
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 88 Takes Half a Life

"Mother, mother…"

"Mom, it's time to get up and drink medicine."

Before dawn, Mrs. Xu shouted softly outside the door like an evil spirit.

 The old lady is old and will wake up if there is any disturbance.

At this moment, the wind howled outside the window, mixed with faint shouts, which scared the old lady to tremble.

 "Old madam, old madam, are you okay?" Grandma asked outside the curtain.

The old lady looked sullen and a little embarrassed.

"Why don't you bring me a pair of pants quickly? What are you doing standing out here?"

Mammy was startled and frowned slightly.

 The old lady has had urinary incontinence several times in the past few months.

She hurriedly gave the old lady clean clothes and pants, not daring to look at the old lady's face.

"I haven't been able to help you quickly. My body is numb." The old lady didn't wake up from sleep, and her mind was groggy.

Mammy's heart skipped a beat: "Old lady?"

 The old lady seems to be feeling numb from time to time.

The old lady slapped her across the face: "What? You think I'm dirty and smelly? You're a cheap servant, you deserve to dislike your master! You'll be a cow or a horse all your life!" She wet her pants and was embarrassed.

Then I saw the shocked look in my grandma's eyes.

Mammy pursed her lips, lowered her head, and stopped talking.

 The slap marks on one face are extremely obvious.

"It's still dark, what are you shouting out there?" The old lady glanced at the sky, but the rooster hadn't even crowed yet!

Xu's voice was soft: "Mom, the doctor said, you must take your medicine on time."

"Since my daughter-in-law personally attends to illness, she naturally has to rely on the doctor's guidance in everything."

 The old lady felt choked in her heart.

"come in."

Mrs. Xu entered the room, holding a bowl of soup in her hand.

"Mom, my daughter-in-law has never cooked before. I hope you won't dislike her."

The old lady glanced at it. The Chinese medicine was so dark that she couldn't tell anything about it. She just felt that it smelled worse than usual.

She took the bowl and almost vomited after just one sip.

 "What's this weird smell?" The old lady looked at her in shock.

Mrs. Xu blushed in embarrassment: "Mom, my daughter-in-law has been getting up since she was a child to make medicine. She stayed up all night and took a nap in front of the stove. The medicine became a little burnt."

"Don't worry, mother, it won't affect the medicinal properties."

The old lady felt a twinge of anger in her heart, but she had clearly asked Mr. Xu to take care of her, so she had no choice but to endure her nausea and swallow it.

 After drinking it, I felt like vomiting.

The old lady wanted to tease her, so she simply said: "In the morning, I want to eat the breakfast you made by yourself."

Mrs. Xu pursed her lips and said, "Yes, mother."

 The old lady lay down again after drinking, but the disgusting medicine swayed in her stomach, making her feel uncomfortable.

 Tossing and turning and unable to sleep.

 Finally, I just closed my eyes at dawn.


"Mom, it's time to get up and have a meal. My daughter-in-law made breakfast herself and asked my mother to get up and have a meal..."

 The old lady's eyelids were twitching and her fists were clenched!

Mammy couldn't help but feel frightened when she saw her hands and feet shaking slightly.

Originally, she should have stepped forward to comfort the old lady, but remembering the old lady's curse last night, she silently averted her eyes.

 "Old lady, get up and have a meal."

The old lady felt a heavy breath in her heart and couldn't breathe.

 "Pass the meal around." He felt weak even when he spoke.

Xu's haggardness can be seen between her brows, but there is a smile on her face.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law hasn't cooked for a long time. I hope you won't dislike your daughter-in-law." Ms. Xu asked someone to serve the food.

"Yesterday, my mother said she wanted to drink mushroom and chicken soup. These are the mushrooms delivered by Zhuangzi this morning. My daughter-in-law stayed up all night and simmered them for an hour."

"It's still fresh, and my daughter-in-law doesn't even want to touch it."

 Xu personally filled a bowl for her.

The old lady took a taste and it tasted good. She sat down and Mr. Xu stood up.    This is something a mean person would do if they torment their daughter-in-law.

The old lady had a good appetite, so she drank a bowl of mushroom soup and had some snacks.

 The old lady's eyebrows became clearer,

At first, outsiders said that my son was so high up on the Xu family, huh, so what?

Mrs. Xu loved her son terribly, but whenever she said a word, Mrs. Xu would obey it as if it were an imperial edict.

At this moment, seeing the high-ranking daughter of the Xu family, now the mistress of the Hou Mansion, serving her respectfully, the old lady felt extremely happy.


 She raised her hands to cover her stomach, her face contorted.

"What's wrong, mother?" Xu asked suddenly.

The old lady's face was as painful as a blank sheet of paper: "What, what's going on? My stomach, my stomach hurts..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he farted.

 A strange smell suddenly appeared in the house.

 "vomit…" Lu Chaochao lay on the threshold and immediately vomited out all the milk.

 "Grandma, grandma pulled down her pants..." Lu Chaochao said one word and directly lifted the old lady's fig leaf.

The old lady was ashamed and angry, and felt a numb feeling all over her body, like being bitten by ants.

 I felt it carefully, but it was gone again.


 She farted again.

 My stomach began to feel severe pain, as if a pair of big hands were stirring in my stomach.

 "Ah!" The old lady collapsed to the ground immediately.

"Hurry, call the doctor quickly." Mrs. Xu panicked and shouted hurriedly.

"The doctor is taking a rest today, please send her to the hospital quickly." It was too slow to ask the doctor, so everyone hurriedly carried the old lady out.

 Zhongyong Houfu was panicked, and everyone outside looked confused.

 Lu Chaochao stood at the gate and shouted: "Grandma, you need to pull your pants..."

 "Grandma is shy..." I could hear children talking outside.

 The old lady in the carriage fainted to death.

It wasn't until the doctor administered the acupuncture that the old lady slowly woke up.

"Old madam, this is food poisoning. I heard that madam used mountain delicacies this morning. I'm afraid she is poisoned by mountain delicacies."

"Use some decoction, vomit and have diarrhea, spit out the poison, and it will be cured."

"It's just that the old lady is very angry, so she should always control her temper and be careful..." Feng hadn't said anything yet.

As soon as the old lady heard this, she sat up immediately.

"Ms. Xu, you are such a heartless person, you are struck by lightning."

"How dare you harm my mother-in-law? You poisoned me!" When the old lady said this, she was shocked.

 If the daughter-in-law poisons her mother-in-law, it will be fatal.

When Xu heard this, his eyes immediately turned red.

"Mom, how could you slander Yun Niang like this?" She raised her hand to wipe her tears, and everyone saw that her hand was red and swollen.

"My mother said that she was not feeling well and wanted her daughter-in-law to take care of her illness. You said that the medicine should be boiled for a long time so that the medicine would be effective. My daughter-in-law got up to boil the medicine and stayed up all night."

"After drinking the soup, you said you wanted to have breakfast cooked by your daughter-in-law. She comes from a well-known family and has never cooked before, but she still learned to cook."

"The mushrooms were sent by your relatives. My daughter-in-law only helped to put them in the pot. My daughter-in-law has been busy since last night and has never squinted her eyes."

 "Mom, how can you slander Yun Niang?"

"Yunniang has been married to you for eighteen years and has always treated you as my own mother. Why do you slander me like this?" Mrs. Xu wiped her tears gently.

Dengzhi, with red eyes, helped: "Madam's hands were burned."

When everyone heard this, they thought, hey, this rich man's illness is just a formality.

How can anyone personally let the daughter-in-law who is the head of the house take care of her?

 Unless, deliberately grinding.

I also think of Mrs. Zhongyong Houfu, who broke up with her parents in order to marry her lover. This is a real love brain.

How dare she harm the old lady?

Everyone shook their heads, whispered to each other, and looked at the old lady vaguely, their eyes full of accusations.

 The old lady felt the disdainful eyes of everyone.

 Being red with anger.