Yeah, they have been popping up at a higher rate"

Tamaki: "So you suspect the wingless seal is getting weaker"

Liz: "Actually we knew it was getting weakened after the wingless reincarnated for the first time, and after the reincarnations, we detected that the seal has been much weaker"

Tamaki: "Because when the wingless reincarnates the Dragon king is always there to fight"

Liz: "Yes, and the result of each battle for the past 5 generations has been getting weaker, letting out more Dragonoids"

Tamaki: "But the wingless hasn't been spotted in like 30 years, so why worry?"

He grabs the paper out of her hand and puts on his coat that was lying on his couch. 

Liz: "This spotting is suspected to be The Wingless so dont mess around"

Tamaki: "alright, alright"

A cold blue wind flies in and consumes Liz disappearing and leaving behind a puddle of snow.

Tamaki: "She really needs to stop doing that. It's a pain to clean up"

He walks out of his house ready to take on his task.

Back at the dock, Raina was trying to find her group. She found the exact spot where they were meeting. They were a big group of people, around 8-9 people, but 3 stood out to her, a blonde man who looked a bit young wearing basic armor and had a sword on his waist talking to 2 girls, one looking introverted and another more extroverted. The shy one with jet-black hair has a staff close to her, and the social one has bright lime green hair with a sword on her back.

Raina walks up and asks if this is the raid group.

Man: "Yes, My name is Samuel Pronz"

Raina's thoughts: "Pronz!? That's the family that's been around since the first great war, and is known for their fire magic."

Samuel: "The green hair girl is Healia and the shy one is Tsuki"

Healia: "Nice to meet you"

Tsuki: "N-Nice to meet you"

Raina: "Nice to meet you too, my name is Raina"

Samuel sees the box in her hand, the box is the same length from her shoulder to her hand and is pretty thick.

Samuel: "What's in the box"

Raina: "Oh it is a gift from my teacher, he said I have been doing good so he gave me a gift"

Healia: "Ohh, open it, open it"

Raina: "Alright, fine"

She opened it up to find a weapon, a black hilt with grey wrapping on the handle, it was shaped like a katana but much smaller, it was a Wakizashi, and it was encased in dark blue fabric to prevent it from getting damaged.

Raina: "Whoa"

Healie: "No way, aren't those weapons rare?"

Samuel: "Who is your teacher?"

Raina: "What"

Samuel: "Who is your teacher"

She grabs Raina's arms with an intense stare.

Raina: "Um, his name is Tamaki"

He lets her go and thinks to himself.

Samuel thoughts: "Tamaki…doesn't ring a bell. He must be powerful since giving away a Wakizashi is like giving someone your life savings."

Soon after a man, who was the one who made the raid mission, made an announcement.

Man: "Everyone please head to flight number 9, for we will be taking off in 20 minutes"

The group of people start walking towards the ship and Samuel decides to deal with it at a later time. Raina decides to strap the Wakizashi onto her back hip since it is most comfortable there. The line for the airship was long, and the airship was made of pure metal rather than wood and was much larger, meant to hold a larger group of people.

Everyone shows their hunter IDs and they're allowed on the ship. It gets to Raina and she shows her ID to the guards and they let her through. She walks in and the ground is made of wood, there are chairs with straps on them all around, and the front is similar to the other ship but with more pilots. There are a bunch of Monster hunters sitting down chatting, and others sharpening their weapons. She looked around to sit somewhere to avoid the intimidating people until she heard her name get called. She turned to see that the person who called her name was Samuel, who was also waving at Raina to come sit with him and the others. She sat down as she overheard them talking about how this airship was taking the on beastkin camp raid.

{Author's Note: Beastkin are like hybrids/canines but different. They are more beast than human and the only thing that separates them from being considered human is the fact they stand on 2 legs. Often tossed aside, or traded as slaves, some beastkin form groups living on the surface and kill humans as revenge. This caused them to be considered huntable "monsters" by the humans}

Raina and the others chat and have fun while waiting for everyone to get on.

Meanwhile, Tamaki is on a tree eating meat on a stick while looking at his task instructions. He folds up the paper and puts it in his pocket. He stands up from the tree and gets a better view of a village he was scouting. In the middle is a white church with a red dragon crescent.

Tamaki: "Well then shall I get started?"

He has a grin on his face before vanishing from the tree.

Back In the airship, it had been 30 minutes since they had taken off. They already discussed their plan: tanks and mages at the front to distract them while the light weapon users sneak around and take them on from behind.

Raina had the easy job along with 2 others, one was an assassin and the other was a bandit class. The assassin class had his body covered by a cloak and only showed his eyes due to a cloth being wrapped around his face. The other was like Raina, but with 2 daggers strapped onto his legs and light leather armor. This raid was ranked advanced monster hunter class, so people in this raid mostly had normal monster hunters to apprentice monster hunters.

Raina was unsure of her current strength because she has been training with Tamaki for a while and has shown significant improvement, but having nothing to compare to throws her off.

The back of the airship opens up, and a massive gust of wind starts to pull them out. Everyone gets up from their seats as the mission starts.

My bad, short chapter this time, I've veen too busy becoming elden lord so I did not work on it as much :P

Zgrcreators' thoughts