
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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Finally getting to the center of town

I finally made it to the contour of the city and my eyes want wide all around this circle was shop stalls selling anything but my eyes feel on two buildings the first was a big building made from stone the bottom floor was for a shop wall the top floor I heard the slame of hammers and the ringing of metal it was a forge hanging over the door was a dark black wood sign that said Ricks forge and shop wall the other building I took notice of was the complete opposite of the forge the forge didn't look nice it simple looked effective wall this building looked nice in is sleek oddly square shape to the dark brown and white wood that is was made off over this door was a simple white sign that had fancy purple letters on it that spelled Percivals trading shop I chuckled to my self I started looking through the people as I walked to middle where a huge marble fountain was as I walked I heard people talking to their friends I heard traders yelling what they are selling but then I heard music beautiful music my head turned to where I heard the music from I seen a crowd of people on the right side making a circle around the fountain and sitting on the edge of the fountain was a odd looking lady she looked like a tiefling her skin is dark red with black horns curling up out of her white hair but moving behind her was a black cats tail with white spots and on the sides of her head was cut black cat ears if you looked closely you would see the feelion traits she was playing a simple harp but on her back was a red ,gold and black metal guitar she had on a black jacket made from scales the sleeves only want a little passed her elbow under that she had a red short and black pants and leather lace-up boots but I thought I seen a green gem in the heals the last thing of note was the silver circles on her head that had a red ruby in the middle of it and the silver dragon skull with purple gems in the eyes belt buckle she had on she plucked at the strings of the harp gently I knew this was my ant so I jumped on top of the fountain edge and slowly started walked around the fountain towards her when I got close enough bubbles started appearing pointing at the different items she had on

Circlet of blasting: can shoot three bolts of fire at a target or three designated targets also gives wearer flame resistance

Young dragon scale coat: gives the wearer acid resistance and acts as chain mail armor

Dragon skull belt buckle: can shoot 5 lasers out of the gems in the eyes

Boots of dashing: bost wears speed with wind

Bag of holding: a bag that's bigger then it looks

All of these items was rare and that coat was legendary but when I started at the guitar nothing appeared how odd but hold on how does she hall all this loot I looked above her head and seen her gamer tag name queen Amabilia Feris Victoria I smiled at her gamer tag but my eyes feel onto the Queen in front of her name how odd don't tell me that this is her avatar from the bata if that's the case then all the bata testers got a pretty big head start I side whatever its to be expected I looked back to Amabilia who plucked a few more strings till she stopped bowing to everyone when they seen that everyone started clapping and cheering and quite a few of them through coins into a purple top hat that was is front of her but slowly everyone started going back to there busyness and Amabilia put away her harp she looked around in the people but side after a few moments she picked up the top hat and poured the coins onto her bag she put the hat on her head standing up she looked through around again but side after a few seconds again I chuckle and quietly sat down behind her where she was sitting she was about to walked away but I cleared my throat saying beautiful music but even so it's a little rude to ignore your nephew your a queen at least act like one Amabilia turned around quickly and her gold and black cat eyes looked into my eyes she was stunned I crossed my legs chuckling I know I am pretty but I ant that pretty Amabilia smiled shaking her head saying yea there is no doubt your Hunter I smiled who did you think it would be but you got some explaining to do y in the nine hells do you have all that and I waved at all of her equipment she smiled and I seen her teeth was sharp that's to easy but let's go and get something to drink on me I laughed standing up nodding she lead me to a nearby outside car we sat down at one of the empty tables and a cute looking waitress walked to our table asking what can I get for you Amabilia ordered some lemonade wall I simple wanted some sweet tea the girl nodded I saying I will be right back we nodded I looked to Amabilia so y do you have all this she side and leaned forward and in a low voice so only I could hear it's simple this is my avatar from the bata I rolled my eyes nodding, of course, it is Amabilia nodding don't worry the bata capt us all at level 15 but there is a reason y we still have our avatar and it's cuz of are gifts I simple nodded that makes sense since are gifts are like a reflection of are personality and soul right Amabilia was shocked at my words but nodded yea that's right I am surprised you know that I smiled shrugging I have a silver tung what can I say but y is queen in front of your name Amabilia side that's also cuz I am a bata tester but not just that I was one of the few and first to beat the bata I was 5 if I remember right so the maker of the game Jenny Queen gave us the king and queen titles this means we have a responsibility to build a strong gild and all that I nodded right then the waitress came back with are drinks thank you we said and the girl walked away Amabilia looked back to me asking with a smile so what level are you 0 right I shrugged no I am level 6 as I took a drink of my tea and woo damn it was sweet just how I like it when I looked back to Amabilia she was dumbfounded what she asked can you say that again I nodded I am level 6 that reminds me and I pulled up my status






Stats :new



Equipped: small bag of holding and beginning knife




Friend list

I clicked on my status






Luck: 7 can't be affected by stat points

Stat points: 15

Mmm ok let's put 3 stat points in both strength and dexterity and 2 in the rest







Stat points:3

I want back to the main status






Stats :



Equipped: small bag of holding and beginning knife




Friend list

I then clicked on the skill and a list of my skills appeared and there discretions

Sneak basic 1/20: allwas user to sneak around

Sharp eye basic 1/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

Focus punch basic 1/7: allows host to focus mana into your fist and when you punch out with that fist and impact something an explosion of mana well come from your fist damaging your target you needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Skill points:15

I smiled at all of these skills but quickly looked back to my ant who was still shocked but she then yelled how the fuck are you level 6 already it's only been 2 hours sense launch I shrugged taking another drink before saying well do you know of a mpc called Taylor Amabilia eye want wide no it can't be not that man the one that runs Taylors and Tallows I simple nodded the one and the same well I was walking by that place when someone got thrown out of the bar that person slammed into me and almost killed me after a few minutes, Taylor comes out and heals me and asked me to do something for him it would seem Tallows and Taylor had a falling out and Tallows had pushed Taylor far enough he asked me to help him remove a thrown in his side I agreed and I quickly removed the thorn but I found a odd letter and viel I read letter then gave both items to Taylor which completed the quest and even the hidden quest he told me to back in a few days saying he might have work for me hell he even is letting me us a room for free for a few weeks Amabilia absorbed all of this information feel into her seat she had a blank expression and her eyes was glossed over I didn't bother her I thought about what I should do next I opened my inventory to see how much gold I had and it wasn't much gold I had and it wasn't much 115 I side and closed out of that screen and started at my level 6 and that elf said my gift will unlock at level 10 right so the most logical thing is to go grind some exp didn't Taylor say there was a quest or bounty bored in his bar should I do that instead but then my eyes feel over the friend list I clicked on it and three options appeared

Friends list:0

Send a friend invite: has to be in line of site and close by to send a request also out of combat

Invite to party?: this will allow you to join a party with someone either temporarily or permanently this will allow you to see your party members health, mp and there level plus any ill effects there under

I tapped on send a friend invite then I looked to Amabilia a screen appeared saying friend invite sent right when that notification appeared Amabilia was broken out of her thoughts and she started at something invisible in front of her she nodded and another notification appeared in front of me saying queen Amabilia Feris Victoria has accepted your friend invite Amabilia looked to me smiling sorry about that Deer you just took me by surprise that's all I chuckled shrugging, as we took a drink from, are glass when I lowered my glass Amabilia was staring at me with a series so DeerSkull what are your plans from here on I was going to help you gain some levels and skills but it would seem you don't need my help I smiled shrugging I have no exact plan for long term but I thought I should grind some levels at least to level 10 to unlock my gift and I definitely need to gain some more skills Amabilia nodded that would be wise but you should also find a job I rose a bonny eyebrow she seen that and laughed but explained jobs is sort of like your class in a way there are thousands out there and with infinite possibilities but for example my job is bard this allows me to play music for people and this gives me money, exp and even world favor which basically means the higher my world favor the more my name and music gets around which can give me unique opportunities but there is more to your job then money, or exp what really makes jobs helpful is the skills you can get from them take my bard job, for example, it gives me special types magic skills I can use or I know someone else who has the holy knight job which gave them healing magic and special magic against undead I leaned by in my chair crossing my arms thinking to my self ok jobs are cool and very useful but what job would fit me the best or what jobs I looked up to Amabilia asking can you only have one job or can you get multiple Amabilia smiled cheekily you can get more them one job yes but whichever job you choose first will level up the fastest but you only can have three jobs that is the limit I raised an eyebrow again only three are you sure she smiled and shrugged that is what I have been told but I have also heard stories of people having more then three jobs but how they did it or even if it's true I ant sure I started thinking about all the possibilities of the jobs out there but then I saw Amabilia motion me to lean forward so I did she did the same and in a whisper, she said I have also been told that there are lost artifacts out there that will give you a unique job or even help boost someone job to a higher level but that is only a roomer nothing more and with that she sat back down and took a drink I also sat back down and took a drink of my tea which was almost gone i lowered my drink and started at me ant who I could tell was dying to ask me something I side just ask whatever you want to ask me she smiled am I that obvious I shrugged maybe or maybe not but you are my ant I can tell when you want to ask something besides your cat tail definitely gives you away and I glanced at her tail that was nervously moving from side to side she side and glared at her tail and clicking her tung fucking tail it always gives me away whatever she looked back at me seriously I know you just joined the game and it's the first day of full lunch but will you join my guild? You will definitely be my second in command joining me will give you resources but more importantly it will give you backing and backup no one will want to mess with you unless they want to start a guild war or have a hole guild going after them no one wants that I smiled second in command who is your fist I asked she smiled happily you would know her as Beve but in here she goes by Bevludear J Jenkins I laughed sounds like a pirates name I like it so she joined you how fun how many members have you recorded Amabilia shrugged only around 30 15 are beta testers like me but never made it to the end wall the other 15 are newbies Bevludear is recruiting more as we speak she is good at spotting gems and also she is good at talking but I need someone who is good at fighting and strategy plus someone who can read people you definitely fall under that category so what do you say DeerSkull will you join the meowketeers I chuckled at the name but thought about it seriously do I really want to be in a guild focusing on the guild more then myself no not really do I want to be stuck in a guild building all the time doing paperwork hell no at least it's my ant who is the guild master which is a definite plus but I know I can get more stuff done alone I side and stared at her seriously I am sorry Amabilia but I got to decline your offer and here is y I love you and I hope and know your guild will rise to the top be it with or without me but I don't like the idea of joining a guild for right now at least I want to travel see the new world and most importantly I want to experience everything this world has to offer the good and the bad I can't do that if I am your second in command besides I plan on having as much fun as I can which means I will probably be in the center of chaos that's where I love to be but just cuz I declined your offer do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need something you understand Amabilia side nodding I had a feeling you was going to say something like that so ok Deer I hope you find the thrill your looking for I smiled nodding and I hope no I know you will be a good guild leader so don't let anyone stop you alright she smiled beautify nodding I will thank you right then two drunk man who was walking by looked over to Amabilia one of them smiled and yelled hi lass y want to have a good time cuz I will show you a good time and he started air humping the other man laughed saying what do you mean mate she is coming home with me I side shaking my head fuck off lads before you get hurt the one stopped humping the air turned and glared at me the fuck did you just say I finished my tea and simple said again fuck off lads before you get hurt that one nodded I that's what I thought you said but y should we hiccup your just a skeleton so fuck off I am trying to get lucky I rolled my eyes and started at him your as ugly as a mosquito and about as useless as one to but at least the mosquito can get a girls attention before they die you, on the other hand, won't that one angrily started at me his face turning red is that a threat skeleton I rolled my eyes no that was a statement and a fact nothing more I stud up took a few steps away from the table I put my hands in my pockets and started at him so do you want to fuck around cuz I promise you will definitely find out or you can walk away the choice is yours that one was about to take a step when his friend stopped him no Nick it ant worth it lets go find a drink shall we Nick side nodded and the two stumbled away Amabilia walked next to me laughing thank you Deer for your help I glanced at her shrugged its better me kick there ass instead of you nucking them she simple laughed and pat me on the shoulders a few times at that your right but I got to be heading back to my guild see you later sugar and with that she happily skipped away like she didn't just laugh off nucking them fellows I side whatever lets go and see what the shops have and with that I started walking towards Percivals trading shop.