
The Whisper In The Ice

A teenage girl named Roxie suddenly has the power of ice at the age of fourteen. Then, she transferred to a special school called the Fiaxora Academy, where she had to hone her power to become stronger. Also, in this place, she is determined to find her missing father since the age of ten, who turns out to be the King of the Oryn Kingdom, and she had to discover a reason why she should be protected from Lord Seifer who currently ruled over her father's and her soon-to-be kingdom. Will she be able to find her father? What will happen if she encounters Lord Seifer? Will she fight or will she run away? ~ • ~

TrinityPhoenix · Fantasy
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34 Chs

First Day of School

~ • ~

Today is the first day I'm going to school.

It's been three days since I was separated from my mother.

I'm already missing her.

I even brought my phone here, but I'm not sure if I can call her. For all I know, there might be no signal here. I don't know, I haven't tried it. Maybe I will by going to the mountains.

But rather than that, I have to keep in mind the reason and my purpose for coming to this school. It's all for finding my father.

I still don't understand what made him disappear. Therefore, I am determined to find the answers in this school. Today at least I have to find one clue about him.

Right now, I'm getting ready to go to my first school assembly with my friends. In dressing, I like to keep my outfits for school pretty simple. For me, jeans are every girls' personal piece in their wardrobe. Without those jeans, we have to find other ways to mix our tops with our bottoms. Another option is to wear a skirt.

And I hate wearing skirts the most.

It sucks, having to feel like there's an air blowing through your thighs. It feels like your legs are open wide. That's why I preferred to wear jeans rather than skirts.

I contemplate wearing black or blue jeans. In the end result, I chose to wear blue jeans to look fresh on my first day of school.

Next, when it comes to shirts, I have about five that are my regulars. The first is a simple black tee that has a few words on it and easy to wear. I often layer it under a jacket, it's very versatile to pair with all kinds of clothes.

The next top is a white tee. I also love this because it is extremely easy to wear, and looks especially simple yet classic. I also find myself frequently reaching for a long-sleeve graphic tee, a short-sleeve graphic tee, and a neutral v-neck sweater. Between these five tops and my two favorite pairs of jeans, I can put together a super simple outfit in seconds.

The final touch, I chose to wear a short-sleeve graphic tee in white and layered with a black bomber jacket, along with white shoes.

Now I'm good to go!

I'm the type of person who doesn't wear makeup, even if it's light, I just don't like it.

As for my hair, I let it dangling behind me.

Then, for bags ...

Is it necessary here?

I looked at my roommates who were getting ready too. They are all still busy in choosing their clothes.

I looked at the White Grandfather Clock, there are only 20 minutes left for the School Assembly to begin.

If only I had memorized the places around this school, maybe I could have gone to the auditorium first. And now they had just put on the clothes that they had finally choose after an hour ago.

I groaned.

I walked and sat cross-legged on the large round red carpet placed in the middle of the room, waiting for the four of them to get dressed.

"Hey, Roxie," called Livy.

I turned to her, "Yes?"

"How's your burn? Has it disappeared?" Livy asked worriedly.

I smiled, appreciating her worry. I raised my hand near my face, then I pulled my jacket sleeve up.

I saw that there was still a little pink bruise that left a mark. But, I guess it's alright.

I pulled back my sleeve down and turned back to Livy.

"It left some marks, but I don't think it hurts anymore, so I guess it's okay,"

But, Livy walked and squatted in front of me.

"Here, let me cure your hands. It's not good for a girl to have a wound on her skin," she said, pulling my two wrists.

"Cure ...?" I tilted my head, astonished at the sentence.

She held my hand, then a few moments later a green light shone in our hands. Our hair was blown by the wind that emerged from the light.

I widened my eyes, amazed by Livy's energy.

Oh, okay. So this is what she means by cure.

I just realized it.

A few moments later, the light shrank back into Livy's hands. I raised my hands to see if it changes. My jacket sleeve slides smoothly down to my elbows, and I saw that my wrists are clean from any burn marks.

"Gee, thanks a lot, Livy!" I exclaimed happily, looking at Livy.

Livy also smiled back, "No problem, Roxie. A few days ago I wanted to immediately heal your hands but I always get distracted with Skye and the others. I'm sorry," She admitted, smiling apologetically at me.

I shook my head, "No, it's okay. I'm just grateful now that my hands are healed,"

"Thank goodness," she said with a sigh of relief.

The others then walked towards us.

"So are you guys ready?" asked Frey.

"Yeah-" I nodded, but then remembered something.

"But, wait, what about our bags? Did you guys bring any bag to school?"

"Pssh, sweetheart, we don't bring any bags to school. That's typical for normal humans," joked Jessie, chuckling.

"Oh, but at least you guys have some books here to learn theories, right?"

"Books can be brought from the library," Skye pointed out.

"In this school, we don't study world subjects like other humans, but we learn the theory of abilities, elements, and practical lessons with our powers. Now, do you still want to carry a bag after hearing this?" Frey raised an eyebrow, smiled amusedly.

I blinked, "Hmm, nope," popping the 'p' sound.

"Then, what are we waiting for? let's go,"

~ • ~

It took us 15 minutes to go to the auditorium where it was on the upper floor of the school building. We had to climb some stairs on the way up.

The remaining 5 minutes was used by Livy healing my hands and I waited for the others to get ready.

No wonder, we're late.

By the time we walked into the school auditorium, everyone was already sitting quietly listening to the Headmaster, Beatrice speak.

We're already 5 minutes late. We're now squatting around looking for an empty bench.

Some students looked at us confusedly, some students shook their heads, and some students didn't care and remained focused listening in front.

Shortly after we got an empty seat that fits five people. We sat there and breathed a sigh of relief. Then, we focused on listening to the Headmaster's speech.

"... Welcome, to the girls who have just entered this auditorium. I hope you will ask the important points to the others who have already arrived earlier. 5 minutes late for the first time is fine but if you're repeating it, there's no way I will let you guys go unpunished. That goes for everyone as well. Be punctual, is that clear?" stated Beatrice firmly.

"Yes, Headmaster Beatrice," everyone said in unison. Later, they turned their heads towards us.

We widened our eyes when we heard Beatrice address us, and then we hung our heads in shame.

We haven't even breathed a sigh of relief, and we're already got humiliation first by Beatrice.

Oh, how badly I want to be an ostrich now, burying my face inside a hole.

A few moments later, they turned again to the front listening to Beatrice's speech.

All of sudden, there was the voice of a boy chuckling behind us.

"Wow, you guys just started school and have gotten a lot of attention? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm so jealous," the man said sarcastically.

We then looked back to see that we were sitting in front of the school princes.

Well, I guess luck is not on our side today. Moreover, on my first day of school.

Wait, this brown-haired guy. I forgot his name. I thought he was nice though.

"Val, just leave them alone," Ben scolded, glaring at him.

'Oh, right, his name is Val,'

"Ah, you're no fun, Ben," Val pouted.

Then, Ben sighed and looked at us.

"Sorry about that, girls. He likes to tease people," Ben addressed the situation, and all of us only nodded in response.

We don't want to get involved much with the princes. Then, we turned our heads back to the front. I was about to start focusing on listening to the speech, Ben called me out again.

"Say, you're that girl from that hallway in the tournament, right? The one who fights with Demitri. Yeah, it's you, isn't it?"

I didn't turn around, I don't want to.

"It's her, isn't it? Demitri?"

As he mentioned Demitri's name, I widened my eyes slightly.

"Hmm, I don't know. I don't really remember a girl who doesn't give me her name,"

I could him smirking behind me, 'That bastard,'

Nope, I won't turn around. It's a trick. I don't want to get caught by Beatrice once again.

"Why don't you tell us your name, little girl?" teased Demitri, bring his mouth close to ear from behind.

I flinched out of shock at how near he was. But I still ignore him and focused on forward.

Several times he bothered me by tapping his feet behind my chair.

I'm still ignoring him no matter how many times he wants to get my attention in a childish way.

He continued doing this until almost the end of the School Assembly.

My friends kept looking at me with concern, but I'm very annoyed with the bastard behind me.

I kept ignoring him.

After the Assembly has finished, I quickly grabbed Livy's hand without looking at Demitri and his friends, and we dashed out of the auditorium. The others automatically tagging along behind us.

~ • ~

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