
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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the dragons gifts?

I told her everything from how Taylor came and told my the Dukes daughter was kidnapped to how I found her to the fight everything half way through my story though right when I got to the part about the eggs and where they where I got cut off by an angry Dragon roar and exploding up from the water was a pissed off angry red dragon who screamed how fucking dare you White who the fuck do you think you are attacking me I atta but White whipped her head over and glared at her saying you atta what huh Red please tell everyone what you think and how I wronged you but when the truth is you should be thanking me sense it was me shutting you up and not Taylor trust me when I say this what I did was a mercy a slap on the wrist of you will but if he was the one who shut you up the best circumstance is you would die at worst you would be wounded for life so shut it and fall in line before I allow Taylor to teach you a lesson when Red heard Taylors name her face seemed to go white almost and the look of fear was grate there was none of that anger like before Nope the only thing was shear terror Red lowered her head and in a scared voice she said o I see I thank elder White for being so lenient with me White nodded good girl now shut up and come listen to this boy story it is just getting good Red bobbed her head nodded and walked to where she stood before White looked to me saying please continue lad I nodded and continued my story but unlike before there was no more interruptions after my story was done White had a complicated expression on her face as she looked up to the green dragon who was a little smaller then her self and who hasn't talk at all this hole time what do you think Green was the boy lying Green looked to her then turned her head to stare at me I didn't back down I looked deep into those odd yellow eyes and I lost my self gazing into those beautiful eyes I didn't know how long passed but Green finally looked away from me and looked to White shaking her head saying the child isn't laying that's when I broke out of my trance White looked to me saying how intriguing you wildling are most certainly a odd one I like you here take this and she moved her clawed hand and pulled off one of her scales and handed it to me saying as a reward for saving my child I gift this to you I smiled happily and took it thanking her but when that scale touched my hand it disappeared that's when this appeared

Host has been gifted a scale from an ancient white Dragon the benefits are

1. Mark by a dragon- this allows you to both speak and understand draconic plus this mark means your friendly to chromatic white dragons and are welcome on there land

2. Host affinity to ice mana has gone up

Down sides are

1. Metallic dragons might be hostile to you sense its a known fact that chromatic and metallic dragons don't get along

2. You might be hunted by kingdoms who want to befriend dragons or have access to there territory for unknown means plus other races might see you differently

I smiled up to White I thank you for this gift White shrugged it's the least I could do seeing how I have a feeling we will meet again I bowed a little and when that day comes I hope to be of service White chuckled I am sure you will but that's when Green and Red did something I wasn't expecting they both pulled off one of there scales and held it out to me Green didn't say much just two words as thanks I nodded but Red was shyly looking away from me as she huffed well I can't be outdone by these two you might have a Us after all I chuckled and took both scales thanking them both and just like before when my hand touched these scales they disappeared and this appeared

Host has been gifted a scale from an ancient Green Dragon the benefits are

1. Mark by a dragon- this allows you to both speak and understand draconic plus this mark means your friendly to chromatic Green dragons and are welcome on there land

2. Host affinity to acid and poison mana has gone up

Host has been gifted a scale from an ancient red Dragon the benefits are

1. Mark by a dragon- this allows you to both speak and understand draconic plus this mark means your friendly to chromatic red dragons and are welcome on there land

2. Host affinity to fire mana has gone up

Down sides to this is

1. Metallic dragons might be hostile to you sense its a known fact that chromatic and metallic dragons don't get along

2. You might be hunted by kingdoms who want to befriend dragons or have access to there territory for unknown means plus other races might see you differently

Congrats host for gaining 3 gifts from three ancient chromatic dragons new rewards generating

1. The dragons Marks have upgraded and merged into the chromatic dragon brand this gives you some abilities of dragons and even some of there Dragon appearance

First skill is called dragons ora - this gives you the presents of a dragon the strength of your ora will reflect your strength

Second skill is called dragons fear- just like a dragon your roar can cose the fear affect

Third and last skill is called scaled skin- just like a dragons tuff leather scale skin your body's skin has changed to that of a dragon aka your skins defenses improved

2. Host has gained a new title chromatic's friend this shows your a friend to the chromatic dragons and there children of course this means most metallic dragons might be hostile to you

3. Your world renown has gone up by 20 the people of the land will spread the story of how a odd being with a deer skull looked down three ancient dragons and took the full ferry of one of them that forced you to the ground but in the face of circuit death this odd being stood his ground and insulted that dragon saying he was not to be insulted in front of his own best part when that dragon found out this being saved her egg she bowed her head in shame


1. Host will most definitely be hunted for his connection with the chromatic dragons

2. There is a chance you could be brought into a war between the chromatic dragons and well anyone else

3. Mettalic dragons will most certainly be wary of host so will there followers wall on the other hand gem dragons will be neutral to you

Host legend is growing with that comes benefits and rewards but also it paints a target on your back many forces have already locked there eyes on you but they are bidding there time do to the man next to you Taylor but Taylor will not always be there for you host needs to grow himself not only in power but also establish powerful connections you have already made 4 powerful connection them being the three dragons and Taylor but simple connection won't help you much, in the long run, no you need to be well known amongst these people be it out of fear or whatever establish your self in this new world and you already have one great option to do this good luck host

I was seeing of this information but I read through it easily and closed it saying thank you Red, Green, and White for this gift I promise I won't allow myself to fall into the wrong hands, and if you will ever need me or my groups for anything we will happily help White nodded as she gently picked up her egg the other two doing the same White looked to me saying I hope you realize what we have given to you is a great but heavy gift do not let are good faith go to waste and grow your strength the way you are currently your nothing but a ant in the grand scheme of the world grow little Hunter and maybe one day you will stand next to me as an equal and like that, she took off the others nodded to Taylor and followed after her I side falling down onto a crate saying Holy shit that was intense Taylor looked to me with a huge smile no shit lad what were you thinking doing a stunt like that I shrugged I had many ideas that could have worked but this was the safest out of them all but it was also the craziness Taylor side nodding good job lad you did well I side thank you sir and I stud up saying we got a lot of work to do he nodded sying indeed let us join in I nodded and like that we joined my group and the Duke I had to suffer a very intense ass chowing from Gold where I did a hole lot of nodding my head and say I g yes mam but after that she hugged me saying don't do that again where I said no promises that's when she glared at me and huffed walking away I side started helping the town guard since I was there memorized all the creatures I seen Giant and Fox did the same we spent the home morning and most of the afternoon dealing with the things in the cages and also tracking down the ones that escaped which with help from Fox , Taylor and I made finding them the easy part but recapturing them the hard part but the mar foke followed my orders and they was the first to be saved that old man who was the leader of this group walked up to me he looked a lot better then I saw him his body actually has muscles now and his skin was a dark blue color he thanked me profusely and come to find out he is one of the elders of the shark family one of the big three families of the kingdom just a bit northwest of us on the cost he said I and my group would always be welcome as his personal guest any day I thanked him and that's when the old man gave each of us a bracelet that had a sharps Fang on it that had odd carvings on it the old man said that was his mark of we showed the guards at the gate they would let us in we thanked him and like that him and his people left disappearing in the river, of course, Faltin gave them all weapons but the refused anything else saying they could live and like that they was gone I found that momma owl bear and Griffin still in there cages the guards was giving them a wide berth seeing when the last person that want in there got turn in half but I walked in with no fear some guards tried to stop be but stepped aside when they seen the huge form of Bin walking behind me and ridding on his back was little Valentine who was happily looking around at all of the interesting creatures you see James and Rose should up bringing more hands to help and little Valentine wanted to go walking around Rose and James out right refused but Taylor wouldn't have none of it so he as Bin and I walked by he picked up Valentine and put her on the back of Bin saying go look around little one Bin will guard you and that right Bin and to everyone shock, Bin nodded that's how we got into this circumstance I walked into this cage smiling I am back the Griffin just started at me lazily but the owl bear glanced at me and huffed going back to sleep I chuckled o how cold is that any way to treat the one who saved you the owl bear acted like she was asleep the Griffin looked to her screeching angrily the owl bear simple twitched one ear but still had her eyes closed I walked to the Griffin patting her head saying don't worry I guest this was going to happen that's y I brought him but thanks for trying she happily chirped at me I turned around to Bin who was way to big for the door way Bin my good man can you please wake this ungrateful mother up he nodded stood up on his back legs literally shook this hole cage as he let out a mighty roar this made the other owl bear eyes shoot open and she stood up out of fear I could see her feathers was poofed up out of fear Bin want back down onto his 4 legs and glared at her chirping the momma owl bear nodded quickly as she looked over to me I smiled and walked over and Pat her head saying that's a good girl I could see pain in her eyes as I pet her but she kept on glancing to Bin in fear so she let me do what I want I nodded and walked to the door turning looking at the both of them saying I will give you all choice you can either be lead back out into the wild if and only if you cooperate with the people out there or I take you with me to Taylors bar apparently he has a stables where he keeps a lot of other creatures such as your self's where you and your children can live together with others like your self's you might have to do some tasks but that's a simple price to for free room and food right so which do you want come with me or them your choice the Griffin chirped happily at me as she pointed at myself I nodded to her then looked to the owl bear who had a conflicted expression on her face but one glance at Bin she quickly nodded and pointed to me I smiled ok good I will pick up your eggs do not worry they won't be harmed this I promise the Griffin nodded wall the owl bear just glared at me but I didn't care I walked and pick up each of there eggs and put them in my inventory the Griffin didn't mind wall the owl bear was practically crying but seeing how Bin was out side she didn't protect I stood up smiling ok follow we got others to talk to and find they nodded and they followed me out of the cage as I walk to the next cage little Valentine happily said big bother Skull is so cool I chuckled at that I ruffled her head saying na I am just crazy hahaha and like that I walked into the wolf cage and I talked to the mother Wolf and I have her the same choice she happily joined me I was about to leave this cage when I heard an angry screech and people yelling I heard bows and crossbows shoot there arrows but I heard wings flapping that's when I seen a angry Wyvern swoop down and tries to grab Valentine but luckily she ducked down just enough the claws can't grab her but she did get scratched from it I ran out of the cage to her asking if she was alright she nodded and I seen her cast a spell and her cuts heal fast that's when I heard something land to the right of me and I heard a angry grall human deer thing if you kneel and bow your head to me I won't but before she could finish I used my movement skill to flash right in front of her bringing my boot up kicking her right in the face when my foot slammed into her head my foot burts on fire this jurked its head up but I wasn't down I then flashed again flipping bringing my boot down on top of her head which made her head jerk down hitting the floor that's when I seen her egg fall out from her claw I flashed again grabbing it and appearing next to Bin again Valentine will you be a dear and hold onto this and I handed her the egg she happily took it if course big brother I turned around and started at this wyvern saying how dare you I was nice enough to save you and open your cage I even gave you one warning but it would seem you let your pride control your actions again I have had a very long fucking day and theres still much work to do so fuck it I was going to give you a choice just like the rest of them but you have pissed me off so for that you will become my mont she roared angrily at me I will do no such thing I smiled is that so then maybe you would love to talk to my friend here and I Pat Bin on his head I am told he can be very persuasive ant that right big guy I am sure she will agree with are point of view if you talk to her he simple nodded wisely like it was just a fact the Wyvern roared angrily how dear you and she charged at us but I simple turned to Valentine again saying I will take that egg back she nodded and handed it back remember you two I want her as a mont so try and not kill her got it Bin and Valentine nodded good and remember to have fun out there kids and like that the wyvern was over us but before it could do anything Bin simple smacked her face with one of his paws which literally jerked her head so hard she slammed I to a cage and that was only one hit Holy hell I laughed sitting down with the egg in my lap my arms was crossed but I was smiling watched this beat down and let me say that's exactly what it was a beat down Bin was literally smacking this wyvern around like it was nothing was Valentine was summoning thick vines to both bind and whip the wyvern and healing any wounds got which could be counted on one hand this Wyvern screamed angrily at them but Bin just bitch slapped her after a few more minutes of Bin literally bitch slapping the bond wyvern there was no angry roars all that was left was sad whimpers and finally Bin raised his paw again but the wyvern screamed I yelled I am sorry please I am sorry show mercy please stop this I am begging you I will do what ever you want just please stop this hell I smiled standing up and walked in front of her Valentine letting her go from her vines I started at this whimpering wyvern saying bow your head she did I nodded good and I walked forward and pulling off my glove then hitting my finger so a little bit of blood came out I priest my thump against her head when I did I used my blood arts to make a odd circle that had a H the center of it when the H was complete the blood started to glow and expanding our from this circle was lines of runes that's when this appeared

Does host wish to make this wyvern his familiar. Yes or No

I clicked on yes of course that's when this appeared

Ok host give your beast a name???

I smiled looking her over saying from here on you will be called Shaodw and like that the name filled out and the light was gone but I felt a connection to her and Shadow slowly raised her head saying I thank you master for my new name I chuckled patting her head your welcome and like that I moved and crawled on to her back saying we still got much to do Shadow lets move she nodded yes master and like that, we got back to work and it was quite funny seeing the looks I was getting but I didn't care Bin and the rest of them followed me till we got out Faltin and Taylor walked up to me Faltin asking I see you found some friends but anything else I side and told him everything we found as we was having this talk Rose and James ran to Valentine worriedly but when they seen she was alright they breath a sy of relief I looked to Taylor asking where is the rest of my party Taylor side and looked to Faltin who was scratching the side of his face nervously well they are ummm you see ummm but Shadow hissed at him which what made him quickly say the girls are escorting Sofea home and watching over her wall the big fellow Giant I think we'll he took the boys into the sewers tracking down some other monsters don't worry my man is with them I side angrily Faltin I will only say this ones do not try and butter them up with sweat words before trying to give them the job you offered me a few weeks ago it won't end we are free to do what we want and I will make sure we keep that ability got it and to prove my point Shadow gralled at him Faltin nodded quickly I understand and I meant no such thing to look that that my man is calling me and he ran away I chuckled seeing him move away Taylor smiled up to me saying lad go and get some sleep cuz when you wake up I got more work for you I side no rest for the wicked he laughed indeed.