
The wild hunt

The game we all have been waiting for the wild hunt is here and I must say the franchise is booming it's just the opening day ant yet the vr head set is on major back order wild hunt headquarters is cranking these head sets out like crazy and yet the demand for them just keep rising you might ask what sort of world is the wild hunt and to be honest with you no one really truly knows not even the beta testers who played the game all the information we got is that it's a fantasy world with magic and monsters they say you can do anything and everything and I am inclined to believe them so what will you do in this new world will you be good or evil be the hero or the villain choose to do something or nothing at all stay or leave it's all possible in the wild hunt. I closed the video my ant sent me sying yea this defiantly has gotten my interest I opened my phone and seen my ant had sent me a text message I opened it and it read so what do you think Hunter will you get the game :) with a smile face emoji I side again at her shamelessness but quickly responded back yes I will get the damn headset ok you can stop asking me about it I sent that and waited for a response and it didn't take long till my phone vibrated again I looked at her text message and it simple said good love you and see you soon in the game I chuckled I side ok fine let's see where this takes me and I turned on my computer that was in front of me and I ordered the head set and the game little did I know that my live was about to get interesting Warning this world will be violent and bloody not just cuz of the monsters but also cuz of humans it will show both the good and the bad things in mankind, especially with players where will this world go and what will are mc do let's find out together shall we

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28 Chs

Accepting some quests and killing some fools

As I was walking I had a feeling I was being followed and I was two different teams of 4 all of them players but I didn't give a damn let them follow I got to Taylors bar and walked in when I did what struck me was the sound of music and laughter and how many people were in here the hole left wall was a huge bounty bored with different groups of people walking up to their wall the hole right wall had games like 8 ball pool, dart bores and of course, dice and card tables wall in the middle had tables on tables with many different races drinking and laughing in the back wall across from the doors was a huge circular bar and on the wall was a huge meer with shelves on shelves with bottles of many different colors on them and standing between all of the shelves was a huge familiar owl bear standing on it's back legs and acting like it was swinging at someone in front of him that owl bear looked a lot like the throw Tallows out of the bar what was his name Bin that's right and there smiling behind the bar cleaning the inside of a mug was Taylor the last thing of note was two sets of stairs that curved up onto a overhand that want above the bar and standing looking down at us was quite a few lady's and man who had sexy revealing clothes on so I assumed they were partners of the night it was mid-day and yet this place was still fucking packed but whatever I slowly made my way to the bar where Taylor walked in front of me with a smile welcome Hunter what can I get you, my good man, I chuckled well let's first start with a whiskey then we will go from there Taylor nodded one whiskey coming up right when he said that a odd dall that looked like it was supposed to be a night or something it had heavy armor painted on it this but then this fall spider claimed up the wall grabbed a black bottle and claimed down and handed it to Taylor that's when it turned to me and it's face it had a creepy smile on it face and it's had glowing gold eyes all my question and curiosity about it got beaten out of my mind by simple thinking fuck that shit Taylor poured two classes one for me and one for him he put one glass in front of me and we both took a drink it was some damn good whiskey it had a good burn but it was odd the liquid was ice cold but there was no Ice in the glass I lifted the glass so I could see under it that's when I seen two huge runes at the bottom of the glass how fascinating I said lowering the glass Taylor chuckled thank you it was I who made these glasses really I asked you must be very skilled in runes then Taylor simple smiled you can say that he said that then took a drink from his glass I took another drink sense I could tell he wasn't going to say an more about that subject when I lowered my glass Taylor then asked so how else may I be of service Hunter I smiled shrugging so crazy I was wondering if you had a job I could do Taylor chuckled and looked over to the bounty bored then back at me yea I think I got plenty of jobs you could do I smiled shaking my head that's not what I meant sir I meant if you specifically needed any jobs done or anything Taylor leaned back stroking his beard as he thought about my question I simple waited patiently I took a few sips from my drink as I did when I lowered my glass Taylor nodded and looked back at me I got a few in mind but none of them are easy and clean but if your not scared to get a little dirty then I don't mind giving you these guests you will be of course paid well so what do you say I smiled and leaned forward you had my attention at paid good what are these jobs Taylor laughed ok lad the first is to hunt some two tail deer I am running a little low on the meat but the forest where these deer live is pretty known to have plenty of dangerous monsters in it the second is to clear out the sewers under this city but I warn you the sewers down there is filled with undead and plenty of monsters and thieves this is the hardest one but also the best paying wall the last one is quite simple I have been told there is a nearby goblin camp I want you to get rid of them so which will you choose when he said that three screens appeared in front of me

Go hunting for two tail deer: the more meat you bring back the better rewards but you have to at least bring back enough meat from three deer but be warned its highly likely you will run into dangers in the black woods- quest difficulty: medium, 150exp

Clear out the goblin camp in the dark woods: leave no survivors but be warned goblins are extremely weak monsters alone but they are dangerous in big groups, especially in close quarters- quest differently: medium, reward 160exp

Clear out the sewers: find out what is making the dead walk and kill anything you find on the way warning this will be extremely hard alone but like everything nothing is impossible - quest definitely: extremely hard, reward 300 exp

I looked them all over and smiled at the first two sense they was in the same woods that was like a two for one as for the last one I wasn't sure if it was the best idea but whatever I will take them all I said looking up to Taylor who was stunned hearing my words and a look of concern spread across his face are you sure he asked I nodding when I did a notification appeared in front of me

Map has been upgraded

I quickly finished my drink and stood up thank you for the drink and information I got to go and get a few things for my first two questions and like that I walked out of Taylors bars I walked back up the street to the center of town and walked into Ricks forge and shot and like I expected there was many basic weapons and armors everywhere there was even barrels that had swords, axes, spears and even arrows sticking out of them must of this stuff was iron but I seen a few bronze weapons I looked around and found what I wanted a area for bows and crossbows I walked over there and started looking through them all bust most looked the exact same and as I was looking them over screens started appearing over them

Wooden compound bow :70 draw wait takes 15 strength to fire does 70 points of damage depending on arrow and where you hit on target. cast-30 gold

Wood basic crossbow:130 draw wait takes 17 strength to reload it does 130 points of damage depending on where you hit and what bolt you us. Cast -100 gold

I pulled off one of the bows and pulled the string back on it as I did the bow made a stretching noise I lowered the string nodding I walked over to the bucket that had quivers full of arrows painted on the barrel was the number 5 on it I picked up two quivers the last place I walked was the swords I looked through them all and found a basic shirt sword which was 20 gold I nodded and walked to the counter to see a younger lady about 21 maybe she had on basic clothes and red hair she was definitely pretty but I had monsters to kill I put all of these weapons on the table saying these will do his much the girl started at me a little intimidated but she looked over everything and whispered 60 gold I didn't hear what she said so I walked sorry I didn't hear you how much I asked again the girl side and in a little louder voice she said 60 gold I simple nodded and put 60 gold on the table which left me with only 55 gold but no matter these was a investment then I thought about something and looked around and didn't see what I was looking for so I turned to the girl asking do you sell black powder or gun powder and any oil the girl shook her head damn I side do you know where I could get some I asked she thought about it and nodded yes there is a shop close by here it's has a sign over it that simple says general shop they probably tell what your looking for I smiled thank you miss I picked up all of my equipment and put them in my inventory and I walked out I asked around for this general shop but it wasn't that hard to find the building wasn't fancy just oddly big when I walked into this place I seen rugs , camping equipment, seats, couches, clocks and many many more stuff I walked up to the counter where a older man was sitting reading a paper and smoking a pipe but when I walked up to the counter he put down the paper and looked me up to me when he did he jumped in his chair yelling what the fuck I chuckled sorry sir I didn't meant to scare you but I was told you sell oil, black powder or gun powder is this right the old man recovered quickly he nodded indeed I do sell all of those items what is it to you I shrugged I am looking to bay some nothing more then man nodded ok I will go and get them from the back place feel free to look around as I am gone and like that he opened a door behind him and he was gone I started walking around the room and I found many interesting and odd things but the last thing I found I grabbed it was a old black trench ceat with a hood and a lot of pockets with them was a pare of black pants that had a plenty of pockets aswell I brought them both over to the counter sense it was only one gold for the two I might as well right then the old man came back and over one of his shoulder was a small barrel and in his other hand he had 4 huge vials that had a black liquid in them he sat them both down on the counter saying barrel of gunpowder is 30 gold and each vial is 2 gold I nodded and out the gold on the table I also paid for the clothes I looked around one more time and my eyes fell on 3 stacked cartons I smiled and walked over to them and seen what was in side them small milk glasses 10 in each cart how much for one of these I asked 1 gold for a cart I nodded and picked one up and paid for it I then found the cheapest piece of cloth which was a old tarp, and two slapping bags which the old man gave to me for free I nodded and took all of my stuff and put them in my inventory and walked out at this point it was 4 I didn't want to sleep in the forest tonight so I walked back to Taylors bar and sat down at the bar Taylor walked in front of me asking what do you need I chuckled some food and a ail please he nodded and walked away I turned around smiling watching everyone it's hard to believe but thisbolce was even more packed then before and it wasn't even dark yet as I was looking around someone sat down on my left and I heard a female voice say isn't it wild I chuckled I have seen wilder that person seemed to be shocked but simple asked really I chuckled nodding yea my family reunion us to be like this it was so much fun that person laughed sound like it my family sadly never had anything like this nor have I seen or been in a place like this I glanced to my left and seen sitting next to me was a small purple satyr woman her hole body was different shades of purple wrapped around her her hands was cloth wrapping like she was about to boxe something she had blue shirt with leather armor on over that and around her waist was a black skirt on her back was a axe and on her left hand was a familiar blue gen placed over the cloth their horns were definitely goat shapes and her hair was either very very dark purple or just black I couldn't tell her eyes sparkle red and was looking around the room like crazy smiling I spun my chair back around sying I started remembering my past what my father would do just the day before we would meet how much preparation he did I was so cot up in my thoughts that I barely notice a hand trying to reach to my belt behind me I grabbed the hand and turned to stared into her eyes which was wide open from shock and a hint of fear when are eyes connected now y would you go and do something like that we was having a perfectly normal conversation till you had to do something like that normally I would just kill you and be done with it but today is your lucky day sense I am in a good mood I won't kill you plus I don't want Taylor to have to clean up your mess so bugger off if that all you wanted to do and with that I let go of her hand and looked back forward not caring about the stun look on her face right then Taylor walked back in front of me putting a plate of food in front of me that had a stake and potato with it the stake was cooked medium rare it was just perfect and he also sat down a mug of ail next to the plate Taylor smiles at me but then looked to the satyr and asked can I get anything for you miss I glanced over to her and I seen a conflicted expression and she was fidgeting in her chair under Taylor's gaze and she kept at glancing at me like she was scared of something but all I did was eat my food and drink my ail Taylor cleared his throat trying to get the satyr attention and repeating himself can I get you anything lass this seemed to snap her out of whatever state she was in she looked up to Taylor with sparkles in her eyes sorry about that sir I want the best in load places like this Taylor raised his eyebrow shrugging no need to apologize miss it happens all the time so can I get you anything she shyly nodded yes please a water would be nice and maybe help to find a job when I heard that I choked on the swig of ail I was doing I coughed a few times to clear my throat and took another drink which cleared my throat I put my mug down and glanced at this shameless satyr anger in my eyes when I focused on her a name tag appeared over her head Bowehorn was her gamer tag I seen her glance over to me and a slit grin form on her face but what Taylor said next made me chuckle sorry lass I don't give out missions to strangers who haven't proven them self's but your more then free to take a bounty on the bored over there and he pointed to the left wall but I can get you a water and he pulled 2 glasses from under the bar one was a cup wall the other was a pitcher of water he poured the water into the cup and placed it in front of her smiling but when Bowehorn heard his words her kind smile was gone and what replaced it was anger and confusion what do you mean you won't give me any questions you gave this skeleton some so y not me Taylors smile didn't fade hell I think it got even bigger miss DeerSkull here has already proven himself to me so y shouldn't I give him some quests you, on the other hand, I just met y should I in trust anything to you especially if you haven't proven to me that you can do the jobs that I put my own name on the line saying it will get done Bowehorn angrily huffed turned to me saying ok fine what if I beat this skull fucker would that be enough proof for you Taylor took a few steps back from the bar and leaned on the bar behind him chuckling he looked to me and I could tell he was gagging my reaction but I didn't do anything but continue eating I cut a peace of my stake and moved it into my mouth saying y should I stop eating there is nothing in this for me Bowehorn laughed o are you scared little skeleton two scared to fight or maybe your to weak I stopped cutting my stake and looked up to Taylor with indifference Taylor chuckled seeing my expression he looked over to Bowehorn with a huge smile nodding yes miss if you can defeat DeerSkull here that would be enough to prove your skill but let's up the stakes shall we and he pulled out a odd spool of string and sat it down on the bar between us whoever wins not only proves there skill but also gets this spool of string made from a drider this is some of the strongest wire out there and some of the toughest as well but this is my gift to the winner y not you to put down all the gold you have and whoever wins gets everything do you agree to this miss and he looked to her Bowehorn nodded and put down a bag of gold I could tell there was 50 gold in that bag I agree to these terms Taylor nodded and looked to me I shrugged y not and I put down my fork in my left hand and pulled out the rest of my gold which was only about 15 gold and put it down and said I agree to this terms but one question to the death or not Taylor shrugged that's up to you I nodded Taylor took the bags and clapped his hands when he did that everyone want quiet and backed away from Bowehorn and me I turned around in my chair smile looking over everyone who was making a half circle around us I seen expectation and excitement in many of there eyes huh yea this is more like it I said smiling right then a foot but me in the face and a notification rang in my head

10 points of damage taken

I chuckling at the familiar feeling of pain I do miss this feeling I said standing up right then I seen another foot swinging at my face again but this time I raised my left arm blocking the foot and easily grabbing Bowehorns ankle I pulled the leg which made Bowehorn who was standing on her chair get pulled off and hanging upside down in front of me Bowehorn angrily screamed at me but I didn't care I simple rose my knee up into her chest I seen the damage appear 18 points of damage which made her spit up blood I then had a idea and I tried focusing mana into my knee and to my surprise it actually started to work I could feel the mana gathering in my knee three seconds passed and I rose my knee again and I heard bones braking and she throw up even more blood 50 points of damage I seen the light leave her eyes and she stopped moving I let her body go as I did it turned into blue particles and disappeared right then I got a notification

Congrats host for killing a level 3 player you earned 10 exp

Congrats host for learning and using a new way to us a skill Focus punch has changed to focus strike 10 exp earned

I smiled at that and opened my status






Stats :



Equipped: small bag of holding and beginning knife




Friend list

I seen my mp was slowly recharging but I opened my skills

Sneak basic 1/20: allwas user to sneak the higher level the harder you are to spot

Sharp eye basic 5/5: allows host to spot things more clearly it works even better if the host is on focused or on edge

Focus strike uncommon 1/7: allows host to focus mana into your strike be it your fist, leg, knee hell even a slap or a hip thrust you can focus mana into a strike but it needs three seconds to channel the mana . damage:50 per hit, mana cost: -30 mp,

Mana site 3/3: you can see mana in the air and in it's natural farm but not many people have this ability most people can only sense mana or have items to allow them to see it but you was born with the ability to see the natural flow of mana your sharp eye skill go hand and hand with this skill

Skill points:7

I thought about it but side and spent the rest of my skill points I put 4 in sneak and the other 3 in focus strike nothing really changed about my skills so I closed my status and turned to Taylor and sat back down Taylor slid the two bags of gold to me and the spool of string to me and in a low voice he said good job I simple picked with the two bags of gold and string and putting them in my small bag of holding wall nodded at him I now had 65 gold I guess killing is a good business I chuckled to me self and want back to eating when a basic wood axe slammed onto the bar next to me and a angry voice said hi I want a word with you I simple to a drink of my ail and ignored them hi I am talking to you are you death skull and he tried to put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and put the last peace of stake in my mouth Taylor smile got smaller what do you want sir can't you see my customer is trying to enjoy his dinn but right then the man next to me cut him off screaming shut up mpc I wasn't talking to you so stay out of this or my boys and I will trash this hole place Taylors smile was gone at this point what was left was a little frown but his eyes was stone cold now where was I o yea I am talking to you DeerSkull or whatever your name is I scooped the potatoes into my mouth and then wiped my mouth with a napkin I put it down and smiled to Taylor thank you for the good food Taylor please send my compliments to the chef Taylor looked to me and a little smile was back on his face he simple nodded I will do that thank you right then a angry hand fell onto my right shoulder it gripped my shoulder tightly we have business with you skull head I side and turned to my right and what I seen wasn't surprising another player he looks like a ork even his name Bone Axe sounded like a ork name I glanced next to him was two other players ones avatar was that of a Goliath his name was Stonejaw wall the other was another ork but unlike Boneaxe who was green this fellow was blue a sea ork maybe what ever it doesn't matter his name was Clamclaws I noticed Stonejaw had a basic looking battle axe wall Clamclaws had these odd gloves on at the ends of each fingers was jagged bone claws I could tell it was just made next to each name was there levels Stonejaw and Clamclaws was level 5 wall Boneaxe was level 6 like me I looked to Boneaxe saying what do you want as I said that I picked up my mug of ail with my left hand wall my right hand discreetly moved to my belt Boneaxe smiled a toothy tusked smile what I want is Bowehorns money back and wall we are at it give me that spool of string if you don't mind I lowered my mug asking and if I do mind Boneaxe chuckled and looked to his friends who also chuckled with him and pulled out there weapons and his hand tightened on my shoulder or we take it from you and possibly kill a few of these mpc starting with that bartender it was my turn to laugh I drank the rest of the ail in the mug lowered my mug unto the table still chuckling Boneaxe angrily said what is so funny brat I chuckled and glanced at them all then looked to Taylor who had a cold expression on his face what's so funny that's quite simple I just heard the most foolish and idiotic thing I have ever heard first you think you can force me to do anything the second is the fact you thing you scare me the third is the fact you think you can kill Taylor and anyone else in her for that matter look around all these people are seasoned adventures and you think three newbie can kill a few of them don't in salt them they could kill you three with out even batting a eye but down worry I will kill you long before they do sense I don't want or need them to dirty there hands with fools like you Boneaxe laughed so did his friends and his hand tightened even harder on my shoulder at this point it was starting to hurt and I helt him lean forward as he did my left hand slightly moved over something next to my mug BoneAxe spoke right next to my ear o really how do you plan on killing is little deer there's three of us and only one of you I chuckled smiling crazily and I glanced at him next meters away from my face I could feel his hot breath that's quite simple and my hand grabbed the thing on the table but he didn't notice and I turned to him with a huge smile I will kill you simple enough right Boneaxe laughed in my face I seen his eyes close as he did that is when I moved fast I thrust the stake knife up into his throw then I used the knife stabbed into his head as a hand to slam his face against mine that is when the focus strike that I was focusing on want off I heard the braking of bones when I pushed him away the front of his skull was caved in that's when the damaged notification appeared

you have delt 10 points of piercing damage your target you did 50 points of force damage to your target

But I wasn't done I used the knife still in his throat and forced the knife to the right which snapped his neck that is when the light faded from his eyes and he stopped moving I got the death notification but I didn't focus on that I quickly pulled out the knife when I did the body disappeared I quickly stood up and looked to his buddy's who was stunned that's when I got another notification

New quest kill the fools: kill boneaxe and his boys. Total fools killed: 1/3. Reward: relationship with Taylor and his bar improves my 30 points plus 30 exp and possibly something else. Accept or reject

When I read this quest a huge smile spread across my face and I expected it and looked to Taylor and gave him a nod he nodded back I turned back to these fools to see both advancing angrily at me Stonejaw getting ready to swing his axe down at me we can't have that can I tossed up the stake knife and cot it by the blade and immediately throw it at Stonejaw my knife flow and sank into his leg which made him stop out of pain but Clamclaw moved in front of me and thrust one of his claws at me I simple pulled out one of my daggers and blocked him but his other claw thrust under my dagger but I wasn't worried cus in my other hand I pulled out my short sword from my bag of holding but it was still sheathed but I didn't care I blocked his attack then launched a attack of my own I moved under his hands and thrust my short sword up into his arm pit which pushed him back but sadly only did 5 points of damages but I wasn't worried I used this free time to us the chair next to me to pull my sword out of it's sheath that is when stonejaw finally pulled out the dagger from his leg and lunged at me his grate axe swining down at me but I simple spun to the side focusing mana into my my left foot as I did the axe hit the floor with a brake he angrily yelled at me but I simple throw a left kick to his left knee where the knife hit and I heard and felt a snapping noise Stonejaw screamed in pain but I didn't pay him any mind sense Clamclaws lunged at me thrusting and clawing at me but I simple blocked each attack till I seen a opening and soon it came both of his arms reeled back and he thrust both at me I quickly stepped to the side and swung my short sword down cleanly cutting both of his hands off but I wasn't done I then spun kicking his legs out from under him when he hit the ground he raised his hands and his face want white next he screamed you bastard you cut them off I am going to kill your monster I rolled my eyes and noticed Stonejaw trying to push himself up with his axe onto his other leg but I simply toasted my dagger and I cot it by the blade and threw it my dagger sank into his knee which made him scream out in pain I raised my short sword about to finish them off when I noticed something on the bar I turned to see the Boneaxe wood axe still sitting on the bar I smiled lowering my sword I took one step to the bar and put down my short sword and picked up this axe I felt the wait and I must say I could get us to it I walked back next to Clamclaws who was holding his stump arms to his chest trying to stop the bright blue blood coming out from it he was still screaming when he seen me standing over him his eyes feel on the axe and he spat out you bastard we will but before he could finish I swung the axe down easily cutting his head off that's when I got the death notification but my head turned to Stonejaw still trying to stand I walked next to him but he swung at me with his axe misses which made him fall flat on his face he coffed up green blood and glanced up to me saying we will hunt you down we will get are revenge I simple smiled lifting the axe up and simple said come and try with that I swung my axe down cutting his head off I lifted the axe onto my shoulder and looked around at everyone's and I could see shock and respect in many of there eyes be it player or mpc but I saw fear in some eyes but that to be expected I smiled to them all saying just like chopping firewood for the winter I got a few chuckled and the music started back up and everyone started drinking and having a good time I looked at all the death notification

Congrats to host for killing a level 6 player +30exp earned

Host has delt 50 points of damage decapitating the target congrats host for killing a level 5 player you earned 25 exp

Host has delt 50 point of damage decapitating the target congrats host for killing a level 5 player you have earned 25 exp

Level up

I opened my status









Equipped: small bag of holding and beginning knife, bucking bull, chainmail, basic dagger




Friend list

I smiled and put the axe in my inventory I picked up my dagger that was on the ground and sheathed it back on my belt I also walked over and picked up the stake knife that was on the ground lasly I walked back to my chair picked up the sheath that was on the ground and then picked up the short sword sheathing it and putting it back in the bag of holding I sat back down my plate and mug was gone but immediately when I sat down another mug of ail got slammed in front of me I looked up to see Taylors smiling face well done Hunter I see now y you was so confident taking those quests when he said that a notification want off and the screen appeared in front of me

quest kill the fools: kill boneaxe and his boys. Total fools killed: 3/3. Quest complete Reward: relationship with Taylor and his bar improves my 30 points plus 30 exp.

Bonus rewards: kill the fools make a show out of it successful bonus reward: 30 exp, relationship with Taylor and his bar improved my 30 more points and one unique skill dark site plus

Right then Taylor put down a book that had a dark green cover with black vines in front of me I looked down and read the title the shadow musketeers my eyes immediately lit up sense I knew what this book was I looked up to Taylor shocked Taylor had a series expression on his face I assume you know what this is right he asked I simple nodded saying it's a job book right a little smile spread across his face nodding your half right this is a job book but to be exact this is a jobs book this book has 3 job options in it but ones you chose one you can't chose any other one from this book I was going to give this to you after you finished your fist quest but all this happened this is my reward to you for protecting this place and for showing we do not tolerate disrespectful fools take it and read it ones your done bring it back to me all right I nodded taking the book thank you, Taylor, he simple waved his hand you earned it lad nothing more now I got other customers orders to get I will leave you be I chuckled nodding and with that, he walked away I quickly finished my ail and walked upstairs holding the book when I got to the top of the stairs a few lady's of the night grabbed my arm one of them was a wood elf wall the other I think was a fire genasi by the look of her fire red hair and her dark red skin the genasi who had on a red and gold short dress wrapped her arm around my left arm saying you look lonely dear do you want some company but then the elf grabbed my right arm indeed we would be happy to accompany you what do you say handsome do you want to play with little old us I chuckled I appreciate the initiative lady's I really do but sadly tonight I got some homework to do perhaps another night the fire genasi giggled you hear that owk the big brave deer man gots homework to do whatever shall we do about that and she hugged my arm closer to her chest Owk smiled beautifully indeed ruby whatever shall we do about that and she hugged my arm closer to her chest I looked down at these shameless girls then I looked up to there friends and noticed quite a few of them started at me with either disgust or fear wall the others kept on throwing interested glances at me I looked down to these two girls who was still smiling up at me I chuckled so you two are a test of some sort how fun Owk giggled so he has both brown and brain how rare I chuckled and looked at them both again smiling I must say I haven't seen any tests as beautiful as the two of you before but I must ask who would send two beauty's like yall to conduct this test with someone with my looks Ruby giggled again and he is a smooth talker I must say the more we talk the more I don't want to let you get away as for who sent us that's no big secret are boss but you might know her as Helga Taylors wife she is all of are bosses as for y she sent us it's quite simple and she put a hand on my chest she knows we can take care of are self's and she smiled at me but her eyes didn't reflect that they was cold and emotionless I chuckled nodding I understand not only are you two gems but your two strong gems man I do love dangerous woman perhaps I should stop talking to yall before I take you upon your offer Owl giggled y don't you it's good to let loose and have fun right besides I am curious to see if the deer skull will affect anything I chuckled and looked to them both o trust me it won't a fact anything Ruby giggled then y are we still standing around out here with our clothes on let's get to the room and with that the girls led many the hand to me room I opened the door and the girls pushed me in I noticed this room wasn't very but there was a bed with a window at the end of the bed also a chest at the end of the bed and on the right side of the room was a small circle wooden table but I barely had time to process this when I heard the door shut behind me and when I turned around Ruby and Owk pulled a special pin out of there dresses when they did there dresses hit the floor and they was naked and I must say both had some damn fine assets both had a huge smile on there face and they slowly walked up to me Ruby started kissing my face wall the other worked with my belt soon my pants hit the floor and my little brother stood there hard as a rock it was huge but it also wasn't small it was normal size both of them got on there knees when I seen that it lit a fire in my heart and let's just say I didn't get much done tonight but I can proudly say I made these two girls shake and pass out from pleasure and it felt good holding two beauty's in each arm wall sleeping.