
The Whole Family Went Crazy Listening To My Thoughts, I Was Responsibl

[Family reading skills + cannon fodder + group pet + boss wears books + pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger + cool article] Lu Chaochao went through the book. He was transformed into a cannon fodder who was drowned at birth and whose identity was taken over by the heroine. The heroine killed her relatives out of righteousness and reported that her adoptive mother and grandfather were collaborating with the enemy and treason, causing the whole family to be wiped out. The heroine takes back her mother, escapes from her scumbag father, Jin Chan, and lives a beautiful life together. Only Lu Chaochao and his whole family are stepping stones. Lu Chaochao looked at his mother who had been brainwashed for many years: “Mom, your beloved husband is waiting for the birth of a child outside the house.” The love brain mother is awake! Lu Chaochao looked at his disabled elder brother and sighed: “Brother, you are being abused, you are so beautiful, strong and miserable! Fortunately, I can heal your leg!” Turning around, the eldest brother hit three yuan in a row, trampling all the talents in the capital under his feet. “Second brother, what you believe is inhumane. Your best friend is Daddy Scumbag’s concubine! ” “Third brother, you were deliberately raised to be useless. You are uneducated and have a gambling habit. In the end, you became a human pig.” Lu Chaochao complained, realizing that the whole family had changed their fate against fate. The scumbag was divorced, and the three brothers became the best among men! Even holding a milk bottle in her mouth, she is admired by the whole world!

Line_Huang · Teen
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444 Chs

Chapter 87 Xie Sui cried

 "Brother Tai Zhi…"

When Lu Chaochao saw the prince, he immediately jumped down and ran straight towards the prince.

 The prince hurriedly picked her up.

 "Porridge here! It's fun…"

 "Wo, I've made a good friend! Okay, good friend!" Lu Chaochao turned his head and found the group of evil spirits, retreating little by little.

 "Muds, don't leave." Lu Chaochao wanted to introduce them to the prince.

 "Hey, hey, why are you running?" The more Lu Chaochao shouted, the faster the evil spirits ran...

They even left the palace and ran quickly outside the palace.

  The centuries-old evil spirit that cannot be driven away is like seeing a demon at this moment.

 Lu Chaochao's face fell.

With a drooping face, he said, "Why did you leave because of Shenma? Don't you want to go to court?"

Yuqin looked pale, and it took a long time to find her voice: "You kick someone's head..."

Lu Chaochao was dissatisfied: "It was him who took off his head!"

 "It's handed to Wo!"

Yuqin was speechless: But I took off my head to scare you.

 And you, kicking people's heads like balls.

Moreover, I don't know why, but it's really strange that she can touch evil spirits.

 "What a shame, they are not fertile." Lu Chaochao lay in the prince's arms with a sad look on his face.

Concubine Xian was stunned.

 She was sluggish.

 "Xie...Xie Sui left?"

 "Li, have you left Xianqing Palace?"

The abbot of Huguo Temple couldn't get rid of the evil spirits, so he just left like this? Just run away like this?

Concubine Xian's eyes became more intense, and the prince gave her a sharp look.

Concubine Xian came to her senses slightly.

 But how could she give up the prince?

She fell to her knees with a snap.

This time, she knelt down willingly.

"Chachao, Chaochao, you have a way to control evil spirits, right?"

"Can you save brother Jun An? He is only six years old, and he will always be with the ancient Buddha throughout his life. I beg Chao Chao, can you save him?"

"Auntie, I beg you. I'll work like a cow or a horse for you. I'll spend my whole life repaying your kindness." Concubine Xian was in a critical condition and sought medical treatment. She didn't want to think about anything but to save her son.

"Auntie and the Protector of the Country are willing to follow Chao Chao for the rest of their lives."

 Xie Junan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Chao Chao to be so powerful.

 Lu Chaochao tilted his head: "Evil?"

She has countless merits and virtues and is naturally capable of restraining evil spirits.

Even the strands of hair are filled with the breath of merit.

She happily pulled out a few hairs, bared her teeth and said, "Here, give me some mud."

  [But it cannot resist big evil spirits, general evil spirits are no problem. ]

 "Hair? Hair can ward off evil spirits?" the prince asked.

 Xiao Chaochao nodded.

 "Wo, evil nemesis!" She patted her chest with a look of pride on her face.

  Xie Junan held a few strands of hair in his hands and felt that the dark aura around him began to fade away.

The concubine Xian was thoughtful, and the prince frowned slightly.

"Put it up with amulets, and it means you have found something powerful to restrain evil spirits."

 "You must never reveal any news about the DPRK."

"My dear concubine, you know your majesty's methods." The prince's tone was stern, and the concubine felt a chill go down her spine, and she understood.

 No wonder His Majesty loves Chao Chao so much.

"Prince, don't worry. Chao Chao has been very kind to Jun'an, and I will not repay the kindness with enmity." Concubine Xian held her son's hand tightly.

"Today Chaochao came to Xianqing Palace. In order to avoid suspicion, the four emperor brothers will still return to Huguo Temple with the abbot tomorrow."

"In the fifth month, it was the birthday of the Concubine Xian, so she took the opportunity to return to the palace and no longer went to Huguo Temple."

It just so happens that Mr. Lu Hou must have made peace with the Xu family.

There is no need to hide anything anymore.

Although the Concubine Xian wanted to keep her son, she also knew that the prince's intention was the emperor's intention, so she immediately said no more.

 The gloom in his eyebrows disappeared and gradually brought joy.

"This is a token of the Protector's Office. With this token, the Protector's Office will do its best to help." Concubine Xian looked at her with doting and kind eyes.

Lu Chaochao looked at the jade pendant in front of him with an expressionless expression. Fortunately the prince got it back for her.

 The Protector is a military commander with real power, and his tokens are as heavy as Mount Tai.

 Xie Junan also looked at Lu Chaochao gratefully and gave her a big salute.

 Lu Chaochao was already drowsy when he was carried back to the palace.

 So sleepy that I can't even open my eyes.

The prince personally took care of her, washed her, covered her with a quilt, and then left the palace.

 Early on the second day.

It was still dark, so Mrs. Xu went to the palace to pick up the people.

 After Lu Chaochao finished eating the royal meal, he saw his mother arriving and immediately rushed towards her.

 "Liangqin, Chaochao misses Ni..." The little guy hugged Mrs. Xu dependently.

Mrs. Xu didn't sleep well last night. When she saw the joy on her face, she knew that she had not suffered any grievances, and a big stone fell to the ground.

"You still want to marry me, mother, I see you are having fun?" Mrs. Xu teased her.

Lu Chaochao grinned happily, the food in the palace is delicious.

 Xu was speechless after hearing her thoughts.

The two of them thanked the emperor for his kindness, and then left the palace intimately.

At this moment, Lord Lu was going out to court.

When he went out, he happened to meet the abbot of Huguo Temple entering the capital.

 The abbot is also a state advisor and has a high status. Courtiers must bow to him when they see him.

 And he heard that Lord Lu paid his respects.

  But he raised his hand.

"You don't need to be polite to the Marquis. The Marquis is very blessed, and a poor monk cannot deserve the Lord's worship." Although he was blind, he could calculate the fortune of Lord Lu's house.

 Even vaguely entangled with the fate of the country.

How did he know that the prince and Chao Chao shared their lives.

Master Lu suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, exchanged a few words with the abbot, and then watched the imperial master enter the palace.

 Sure enough, his Jinghuai Jingyao has a noble destiny.

 He took a gentle breath.

 He made up his mind secretly.


Master Lu frowned slightly, not daring to reveal his thoughts.

 A clenched fist, vaguely revealing clues.

 He is about to take action.

As soon as Mrs. Xu returned home with Chao Chao, she heard the news from the maid in front of the old lady.

 A trace of disgust flashed in Xu's eyes.

 But his face is extremely dignified.

"Mother Yun, I'm afraid my health is in jeopardy. I'll get sick again and again this year, which will drag you down..." The old lady sighed when she saw her.

 She had occasionally caught wind and cold in the past few days and became seriously ill.

Mrs. Xu only smiled and comforted her by saying that she would live a long life.

"Mother couldn't help but think of the days when you served me as a sick person. How could you not be as dedicated as you were to the maids?" When Mrs. Xu first came in, she personally attended to the old lady.

 She is more respectful than her own mother by pooping and peeing.

Dengzhi pursed his lips tightly, his eyes full of anger.

The wealthy people served the disease, and they all passed the field.

 Unless, deliberately making things difficult.

There are many ways for a mother-in-law to make things difficult for her daughter-in-law.

"But you are now a third-grade imperial concubine, and I am not worthy of it. That's all, my mother is overthinking it..." The old lady waved her hand.

Xu's face smiled virtuously: "Mother, why is this worthy?"

"It is the right thing for a daughter-in-law to serve her mother."

"From tomorrow onwards, my daughter-in-law will personally cook meals and medicines for the old lady, and personally attend to the old lady's illnesses." Mrs. Xu's suggestion made the old lady raise her eyebrows slightly.

 What about the legitimate daughter of a noble family?

Aren't you going to carry your **** and pee for me?

 Xu's face is full of smiles, but his skin is not smiling. How can he serve his illness?

 Old woman, it's up to you whether you can bear it!

 It depends on how many lives you have!