
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 90 Chaochao’s new friend

The carriage left the capital in a grand manner.

Lu Chaochao was holding a small milk bottle and squatting obediently in the corner of the carriage.

With tears in his eyes, the four-year-old boy who was dressed gorgeously looked around: "They are human traffickers, we were abducted." His voice was trembling, and he could not hide his fear.

 Lu Chaochao looked at him in surprise.

 "Little Guoguo, you just know..."

The little boy was stunned?

She already knew?

 But looking at the little girl who was only one year old, she sniffed again. What does a one-year-old child know?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes.

"There must be some internal agents in the capital. They transported such a large car of people out quietly."

 "Dad and mother should be anxious."

"I...my grandfather was the chief minister, and my family has been passed down for ten generations. Do you think they will let me go if I tell them?" The little boy is only four years old, and he wants to be well protected at home. He looks a little silly and sweet.


 Lu Chaochao was startled for a moment.

 Her maternal grandfather, the old master, might have been on an equal footing with the chief minister when he was not in office.

But after becoming an official, even though her second uncle was a second-rank official, he was still far behind his first assistant.

This is a true honorable person.

 The only Miao Miao that has been passed down for ten generations.

Lu Chaochao looked at him and looked at him. The little guy blinked: "Then... they will kill you."

 The little boy burst into tears.

 "Ni Ming, why doesn't he have a name?" Lu Chaochao was curious.

"Woooooo, my name is Yuan Man, you can call me Manman. Wuwuwu, can we still escape..." Yuan Man cried so sadly.

 Lu Chaochao finished drinking the milk, but the pot was empty.


At this moment, the carriage was getting more and more bumpy, and a flock of birds could be vaguely heard outside.

 The girl in the carriage also woke up faintly, and when she woke up, she cried in fear.

"Where is this? Who are you? Let me go back quickly..."

 The woman was about fifteen or sixteen years old. There were three women in the carriage, all of whom were very good-looking.

 Two of them had patched clothes and looked quite poor.

There was also a woman, although she was dressed like a maid, her face was extremely delicate, and she looked like a young lady from a rich family.

"Where is this? Let me out quickly." Several women cried, but the woman dressed as a maid huddled in the corner of the carriage and looked around warily.

 Looking at the two children, Lu Chaochao and Yuan Man, he frowned slightly.

 "Cry, cry, cry, why are you crying? I picked you up to go to the mountains to enjoy the blessings!"

"Going to our Fufeng Mountain, you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food. That's a blessing. Don't even think about escaping."

The man who spoke bared his teeth and looked extremely ferocious.

  The people were so frightened that they sobbed quietly and did not dare to make any noise.

 It's just that my whole body is shaking even more.

Several people retreated one after another, looking frightened.

 And Lu Chaochao…

 Climbed to the window and stretched out his little hand: "Make milk!"

 The scarred face looked at her faintly, and Lu Chaochao glared back with his big eyes.

 "Wo! One year old, drink milk!" Pointing to myself, I am one year old, what should I drink if I don't drink milk?

The man reluctantly took away the milk bottle and muttered as he walked: "Next time, don't walk on such a small bottle and have to make milk on the way?!"

The woman vaguely said: "She is so good-looking that she was sold as a child bride."

"Just make milk. At least she won't cry. It's just that her head doesn't work well. She just sits there and giggles from time to time..." The two of them muttered for a while, and when passing by the next town, they gave Lu Chaochao a jug of milk.

Lu Chaochao didn't mind it either, and drank tons and tons of it.

Along the way, others were crying and crying, and she kept drinking.

 She pinched the soft flesh around her waist and patted her belly, and her clothes became smaller.

 Late night.

Several people were pushed out of the carriage, which had already reached the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, I saw four or five men with knives following the carriage.

"Go up the mountain. Hurry, get up the mountain immediately." Several people looked quite nervous.

"Half a day after you left Beijing, the city gates were sealed in the middle of the capital. Fortunately, you walked quickly." "I don't know what happened in the city, so I searched and searched for you all the way." Several people were still frightened.

"Please, please let me go. If you want money, you can ask me to raise money from my family, okay?" A woman knelt on the ground and kept crying.

 At night, you can vaguely see this cliff-like mountain peak. If you go up, you may not be able to get back down.

Several men smiled maliciously: "Raising money?"

"Brother, you are not short of money. If you are short of money, just go out and grab it."

 "What brothers are lacking is people."

"Quickly, go up the mountain! Don't say anything. If you don't go, chop off your hands and feet and throw them on the mountain to feed the blind bears. The most indispensable thing in our Fufeng Mountain is the blind bears." As soon as the scar-faced man spoke, everyone froze. .

Several women cried and moved forward, with Yuan Man following behind. Their feet were pierced by thorns on the ground, and there were faint traces of blood.

 Lu Chaochao opened his hand towards Scarface.

Scarface looked at her blankly, and did not come back to his senses for a while.

 "Hug it." She muttered.

 She pointed to the grass, and then to herself. The grass was not high enough, so he wouldn't expect to climb up on it, would he? ?

 She is still a baby.

 "Hold her, she can't walk." The woman winked.

"Pick that kid up too, so as not to waste time. The eldest master is going back to the village today, so he can be happy." The woman continued.

 A man next to him carried Yuan Man on his shoulders, and everyone strode up the mountain.

The mountain road was so rugged that several women almost fell down crying all the way.

 The mountains were high and trembling, and wolves howling could be heard from time to time. Several women were so frightened that they trembled all over.

"Why are there so many birds tonight?" The woman stretched out her hand to chase them away, and the sky above her head was full of birds.

 Lu Chaochao, however, would imitate a bird call from time to time.

"Friend, friend Wo..." Lu Chaochao pointed at the bird.

 "Wo and them, talk…"

 "Wo has made a new friend…"

"Awwwww..." She howled twice more, her milk was squeaking, and she was a little cute.

 But no one took it seriously.

 Isn't it normal for a one-year-old child to talk nonsense?

who knows…

From the other side of the mountain, echoing wolf howls came from the other side, each sound getting faster and faster, and it seemed that there were more and more people gathering together.

 Everyone's expressions changed instantly.

 "Hurry, hurry, there are wolves! Move quickly, hurry!"

"If you don't want to leave, feed the wolves!" As soon as these words came out, the women who were dragging them who didn't want to go up the mountain all quickened their pace.

 Lu Chaochao lay on the man's back: "Ouch, ow, ow, ow..."

 "Ouch, ow, ow, ow…"

"Why are these wolves so hot on the trail? It's really bad luck that we happened to meet a wolf pack!"

 "This little cub is still barking blindly. Those who don't know better think she's the one who brought it on!" The woman was so tired that she was sweating profusely. She kept looking back to listen to the sounds to identify the direction of the wolves.

 "Children love to scream, so just leave her alone and just don't cry."

No one took her seriously.

 Lu Chaochao clapped his little hands, with an excited face and bright eyes: "Wo has made a new friend..."

 "They scream Ao Ao." Lu Chaochao smiled.

 "They are so enthusiastic…" They actually came to welcome me, such enthusiastic companions…

 It's so fun, Fufeng Mountain is so fun.

 She must make friends all over the place!

Yuan Man glanced at her and then at the pack of wolves chasing after her.

How does he feel that the sound of wolves and her...

 Something is wrong.

 It's like singing in harmony and responding to her deliberately!