
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 89: The Big Killer Lu Chaochao

"She, what disease does she have? She deliberately tortures her body."

"I was asked to get up before dawn and drink medicine. I only let her serve for one day, and then I was poisoned and sent to the medicine hall!" The old lady explained, but no one cared.

"You've asked people to take medicine all night long. Isn't it too early for you to get up and take a sip of medicine?" Everyone ridiculed.

 The old lady wanted to curse.

By chance, I saw the Gu family's carriage passing by.

Lu Wanyi stared out the window blankly. She was placed under house arrest by Gu Ling.

Even when I went out, there were two fat and strong nannies following behind me.

At this moment, Lu Wanyi jumped out of the carriage like a madman, and the two nuns had no time to react.

"Xu Shiyun, how did you take care of my mother?"

"Did you deliberately tease my mother? After one day of illness, she was sent to the medicine hall. You are not so kind!" Lu Wanyi looked disgusted, pointed at Mrs. Xu and scolded her loudly.

 Xu just lowered her head and said nothing.

"Sister-in-law, why are you so unreasonable? You were only one or two years old when my wife got married, and she raised you single-handedly."

 "My wife is pregnant with her eldest son, and you have eaten her milk."

"How can you say that?" Dengzhi couldn't help but said aggrievedly.

The onlookers stared at her angrily: "How ungrateful, is this Gu Zhuangyuan's daughter-in-law?" Everyone pointed, and Lu Wanyi hurriedly pulled her mother.

"Mom, can I come back later to take care of you?"

 Gu Ling is sick, he is a lunatic!

She trembles when she hears the name now.

Lu Wanyi ignored the dangerous looks of the nuns and took the old lady back to her house directly in front of Mrs. Xu.

The old lady was very pleased.

  The second day.

  It is dark.

There was a harsh cry from the Hou Mansion.

"The old lady is vomiting blood. Hurry, hurry, call the doctor." There was panic in the house. The doctor came in a hurry, but he was vomiting blood so much that there was nothing he could do.

He had no choice but to carry the old lady to the entrance of the Imperial Medical Office himself.

 How similar to yesterday's situation.

 It's just that it's more serious.

The old lady was vomiting blood.

Zhongyong Hou Lu Yuanze was so horrified that his face turned pale.

 "What's going on?" Lu Yuanze is a filial son, but a filial son who outsources his filial piety.

He scolded Mrs. Xu angrily.

"How on earth did you serve me? Do you want to kill me? Mrs. Xu, why are you so cruel?"

Xu's expression was calm: "My sister is ill."

Lu Yuanze's voice stopped suddenly.

The imperial doctor came out in a hurry and administered several injections to control the vomiting and blood pressure.

 It's just that the old lady's face has long been pale, and most of her life seems to be gone.

 Obviously, it's just a cold weather.

 A sudden illness, with vomiting and diarrhea, vomiting blood, and I didn't sleep for two days.

Lu Wanyi almost cried: "Brother, I, I...I prepared the medicine according to the recipe." However, she accidentally knocked over the medicine bag in the yard, and she picked up the medicine again.

There were some fallen leaves in the courtyard, and she couldn't quite tell the difference between medicinal materials and fallen leaves.

The servant brought the medicine jar and the imperial doctor examined it carefully.

Only then did I discover that there was an additional medicinal ingredient in it.

 When it grows on a tree, it can even be used as an ornamental tree.

 But when the leaves fall to the ground, they become a medicinal herb.

It just so happens that there is such a tree in Zhongyonghou Mansion.

"Slave, slave, I saw that Miss Wanyi accidentally knocked over the medicine bag. It was under the medicine tree." A little maid kneeled on the ground and replied carefully.

Lu Yuanze immediately said: "Wanyi, please look back home!" The old lady almost lost her life this time.

Lu Yuanze was angry.

The old lady was dying and felt like she could hardly breathe.

He didn't care that Lu Wanyi was crying and refusing to leave. She was too tired to listen to anything.

She wants to live a few more years and wait for Jinghuai to succeed in Sanyuan and become the crown prince's junior master.

 Lu Wanyi was dragged away, and Mrs. Xu paused.

She whispered: "Mother, Wanyi has grown up so pampered and pampered, how can she take care of him? Otherwise, my daughter-in-law should take care of me, right?"

The old lady immediately widened her eyes in shock.

 "No, no, no, no, no." The old lady refused three consecutive strikes.

The old lady's face was full of fear. She even dragged her body and moved back, not even willing to get close to Mrs. Xu.

Xu sighed and looked slightly downcast.

Lu Yuanze also gave her a few words of advice.

 A cold wind, a sudden illness, and in the end, only the old lady was injured.

Lu Chaochao took advantage of the chaos in the morning and secretly followed him out of the house.

No one noticed that there was a lonely little baby behind him.

 She was holding a handful of leaves tightly in her hand, which was very similar to the old lady's poisoned one.

The little guy kneaded the leaves as he pleased until they were very fine. Just as he was about to go home, he heard a kind woman ask: "Little girl, there is a circus over there, do you want to go and see it?"

Chaochao was stunned?

He raised his head and looked at her stupidly.

The woman was holding a three- or four-year-old boy on her hand. The boy was dressed in a way that was incompatible with the woman. Zheng tilted his head and asked: "Where is the circus?"

"This is my young master, why don't we go and see him together?" The woman said with a smile.

A rough man came out from behind. The man picked up Lu Chaochao without saying a word.

When others looked over, he smiled and said, "This is my young lady, she almost got lost."

 After saying that, he left quickly without waiting for Lu Chaochao to speak.

Lu Chaochao's eyes lit up, had he met a human trafficker? ?

"Watch the circus, circus..." Lu Chaochao stretched out his little finger and pointed in the direction of the circus.

 She and the little boy were thrown directly into the carriage.

"Why did you bring back two children?" There were several young women in the carriage, all of whom were fast asleep at the moment.

"These two children will grow up well if they are raised well. They are valuable goods." The woman smiled, her eyes full of sparkle.

"He looks like a child from a wealthy family, he won't cause trouble, right?" The man at the meeting frowned, and there was a big scar across his face.

"What kind of trouble can it cause? The boy is only four years old, and the girl is only one year old."

"So what if we are rich? Even Princess Beizhao went to Fufeng Mountain and never came back." Several people laughed.

Fufeng Mountain is the gathering place for Beizhao bandits.

Easy to defend but difficult to attack, the imperial court never captured it despite several attempts to suppress bandits.

"Besides, this can't be a princess." Without saying a word, they painted on several people's faces, and after a while, they changed their faces.

Lu Chaochao touched his face in novelty, and his mouth was split to the back of his head.

 It's so fun, so fun.

The gods are not fun, and they don't even want to give them roast chicken.

Evil spirits are not fun either. They all avoid her when they see her.

Old ladies are fun, but they are old bones and don't need to be played with. It had only been two days and he almost died.

 The old lady can't die yet!

  I will be a vegetarian if I die!

 Fufeng Mountain must be interesting, right?

"Look at that girl, isn't she a fool?" The woman was worried, why was she smiling like a fool?

Feeling the woman's gaze, Lu Chaochao smiled more and more, his gums exposed.

 The woman looked away.

How did she know that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away?

 Lu Chaochao, it's even more difficult!