
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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30 Chs

A talk to find a teacher

contrary to what Taylor told me to do when we got back to the bar the last thing I wanted to do was rest naa there was to much work to do I put the owlbear, Griffen, and Wyvern all in the stables where I met someone there waiting for me a tall ork woman her skin a gray color the sides of her head was shaved smooth with a long braid that want down to her back I seen gems woven into her hair and on the sides of her head was black tattoos that showed creatures of the sea, sky and land of legend all in a epic battle with one another she had on a slowing beautiful dark green dress on it looked very simple it wasn't flashy and her face was very beautiful her looks was that of strength mixed with a simple elegance that many woman would be jealous of she had two tusked sticking up from her bottom jaw if it wasn't for those tusked I would have guessed her to be a goliath with the gray skin and those tattoos plus her build she was 6'5 to 6'6 feet tall her shoulders wasn't wide but they wasn't small either her back was straight and I could see hidden muscles under her clothes not just that I could sense her strength my senses was screaming danger when I looked at her she was patting

A familiar mother dire wolves this stable was huge about the size of a foot ball field but the building on the outside looked like a normal stables simple in look but inside it was the complete opposite along the walls was stalls for all sorts of different types of creatures for example the stall the mother dire wolves was laying in was huge it could should her and all of her children comfortably plus it looked just like a cave to make there living comfortable wall in the center of this room was a huge training ground and obstacle course I seen hoops and walls on the ground that creatures was to jump over or smash through on the ground wall in the air floating was hoops for the flying mounts to practice aerial acrobatics and combat as I walked in with my mantra of creatures Valentine still riding Bin wall Rose and James walked next them James had on different armor it was similar to his old in style full plate but I could see areas that had studded leather protection it might not be as protective as his old plate and chain mail but this gave him much more maneuverability plus he had on a blue coat that mixed with his armor that want down to his knees as for a helmet he didn't have one on but I assumed he had one with him he looked much more lively and heathen compared to when I first found him there was a shine in his eyes the shine of adventurer and a bit of mischief it would seem the adventurer life was suiting him well as for Rose she had on black and red robs she looked much more healthy aswell but her eyes didn't shine like James there was a sadness in them I heard from little Valentine that Rose wasn't adapting well to this life apparently Taylor and Helga offered to teach her how to fight and us magic but she refused she had been living off of James these months doing god knows what Valentine said she had been locked up in her room crying and I could see signs of that her eyes was a bit puffy and red plus I could tell she hadn't much rest do to how tired she looked Apparently Rose had gotten into a huge fight with Taylor and Helga after I felt to go kill goblins Rose had first demanded that Taylor and Helga got to war she said it was there duty but when they pointed out that they had no obligation to Rose or their kingdom after they banished Helga after she married Taylor who she wasn't supposed to marry but she did and did it behind her parents back as well they banished her saying go with that bartender see how far you go without us when you cant handle that commander's life and you leave that man come back to get married you got 6 months till the marriage date if your not back on that date then don't ever come back cuz you ant are daughter nor a part in this family Helga happily left and never looked back so she had no obligation to do jack shit especially sense the people who attacked was the family she was surprised to marry into the irony I thought James and Valentine seem to take after Helga strong wills and determination never met the woman but anyone who is partners with Taylor must me strong wall Rose takes after the other side she is weak-minded fool who has had a golden spoon feed everything she wanted to her only time will tell if she changes but back to presents I shook these thoughts out of my head as I looked at this woman who had a huge smile as she scratched the dire wolves mama behind the ears the wolfs tail wagged happily behind her I heard her say who's a good girl yes you are yes your a good momma the wolf was very happy with those words and scratches she was getting Valentine jumped off Bin and ran hugged the woman happily saying anty Helga she yelled in happiness the woman laughed turning and patting Valentine on the back saying o what's this little Valentine then she looked to the rest of us her motherly smiling made my heart feel warm as her eyes feel onto he and you brought friends I see James smiled waving hello anty wall Rose bowed her head not saying a word James your looking good I hope your training is going well this woman asked James nodded indeed it is thank you for asking anty and it's good to see you to Rose that made Rose freeze I could tell she was stunned then this woman warm eyes fell onto me saying and you must be the one called DeerSkull right I got off Shadow and stepped forward bowing yes mam that be what most call me but my friends call me either Hunter or Buck either or is fine and you must be my gracious hostess Helga it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Helga laughed none of that your sweet talk may work on my girls but it won't work on me I shrugged I simply speak truth no more Helga laughed it was very beautiful to hear you my good lad are dangerous how can one be so skilled in the art of combat also be a smooth talker your a rare one Lad thank gods my husband cot you before anyone else did I laughed tipping my hat saying happy to serve mam she nodded she looked behind me to the creatures huh a wyvern and her egg an owlbear and Griffen mothers but no eggs I assume you have them right she asked glancing at me I nodded indeed simply good she also nodded come let us get these dears situated I nodded and like that Valentine, Helga and I got my creatures into there new home I fed and watered them wall they they sat in there nest that held there eggs they became my familiars also I named the mother owlbear Zarrock and the Griffen mother I named Volo Helga and I talked the whole time wall Valentine played with the dire wolf puppies the mama watched with happiness in her eyes Helga and I talked about many things from fighting to artifacts to smithing she wasn't a expert like Taylor but she had watched him work so she understood some things then we talked about the fight and she asked about Yokai I answered most of her questions but not all of them I could tell she loved artifacts the crazer the better that's when we started talking about business do you mind if Bin and Zarrock become mates I shrugged if they wish I won't force anything Helga nodded we don't got another Griffen but if we did would you mind if we mate them aswell I shrugged again I don't mind but bring Volo with you she will choose for her self Helga nodded ok and about the mother dire wolf and her cubs are you going to make her into your familiar I could tell she was anticipating my answer I could tell she was very found of the mama I smiled glancing back at Valentine hugging the mama dire wolf around the neck laughing the mama didn't do anything hell she didn't even open her yes from her nap but I seen a little smile start to form on her face at Valentine's antics I turned around to Helga who was waiting for my response she is my gift to you I could tell you was found of her take it as a thank you for being such a good hostess Helga smiled shock in her eyes but she hid it well I thank you Hunter my husband was right about you a grin formed on my face asking o has Taylor been spreading groomers about me behind my back such a shame Helga laughed I noticed Valentine drag Rose and James to play with the puppies I seen a small smile spread onto Rose face as she was behind pulled by Valentine that small smile turned to a huge one as they played Helga smiled at the sight I quietly asked do you think he will but Helga side shrugging I ant sure honestly she has been spoiled all her life she was tot that she was better since she was a princess it will take some time to undo all that but I think she will have to if she wishes to live I glanced at her asking do you plan on attacking Helga was a little shocked but she shook her head saying you will soon find out anyway so yes but I won't tell you anymore if you wish to hear more go talk to Taylor I nodded thank you for your honesty mam she waved her hand don't thank me Hunter your part of the family now and Taylor trusts your group so I will aswell I bowed thank you and it has been a pleasure to meet you in person and to get to talk but know that my creatures are save I got work to do so I must say bid ado she nodded and I walked away out of the stables and waved a key in the air a portal appearing i walked through it the portal shutting behind me and like that I was back into my work shop I through off my coat and hat to the coat rack and I got back to work I made the second pistol I holstered it on my other side next was making the ammo for all my shit I had plenty of ammo for bucking bull but that was it the rest of my new guns I only had a few shots till I was going to be out so I started that first I made the spikes and glass tips for my new harpoon rifle next I started making the bullets i started with the glass bullets first then to the pistol ammo when I was done I had 4 boxes of ammo alone 1 for the spikes one for the glass bullets the rest was for the pistol these sat next to the 5 boxes of ammo to bucking bull plus the .45 ammo I made for my revolver but sadly it wasn't going to see much us know that I got these new pistols I set up a target and walked to the other end of the room the target in front of me I then pulled both pistols out pulling the triggers the target exploded I smiled looking down at these two new smoking pistols they looked very steampunk longer barrels then normal but it kept with the 1911 in looks just a bit bigger and bulkier I spun them both of my fingers and holster them next I pulled out my new rifle and aimed down the sits I pulled the first trigger and one spike shot out and sank into a dummy that had a chainmail shirt on it I then pointed at the other dummy pulling the trigger and hot glass shot out and impacted the dummy when it did deep gashes formed all over its body I nodded happily with this but I still got much work as I looked at the two incomplete vehicles I side thinking shit war huh let us prepare right and like this I worked hours passed with me singing cursing and most impotently working I was currently under the jeep cursing up a storm in draconic I wanted to get us to speaking it a crashing noise came from under the vehicle as I slid out from under it my face and close covered in grim, oil and dust I stood up yelling angrily hisgotha mosina and I was about to through the wrench like tool in my hand when I heard someone behind me speak shugma masha which meant in draconic you kiss your mother with that mouth I turned around to see Taylor there leaning against the wall I shrugged saying Rushana no Masha which meant I don't get a mother Taylor was shocked but he spoke in command this time you seem to have adapted to the language well yes I said nodding Taylor side saying do you even know what time it is or how long you've been in here I shrugged not answering Taylor's side again you've been in here for 10 hours lad the day is practically over Flare, Giant and Fox have returned already and the girls just got here a hour ago Zigrin and Sofea is with them they have been waiting on one Deer like individual could you guess who that might be I shrugged saying my party should know that ones I get started on work that's my soul focus Taylor side they said something like that to Zigrin and Sofea but they waited anyway Sofea is getting sad you ant showing up Zigrin is just there to drink a bit her wounds are still fresh so tell me will you disappoint that little girl just to continue your work I shrugged saying yes and I was about to continue to work when Taylor clicked his tongue disappointedly can't you take a break just to say hi to them Taylor asked I looked to him asking sure but I wish to hear your plans on the war Taylor clicked his tongue again you little brat you played me I smiled shrugging perhaps i did Taylor smiled so be it I had already planed to tell you anyway so it's no bother but we will talk about this tomorrow go and have fun with your friends your work will be there for you after I nodded and looked down at my clothes sying tell them I be down in 20 minutes Taylor nodded and at the same time we opened a portal and walked through it I appeared in my room I side walking to clean up and I must say I was dirty and exactly at 20 minutes I walked downstairs in up I saw my group taking up a big table Zigrin and Sofea was sitting next to one another Zigrin had bandages all over her chest but she was drinking happily Sofea looked a bit out of place with her shy reserved self but a smile was on her face as she listened to everyone I walked over and sat down next to Gold I kissed her on the cheek before looking to Sofea saying I was told you wished to see me Sofea lowered her self in the chair under my gaze but Zigrin grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her back up saying come on girl your the Dukes daughter act like it Sofea side nodding and she straightened her back and she looked into my eyes with determination saying DeerSkull I wish for you to train me i raised my eyebrow glancing to Zigrin who was stoned faced I looked back to Sofea asking y me when your big sister is more then qualified for the task Sofea shook her head saying she could only teach me basics anything else I would have to learn on my own sense she can't teach me her fighting style which is a secret of her tribe again glance to Zigrin still stoned faced I looked back to her again asking go on and she did plus you don't just is one thing your versatile in a bit of everything and that's what I want to be till I find something I like I stared at her she held my gaze for a few moments before she looked away I side shaking my head no I refuse she was stunned but y she wind I shrugged there are many reasons for example my sort of fighting style is very versatile yes but it requires mastery over ones body and mind you have to have ability constrain or suffer the side effects your body isn't capable of the complex moves that I do plus you don't look like the hand to hand combat sort Marshall arts are not just a thing you can just watch and do no it takes hard work, training and suffering to the point it's engraved in your soul you would have to suffer through your fists knees elbows and feet hurting and bleeding even throw brakes every day you would be in constant pain and no one would be able to heal you your body would strength and get us to pain to the point it's scary and in tell I say your train is over you wouldnt focus on anything else I am a brutal trainer just asked Star and Flare the two of them gulped glancing away fright on there faces so no I won't train you Sofea looked sad but she nodded I understand thank you for your times and she was about to stand up but I raised my hand smiling sit back down lass I said I wouldn't train you that doesn't mean I won't help you Sofea eyes brightened thank you she bowed to me Zigrin smacked her on the back of the head saying don't bow the Duke daughter doesn't bow anyone Sofea rubbed the back of her head angrily staring at Zigrin I cleared my throat saying know we can teach you how to fight but your father should higher someone to teach you on magic none of us are professional in the teaching aspect of it just how to blow shit up with it Sofea nodded already done she said I nodded ok you should be trained in the best weapon for your size and something that would make it easy to channel magic into it there is many options but the best one would be a spear luckily for you we got a spear user and I looked to Fraya asking you think you can train the lass She looked Sofea over before nodding indeed but Gold Star and I will teach her so she gots many options I nodded sounds good to me how aboyt you Sofea nodded good know that's out of the way let us drink I said smiling.