
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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28 Chs

Meeting a business partner ?

I opened the fancy purple door to the shot when I did I heard someone yell out welcome to Percivals trading shop on the left side of the room was a huge bar but that wasn't alcohol behind the bar o no that was magic artifacts from weapons, shinny shields to even staffs bows and guns even the bar it's self was a huge display case of weapons and stuff wall the right side had 13 shelves that had many many more items on display and around the right wall there was even more display cases this place was busy with many players looking over everything but not buying shit probably do to us just starting out but right then a tall skinny man with a fancy blue coat with gold lines running through it under this fancy cost was a red and gold vest with gems as buttons under this he had a nice white shirt and one of those old Jabot Tie blue pants and black dress shoes as for the man him self ue has pulled back short silver hair his scan was white and over his eyes which was sea blue was a pare of huge glasses that had manny smaller lenses on it he looked quite dapper and he was definitely very handsome I saw some girl players off to the side swooning and giggling with each other staring at him this man smiled hello my good sir welcome to my store I am Percivals but please call me Percy and he bowed slightly I smiled nodding and I am DeerSkull but please call me Hunter and I also slightly bowed to him it's a pleasure to meet you Percy he nodded indeed good sir perchance are you the nephew, of one Amabilia Feris Victoria I smiled nodding indeed I am y do you know my ant, Percy chuckled his eyes lighting up indeed I do she saved my life a very long time ago she even gave me some money so that I could survive hell that's how I got all of this up and running she is a good lass and a dear friend plus one hell of a customer and investor I was quite sad when she up and disappeared but I was told she wasn't the only one that up and vanished and color me surprised when she came knocking to my door but enough of this merchants rambling will you please follow me to my office I was a little surprised but nodded lead the way good sir he nodded spun around and started walking to the back of this room where he lead me behind the bar and he walked to a wall and opened a hidden door that lead me into a huge storage room where I seen blue ghost-like figures stacking and checking boxes he lead me to a corner of this room where there was a desk but no chairs he walked behind the desk and want to sit down when he did a nice silver chair appeared with blue padding I was stunned seeing this magic Percy laughed seeing my expression I see you haven't seen much magic have you I shook my head no sir I haven't but it's fucking cool he nodded have a seat and let's get down to business I squinted my eyes and focused below me and acted like I was sitting down right then I seen something blue strings or ribbons these strings formed into a chair shape and a silver comfy chair appeared with blue padding-right then I got a notification

Congrats host you learned mana site: rare skill

I was shocked seeing that what the hell I thought but I pushed all those thoughts to the back of my mind I looked to Percy saying so what business do you have with me he smiled leaning back in his chair it's simple Amabilia asked me to get you some starting gear that dagger on your hip is let's just say terrible and you have no armor which is no good plus she also asked me to help you find a job she said all this would be a good investment for the future of my business I didn't argue with her sense I owe her so even if investing in you doesn't pay of I will just say some of my debt to her is passed and if you do help me then well it would seem I owe her even more but that's the of being a businessman he leaned back in his chair so what do you need armor, weapons, magic books I got it all but remember don't ask for to much I chuckled no need Percy I would usually not except handouts but I will definitely need something more then this dagger especially sense plenty of people seen me coming back hear with you so I leaned forward with a huge smile on my face and the green fire in my eyes was a little brighter y don't you give me a tasting of what you got lets start with armor I don't want anything to heavy or anything that make much noise plus I would want it to fit under my clothing do you got something like that Percy smiled standing up follow me I nodded standing up and followed him to the middle of this storage area he walked to a specific box he opened it and stopped to the side motioning me to take a look I walked over and looked into the box laying on top was a chain mail shirt I looked to Percy who still had that huge smile on his face may I I asked he simple nodded of course I looked back into the box and picked up the chain mail and unlike what I thought it was actually pretty quiet right thence screen appeared in front of me

Chain mail shirt special item: this chain mail shirt was made to be light and quiet whoever made it knew what they were doing especially since the armor itself doesn't lose any of it's protecting ability. Anyone who wears this shirt will be harder to hurt with slashing, piercing, or blunt weapons

I smiled nodding it's a good piece and it ant that heavy which is good whoever made it does good work I will take it I put the shirt down and Percy nodded smiling indeed its a good piece I even wear one and he lifted up his shirt a little bit and I seen the same chain mail shirt he lowered his shirt so what's next perhaps a weapon or spell book I chuckled weapon next I want something that will be effective at both medium and close range something that is small and precise Percy nodded small and precise I think I got just the thing and walked to another box and opened it I followed him he stepped aside for me and I looked into the box and what I seen made me very happy it was a revolver it reminded me of a single action colt army but I could tell that this revolver could only hold three bullets I reached out and grabbed it I then quickly spun around pulling the hammer back aiming at another box the pistol was a little heavy but I didn't mind I lowered the hammer to the half way point and opened the side cap and I looked at every empty chamber with each rotation of the chamber it made a clicking noise that is when I noticed the chambers was a little shorter I spun around and opened the ammo box that was also in the crate I pulled out one round and examined it and it was like I thought this revolver shot a 9mm sadly but what cot my eye was the red ruby where the primer would be and this ruby seemed to have a little fire in it how fascinating you us ruby and used a basic fire rune I assume to act as a primer I said smiling Percy was a little surprised but nodded indeed that's exactly how this works but how did you but then he want quiet I lowered the round and put it back in it's box and I put both the ammo box and the revolver back in the crate that's when a screen appeared over the pistol and the ammo box

9mm revolver common item: a standard pistol

9mm bullet: a basic bullet they just used a ruby then put a weak fire rune on it instead of having to replace the primer each time you reloaded the bullet

I thought about it but shook my head no thanks I like the gun but it doesn't have any stopping power Percy nodded I understand and she shut the crate well if you want stopping power I might have just the thing and he waved his hands and one of those enviable servents walked around the corner with a old dusty crate in his hands the ghost planted the crate in the middle of this area then walked away Percy walked over to this box and opened it and stepped aside I walked next to him and looked into the box and what I seen was a little surprising it was a one shot pistol by the looks of the crate and even the gun it self I could tell Percy has had it for a while I picked up this pistol and pushed the lever on the side of it and the barrel dropped which made the chamber stick up I looked throw the barrel then I closed the chamber I pulled the hammer back and pulled the trigger the hammer fell making a clicking noise everything was working all right but I could tell by the scratches on the barrel and even the wood grip on the barrel and the grip it's self had a few scratches but I could also tell whoever had it before I took care of it right then a screen appeared over the pistol

Bucking bull: a single shot pistol calibrated in .50 caliber this baby packs one hell of a punch most people wont be able to fire this gun more then ones nor would they want to it has a very long history that only it's maker knows but it makes you wonder who was crazy enough to make a pistol in this caliber

.50 caliber: this bullet will make you scared to shoot any pistol with a little punch ever again they also used a red ruby for the primer

I smiled at that name I looked back to the pistol well hello bucking bull it's good to meet you so what do you say of coming with me I prise I will make you sing ones again and like the gun understood me the grip got a little hotter I looked to Percy I will take her and I sat her back in the crate Percy smiled nodding ok come let's head back to my desk I simple nodded and we started walking back through the crats but I stopped when I noticed something glowing out the corner of my eye I stopped and turned my head to the left and looked around but I didn't see anything mmm that was odd then thought of a idea so I opened my statues and opened my skills

Sneak basic 1/20: allwas user to sneak around

Sharp eye basic 1/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

Focus punch basic 1/7: allows host to focus mana into your fist and when you punch out with that fist and impact something an explosion of mana well come from your fist damaging your target needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Mana site 1/3: you can see mana in the air and in it's natural farm but not many people have this ability most people can only sense mana or have items to allow them to see it but you was born with the ability to see the natural flow of mana your sharp eye skill go hand and hand with this skill

Skill points:15

I made out both mana site and sharp eyes when I was done I only had 7 skill points but it was worth it cuz as I closed my status screen and looked around I noticed things that I didn't before like the strings of mana controlling the ghost like figures but I also could see different mana signatures glowing in many of the crates even Percy all of his clothes was glowing with mana but then I noticed that familiar green string it was almost calling out to me it was leading me in a certain crate I started walking towards it with each step the stronger that feeling got I stopped in front of that box which looked like all the other crates I reached out and opened the box and when I looked inside it there was a red cloth covering what was under it I quickly moved this cloth to the side and what I seen made my mouth drop open the first thing was a set of beautiful obsidian tools that had magic oozing off of them they was in a black leather holder but resting below these tools was two familiar symbols the one on the right was a obsidian raven with green eyes wall the symbol on the left was an obsidian form of the reaper holding his scythe I was about to reach into the crate but someone grabbed my arm I looked to my right to see Percys smiling face there sorry Hunter but it's probably best you leave this box alone hell if I was you I would forget about this box completely and like that, he closed the crate I side shrugging ok Percy lets go back to your desk and finish up our business Percy nodded and we walked back to his desk but as we walked back I glanced back to that crate that feeling not disappearing when we got back to his desk two crates was sitting next to it Percy walked over to them and opened them both then walked back around his desk and sat down he smiled at me well go on take them I nodded and walked forward and picked up the chain mail shirt that was folded nicely I put it in my inventory when I did the chain mail shirt disappeared next I picked up bucking bull and the holster that was in the crate and I put them also into my inventory as for the ammo boxes I picked all three up and also put them in my inventory next I opened my statues and clicked on my inventory

Inventory 6/20 slots : chain shirt, bucking bull, gun holster, 3 boxes with 10 bullets in each

I equipped them all when I did I felt the chain short appear under my clothes wall I felt a holster appear on the back side of my belt on the right side and on my left hip appeared a holder for 5 bullets I pulled out bucking bull and pulled a bullet out of my inventory and lauded it I put it back in the holster and then filled the holder on my left hip with 5 bullets I looked back to Percy who was watching me with interest in his eyes thank you, Percy, with this I will be a lot harder to kill I will pay you back when I get a chance Percy waved his hand don't worry about the money like I said I really haven't lost much money but I know that look your giving me so the chain short is 200 gold and the gun was about 5 gold and each box of ammo is 3 gold so in total its 214 I nodded I will get you your money soon but I will also spread your name around come to Percys shop the prices are fare and the company good Percy laughed you do that Hunter thank you here let me lead you out I shrugged y not and like that he lead me through another hidden door and back behind the bar he walked me to the door but after that we said our goodbyes and I left in the direction of Taylor's bar but back at the store Percy want back to his office right after I left he sat down in his chair and leaned back he had a troubled expression on his face could it be just a coincidence that he was drawn to that box no it can't be I will have to let him know about this and like that he snapped his fingers.