
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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28 Chs

The fight 2/2

I lunged at Dark swinging down my left hand Dark moved to the side thrusting his sword out to me I raised my right arm blocking his blade to the side and thirst a claw out he didn't have time to block or dodged my claws sank into his shoulder he jumped back swuning up at me as he did but I leaned to the side his sword passing just over me I didn't let up I charged again and again and again each time closed the distance I got a hit on him wall he some times hit me when he did that ghostly figure snapped her finger and I took more damage then normal at this point Dark jumped back from one of these attacks where I hit him 3 times and he hit me ones as he jumped back that's ghostly woman snapped my wounds burst opened again this brought me to my knees I was at only 15 hp my hp bar was blinking red but Dark didn't look no better all though he was still standing he took a few deep breaths then raised his sword saying game over you deerskull and he thrust forward at me but I looked up to him my fire burning brightly and in a chilling demonic voice simple said my turn and like that I snapped my fingers when I did Darks wounds exploded open blood spraying everywhere but most of it rained on my this is when I used blood siphon my body greedily drank his blood and I seen my hp bar quickly start to clime up again and the wounds on my body started to heal I stood up smiling at Darks confused bloody expression you lose I said as I swung my dagger cutting his head off his body hit the floor that's when this appeared

Congrats host for killing a level 28 Dragonborn fighter 800 xp

Congrats host host party has whipped out the chain hand organization in your city 1000 xp, worldly renown +10 earned the rest of the rewards you will get soon

Level up level up level up

Congrats host for reaching level 23

I opened my status






Race: unknown??

Class: Cybertronic worrier

Job: 3 shadow Musketeers, forge master

Titles-undead bane, beast wrangler







Stat points:40

Let's see lets put 10 in con 5 in both str and dex and 5 in both wins and int







Stat points:10






Race: unknown??

Class: Cybertronic worrier

Job: 3 shadow Musketeers, forge master

Titles-undead bane, beast wrangler

I looked down to Darks body and smiled seeing the sword laying at my feet I used my foot to throw the sword up into my hand when my hand wrapped around the handle a cold feeling shot through my body that's when I felt something try and push it's way into my mind I heard a angry wall human let me in let me control you I promise you power and fame just let me in I chuckled picking up its scabbard and in my head I said fuck off spirit I am your new master submit or I will burn your soul alive with my hells flame she screamed no, no anything but that please master I will be a good girl please show mercy I chuckled sheathing her and putting her on my hip as I looted Darks body as I said as long as you don't try anything funny we will get along let us cut down my enemies together the blade shook happily that's when I found 2 storage items on Dark one ring and one neckless I stood up stretching my sore body that's when something collided with my chest hugging me tight I looked down to see a fire red hair I chuckled patting Gold on the head said dear I love you but can you please stop squeezing me so right I maybe full Heath doesn't mean my body isn't in pain quickly Gold jumped back blushing o sorry dear you was just so hot out there I smiled at that and leaned down and kissed her saying thank you I looked behind her to see my group walking next to Faltin and in his arms was a scared Sofea but that's when I seen it the anger of being weak I had a feeling this little girl was going to change soon but we will see Faltin looked to me then down to Dark then back up at me saying so you won aaa I simple nodded his eyes then feel onto the sword on my hip and his eyes want wide that sword it isn't but I simple nodded indeed it is the blade called Yokai sever he stared at me concerned Buck don't tell me you plan on using that cursed weapon when he said cursed weapon my sword started to shake angrily I pat it saying yes indeed I do and do not call her cursed she doesn't seem to like that and if your concerned of me loosing my mind to the blade don't make me laugh she is many things but she doesn't want to take me over all she wants is to find a worthy wielder and to drink the blood of there enemies I will be her master and to prove my point I pulled the sword out and looked at my reflection in the black and red blade and said my name is Hunter it is a pleasure shall we dance together the blade shook happily and that white mist formed on the blade and appearing in front of me was that ghostly woman she had that huge devilish smile still on her face and in a hounting voice she said if you will have me a evil creatures a spirit I would love to be the blade that cleaves your enemies in half and she held out her hand I smiled saying I have no qualms with you spirit evil or not hell I ant all sunshine and rainbows either seeing that both of my gifts which are a gift from the gods they are a reflection of my soul and both of them was demonic beings I think you will fit in well she nodded her smile turning into a huge toothy grin her teeth was sharp as fuck and her black eyes closed like a snack as she squinted at me and like that she thrust her hand into my chest when she did this a cold feeling spread throughout my hole body as her body was slowly absorbed into my chest and like that the figure was gone I smiled flicking my blade down and sheathing it I looked up to see a wide-eyed Faltin his face was white I chuckled seeing this and slowly walked in front of him as I said what is it Faltin are you all right mate you look like you just seen a ghost he shook his head side to side then he smiled at me saying no Buck I was just surprised you was able to fight off the possession that's all I winked at him saying who says who knows maybe I wasn't able to I looked down to Sofea who was started at me wide eyed but it wasn't just me it was at all of my party she started at us like one would a idle or something I chuckled saying you miss sure have a talent for getting into trouble she looked down kicking her feet ashamed and in a quiet voice she said I am sorry I chuckled Patting her on the head no need lass we are just happy you are ok I am sure Zigrin would agree with me is she was here Sofea quickly looked up into my eyes smiling thank you sir for coming to save me again I laughed happily ruffling her hair again no need to thank me lass we was happy to help but we won't be here forever and with how often your getting into trouble I think it's time for you to learn how to stand on your own feet its a doggy, dog world out there little one sadly in this world only the strong are able to take control of there fates wall the weak fates are set in its fine to rely on others but you need to learn how to rely on your self cuz at the end of the day all you will have is your self your skill your training and lastly your knowledge to survive you understand me right Sofea stared at me wide eyed Faltin who heard this shook his head angrily no Buck she is still to young to understand and I refuse to train her I will protect her for but before he could finish Sofea nodded saying yes I do Skull thank you for saving me and thank you for opening my eyes to the truth of the world and what I need to do I smiled shaking my head no needs little one I simple was honest to you I have a feeling you was already on the path to find out so no need NO Faltin screamed he glared at me saying I will protect my daughter I will but that's when he looked down to Sodeas angry face which shut him up I chuckled saying Duke Faltin I think you know this but I will state the obvious you have protected and sheltered your daughter ever sense she was born you made sure she had everything to keep her happy but also so you didn't have to see your daughter in pain you refused to teach her how to defend her self saying you would protect her you will save her always but the simple fact is you can't protect her forever the world is a dark place with way to many shitty people and evil beings in it you can try to be there 247 and put the strongest guards you have with her but the simple fact is your a Duke you have duties not only to her but to the people you Duke over and as we have seen you won't be able to protect her forever you say you was a military man and a adventure at some point you know how dark this world is you know how one needs to survive it she is still young it doesn't have to be from you but teach her how to stand on her own my friend and I Pat him on his shoulder as I walked by him my party was on the dock looking out to the raising sun I walked and sat down in the center where Gold was I wrapped her arm with mine holding her hand as she rested her head on my left shoulder none of us said a word nor did we need to we just enjoyed the beautiful run rise with each other Faltin and Sofea and even some of his guards stopped what they was doing and watch the sun rise also I heard a happy sy from Gold I chuckled leaning down whispering in her ear enjoying your self my little drake Gold smiled nodding I just wish it could stay like this I laughed saying what's this is my little drake wanting a peaceful life Gold laughed with me that's when Fox who was sitting on a crate stood up saying what is that he said we all looked to him Giant asking what do you see Fox I ant sure but he pointed towards the sunrise we all turned our heads to the sun I squinted my eyes that's when Flare said I can't see shit mate you sure it isn't your imagination Fox shook his head no I am sure I seen 3 shapes I activated my mana site that's when I seen them 3 powerful presents flying towards us I stood up yelling dragons in coming I pulled out my sending stone saying Taylor we got 3 dragons coming from the west about 300 yards off and closing fast shit on my way if you can by me some time I side nodding and I put away the stone Giant stood next to me asking do you got a plan Buck I side sure I got plans none of them I like and all of them you would have to be bat shit crazy to do them luckily I am I side yelling everyone get off the docks and take cover know do not engage unless I give the order Faltin nodded yelling you heard the man take cover I side and looked to my party this goes for all of you also Gold stood up angrily no I ant going anywhere if these fuckers want a fight we will fight them together I side shaking my head we will do no such thing these are fucking dragons we have 0% chance on fighting them I or Giant could maybe hurt them but it would be more of a annoyance to them then anything Gold opened her mouth to retort but I gralled this is a order Gold not a request go take cover and post up if I give the order shoot out their eyes I trust only you all for this so go and like that, I started walking down the dock I could feel the anger from Gold as I walked but they all took cover I stood at the end of the dock simple waiting with my arms crossed staring right the dragons that got closer till they got 70 yards away from me that's when I felt their overbearing presents and their eyes lock onto me I heard them let out a mighty dragons roar that would strike the fear of God into any mortal or at least make there back start to sweat and I was at the forefront of this I felt the shock wave from just there simple roars it was like I was holding up the sky its self my legs was shaking and sweat was rolling down my back well I think it was more like oil but whatever same thing but still I stood there Beck straight stone faced till the dragons got 40 yards out that's when I heard the red dragon roar out again where are they human thing I side and brought out all of the Dragon eggs out and gently laid then down in front of me I heard the dragons all roar angrily and the pressure on me got stronger to the point I could barely move let alone stand and my body was reinforced if it wasn't for that I would already be on the floor it was hard to breath but slowly I raised my hands in peace and took 4 steps back from the eggs my head lowered slightly that's when boom splash three full grown dragons landed around the front of the dock in the water at the center was the red dragon she was thick muscled with two black horns that twisted back her eyes was gold on my left was the green dragon she was actually quite thin but I had no doubt she couldn't one shot me her neck was longer then the two others she had two black spike sticking up from her nose her eyes was a odd yellow color and on my right was the white Dragon she was the oldest and biggest out of the three she had this cool fin that want crossed the back of her head with three white spike in it she had light blue eyes ones they landed I want down to one knee bowing to themI sensed them look me over then to there eggs the green mother Dragon looked back to me with anger what's this mortal y do you have are eggs it wasn't your sent that was in my cave speak I side looking up to her saying no mam I wasn't the one who stole none of your eggs neither did any of the others behind me but that's when the Red mother Dragon presents flared up as she gralled you layer do you think we are fools I was pinned to the ground under this mighty presents hell I could hear my bones screeching if I could barely breathe before I was know not able to breathe at all luckily I dont need to breath anymore I gralled out y should I lay to three pissed off mother dragons that could easily kill me with a simple flick of there body do not insult me and out of peer anger I pushed my self onto one knee and forced my head up glaring at that dragon the green orbs in my eyes burning brightly I do not care if you are three mightily dragons you could be one of the gods them self's and I would say the same the thing at this point blood started to bleed from my eyes and ears I will not be insulted in front of my party do you understand me you fucking over grown lizard with wings I didn't have to save your eggs but I did at this point I spat up blood my Heath bar started to flash red my hp was dangerously low but I still glared at the Red Dragon who roared angrily what did you say you in abomination I will fucking kill you she stood on her back legs and raised her left claw and was about to bring it down onto me when two thing happened all at ones the first the White Dragon flicked her tail slamming the red dragon in the chest with witch throw the red dragon back she twisted a few times in the air before hitting the water sinking under the second thing was Taylor who appeared next to me standing tall his hands behind his back with his normal suit and happy smile when he appeared that heavy presents I was feeling was gone I ask for you to buy me some time and what did I see when I got here you kneeling in front of three angry mother dragons and what did you do when they forced you to the floor he took three steps forward and looked back to me grinning you not only fight back against the presents sitting up and what did you do when you started to bleed you fucking insulted a full grown mother Dragon and even to your last breath you was defient to the end hahahaha I fucking love your spirit kid you remind me of my self when I was younger I stood up weakly I could tell if it wasn't for my reinforced well everything I would have been a meat puddle there all though I think the meat puddle would be better cuz I may not be dead but fuck me I was in so much pain like when I straightened my back it made a load popping nose all up my spine I then flicked both shoulders back into place lets just say there was a lot of popping coming from my body I then stretched my neck saying of course y should I let a dragon insult me I do not care if she could kill me with a flick of her wrist or not besides if it wasn't for me all three of those eggs would have been destroyed not ones but twice the White Dragon looked to me interest in her eyes as she started at me but she then looked to Taylor and in a wise sweet voice she said well hello Taylor it has been a while hasn't it Taylor nodded as he looked up to her his hands in his pockets indeed it has White it sure has she nodded you look older all though not much older Taylor chuckled thank you White you look good as well you have gotten bigger I see and more powerful I do hope your family has been well White nodded indeed they have all 120 children my little home has grown quite a bit I am a grate, grate, grate, grate grandmother can you believe it Taylor laughed indeed I do you was always wanting lots of kids I am still shocked you didn't scare Snow off with how baby crazy you are White laughed o its cute you think he had a say in the matter hahahaha both Taylor and I laughed along with her but we both glanced at each one singular sweat drop falling from our heads White then looked to the egg this is actually my 125 egg which I think puts them at generation 20 something for me I don't remember I lost count at 10 but it would seem you and Helge have been doing well keeping your nosing out of trouble Taylor chuckled you know us White we always stay out of trouble speaking of kids my second daughter Sin birthday isn't to far off I do hope you and Snow are able to make it White chuckled saying of course what sort of ant would I be if I miss my nephew birthday all though you sure have found a interesting group of people especially this odd fellow and like the she turned her head and looked at me Taylor laughed indeed I am happy that I got to me him and his friends they are all fucking insane all though I think he is the craziest one out of them all as you just seen and he glanced at me White nodded smiling and he brought her face closer to me so close I could feel her cold breath on my skin I had to look up to stare In to her blue serpent eyes what is your name wildling she ask I smiled as I took of my hat and did a very proper bow saying it's a pleasure mam most know me as DeerSkull but my friends call me Buck and Taylor calls me Hunter feel free to use any of these and with that, I put my hat back on my head as I stood up straight she slowly nodded ok Hunter you say you saved my child I wish to hear everything I nodded and started telling her the story.